Ado Hamelryck, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1988. Drawing, wood, cardboard, gesso, blackboard paint, graphite pencil, 126 x 60 cm.
Bert De Beul, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1994. Painting, oil on canvas, 53 x 45 cm.
Michelangelo Pistoletto, Intermediterraneo, 2002. Multiple, mirror, 25 x 35 x 0.4 cm.
Dan Flavin, Untitled (to the real Dan Hill) 1b, 1978. Sculpture, neon, 244 x 12 x 22 cm.
The starting point for the M HKA’s collection was the Gordon Matta-Clark Foundation, established in an unsuccessful attempt by the Internatio
M HKA sets as its core task to ‘present an art hypothesis to the public’ or, in other words, to ‘mediate a vision of art’. This Art Hypothesi
The M HKA’s contemporary art collection has grown thanks to a combination of acquisitions, donations and long-term loans from various public
The M HKA collection continues to expand. When new artwork is purchased, primary consideration will be given to the avant-garde tradition in