>With the generous support of Mondriaan Fonds
>William Morris, The Roots of the Mountains, 1889.Book, ink, paper, 424 p, language: English, publisher: Reeves and Turner.
>William Morris, A Tale of the House of the Wolfings and All the Kindreds of the Mark, 1889.Book, ink, paper, 199 p, language: English, publisher: London: Reeves and Turner, ISBN: N/A.
>William Morris, News from Nowhere, 1890.Book, ink, paper, 185 p, language: English.
>William Morris, The Story of the Glittering Plain, 1891.Book, ink, paper, language: English, publisher: Kelmscott Press, ISBN: N/A.
>William Morris, Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, 1895.Book, ink, paper, 2 volumes: 256 p, 239 p, language: English, publisher: Kelmscott Press, ISBN: N/A.
>William Morris, The Water of the Wondrous Isles, 1896.Book, ink, paper, 340 p, language: English, publisher: Kelmscott Press.
>William Morris, The Sundering Flood, 1897.Book, ink, paper, 508 p, language: English, publisher: Kelmscott Press.
>Jean de Bosschère, Dolorine et les Ombres, 1911.Book, ink, paper, 25.7 x 20 cm, 213 p., language : French, publisher : Bibliothèque de "L'Occident", Paris.
>Hugo Ball, Flametti, or The Dandyism of the Poor, 1918.Book, ink, paper, 15,24 x 22,86 cm, 200 p., language : English, publisher : Wakefield Press, ISBN : 978-1-939663-03-0.
>Wyndham Lewis, Tarr, 1918-2010.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.7 cm, 335 p, language : English, publisher : Oxford University Press, New York, ISBN : 9780199567201, Collection Oxford World's Classics.
>E. E. Cummings, The Enormous Room, 1922.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 20.6 cm, 224 p, language: English, publisher: Boni & Liveright Inc. (1922), Dover Publications (2002), ISBN: 978-0486421209.
>Boris Schatz, Jerusalem Rebuilt: A Daydream, 1924.Artist Novel, ink, paper.
>Francis Picabia, Caravansérail, 1924-2013.Book, ink, paper, 18.6 x 13.2 cm, 200 p, language: French, publisher: Belfond, ISBN: 978-2714456595.
>José Gutierrez-Solana, Florencio Cornejo, 1926.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13 cm, 80 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Devenir/Juan Pastor Editor, ISBN: 84-86419-98-0.
>Jean de Bosschère, Marthe et l'enragé, 1927.Book, ink, paper, 18.8 x 12 cm, 335 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Émile-Paul Frères, Paris.
>Wyndham Lewis, The Childermass, 1928-2000.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12.9 cm, 401 p, language : English, publisher : Calder Publications /Riverrun Press, London/New York, Series : Modern European Classics From Calder, ISBN : 071454311X.
>Jack Butler Yeats, SLIGO, 1930.Book, ink, paper, 19.3 x 12.7 cm, 158 p., language : English, publisher : Wishart & Company, London.
>Wyndham Lewis, The Apes of God, 1930-1965.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.9 cm, 650 p, language : English, publisher : The Pinguin Group, London, ISBN : 0-14-008702-8.
>Emil Nolde, Das eigene Leben, 1931.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.1 x 16.7 cm, 251 p., language : German, publisher : Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, Köln, edition 1967.
>Jack Butler Yeats, Sailing Sailing Swiftly, 1933.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 12.5 cm, 169 p., language : English, publisher : Putnam, London.
>Jean de Bosschère, Satan l'Obscur, 1933.Book, ink, paper, 18.7 x 12 cm, 275 p., language : French, publisher : Les Éditions Denoël & Steele, Paris.
>Emil Nolde, Jahre der Kämpfe, 1934.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.1 x 16.7 cm, 271 p., language : German, publisher : Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, Köln, ISBN : 3-7701-0416-1, edition 1967.
>Jack Butler Yeats, The Amaranthers, 1936.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 14 cm, 273 p., language : English, publisher : William Heinemann Ltd, London/Toronto.
>Wyndham Lewis, The Revenge for Love, 1937-2004.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.9 cm, 379 p, 5th edition, language : English, publisher : Penguin Books, London, ISBN : 9780141187648, Collection Pinguin Modern Classics.
>Jack Butler Yeats, The Charmed Life, 1938.Book, ink, paper, 18.9 x 13 cm, 295 p., language : English, publisher : Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, London (1974), ISBN : 0-7100-7667-3.
>Jean Cocteau, La Fin du Potomak, 1940.Artist Novel, 19 x 12 cm, 195 p., language: French, publisher: Gallimard, Paris..
>Jean de Bosschère, The House of Forsaken Hope, 1942.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 13.5 cm, 226 p., language : English, publisher : The Fortune Press, London.
>Jean de Bosschère, VANNA dans les jardins de Paris, 1945.Book, ink, paper, 18.5 x 12 cm, 257 p., language : French, publisher : Robert Laffont, Paris.
>Jack Butler Yeats, The Careless Flower, 1947.Book, ink, paper, 18.4 x 12.8 cm, 240 p., language : English, publisher : The Pilot Press Ltd, London.
>Isidore Isou, L’Agrégation d’un Nom et d’un Messie, 1947.Book, 20.5 x 14 cm, 452 p., language: French, publisher: Gallimard, ISBN: 2070233154.
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>Öyvind Fahlström, Ryska Dansöser, 1948-1949.Artist Novel, ink, paper, language: Swedish.
>Isidore Isou, Isou ou la Mécanique des Femmes, 1949.Book, ink, paper, 20 cm, 294 p, language: French, publisher: Aux Escaliers de Lausanne.
>Pierre Klossowski, La vocation suspendue, 1950.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 12.4 cm, 150 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Gallimard, Paris, Édition 1990 (Ouvrage reproduit par procédé photomécanique), ISBN : 2-07-072169-8.
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>Öyvind Fahlström, Bröd, 1952.Artist Novel, ink, paper, Language: Swedish.
>Wyndham Lewis, Self Condemned, 1954.Book, ink, paper, 18.9 x 12.5 cm, 407 p., language : English, publisher : Methuen and Co. Ltd., London.
>Wyndham Lewis, Monstre Gai, 1955.Book, ink, paper, 18.4 x 12.2 cm, 253 p, language : English, publisher : John Calder Ltd., London, Series : Jupiter Books, J-12.
>Wyndham Lewis, Malign Fiesta, 1955.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 12 cm, 239 p, language : English, publisher : Calder and Boyars Ltd., London, Series : Jupiter Books, J-16.
>Christian Dotremont, La Pierre et l’Oreiller, 1955.Book, ink, paper, 18.8 x 12.6 cm, 224 p, language: French, publisher: Gallimard (2004), ISBN: 9782070739295.
>Wyndham Lewis, The Red Priest, 1956.Book, ink, paper, 18.9 x 13.2 cm, 298 p, language : English, publisher : Methuen and Co. Ltd., London.
>Pati Hill, The Nine Mile Circle, 1957.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 14 cm, 172 p., language : English, publisher : The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
>Bruno Schulz, Sklepy cynamonowe (The Cinnamon Shops), 1957.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12.5 cm, 284 p, language: Polish, publisher: Kraków-Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Literackie, ISBN: 83-08-01175-6.
>Bruno Schulz, Sanatorium Pod Klepsydra (Sanatorium Under The Sign of the Hourglass), 1957.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12.5 cm, 284 p, language: Polish, publisher: Kraków-Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Literackie, ISBN: 83-08-01175-6.
>Carl Andre, Billy Builder, or the Painfull Machine: A Novel of Velocity, 1959.Book, ink, paper, 22.8 x 15 cm, 31 p, language: English, publisher: Tracks: A Journal of Artists' Writings. Chapters I-IV. In: Tracks 2:2, 1976. Chapters V-XI. In: Tracks 2:3, 1976. Chapters XII-XVI In: Tracks 3:1 and 2, 1977..
>Pati Hill, Prosper, 1960.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.1 x 14 cm, 169 p., language : English, publisher : Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston & The Riverside Press, Cambridge (MA).
>Ithell Colquhoun, Goose of Hermogenes, 1961.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.9 cm, 115 p., language : English, publisher : Peter Owen Publishers, London, 2003, ISBN : 0-7206-1177-6.
>Pati Hill, One Thing I Know, 1962.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 12 cm, 105 p., language: English; publisher: Daisy Editions, Paris, 978-2-9576611-2-1.
>Roland Topor, Le locataire chimérique, 1964.Book, ink, paper, 19.2 x 14.1 cm, 185 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Buchet/Chastel, Paris.
>Emil Nolde, Welt und Heimat, 1965.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.1 x 16.7 cm, 178 p., language : German, publisher : Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, Köln, ISBN : 3-7701-0587-9, edition 1965.
>Pierre Klossowski, The Baphomet, 1965.Book, ink, paper, 21.8 x 13.8 cm, 173 p., language : English, publisher : Eridanos Press, Inc., Hygiene, Colorado, Edition 1988, ISBN : 0941419-17-7.
>Pierre Klossowski, Les lois de l'hospitalité (La Révocation de l'Édit de Nantes - Roberte, ce soir - Le Souffleur), 1965.Book, ink, paper, 18.9 x 12.4 cm, 350 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Gallimard, Paris, Édition 2001 (Ouvrage reproduit par procédé photomécanique), ISBN : 2-07-074211-3.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, De nachtschrijver, 1966.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.5 x 13 cm, 118 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeversmaatschappij A. Manteau n.v., Brussel/Den Haag.
>Emil Nolde, Reisen, Ächtung, Befreiung, 1967.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.1 x 16.7 cm, 183 p., language : German, publisher : Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, Köln, ISBN : 3-7701-0418-8.
>Roland Topor, La Princesse Angine, 1967.Book, ink, paper, 20.4 x 14 cm, 222 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Buchet/Chastel, Paris (2003), ISBN : 2-283-01948-6.
>Michael Ayrton, The Maze Maker, 1967.Book, ink, paper, 21.7 x 15 cm, 320 p., language : English, publisher : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York/Chicago/San Francisco.
>Öyvind Fahlström, Den helige Torsten Nilsson, 1968.Book, ink, paper, 130 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Albert Bonniers Förlag, ISBN : N/A.
>Unica Zürn, The Trumpets of Jericho, 1968.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11.4 cm, 52 p., language : English, publisher : Wakefield Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2015, ISBN : 978-1-939663-09-2.
>AA Bronson, A. C. McWhortle, A. L. Bronson, Lena / Lana, 1968-2009.Book, 17.5 x 11 cm, 180 p (ed. 2009), language: English, publishers: Taurus books (1968), Venus Library (1971), Media Guru (2009).
>Andy Warhol, a, A novel, 1968.Book, ink, paper, 23,2 x 15,7 cm, 451 p, language: English, publisher: Grove Press Inc, New York, ISBN: N/A.
>Leopold Buczkowski , Black Torrent, 1969.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 14 cm, 200 p., language : English, publisher : The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge (MA)/London, England.
>Roland Topor, Erika, 1969.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 11.8 cm, 160 p., language : French, publisher : Christian Bourgois éditeur, Paris.
>Unica Zürn, Dark Spring, 1969.Book, ink, paper, 20.2 x 15.2 cm, 115 p., language : English, publisher : Exact Change, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2000, ISBN : 978-1-878972-30-9.
>Roland Topor, Joko fête son anniversaire, 1969.Book, ink, paper, 18.5 x 12.2 cm, 156 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Buchet/Chastel, Paris.
>Brion Gysin, The Process, 1970.Book, ink, paper, 20.3 x 13.9 cm, 353 p, language : English, ISBN : 224 61777 X, publisher : Jonathan Cape Ltd..
>Walter van den Broeck , Jef Geys, 362.880 X Jef Geys (Een multiepel), 1970.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 197 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Manteau n.v., Brussel/Den Haag, .
>Dick Higgins, Amigo - a Sexual Odyssey, 1972.Book, ink, paper, 23.4 x 16 cm, language: English, publisher: Unpublished Editions, Barton, Vermont..
>Qei No Mysxdod, Guy de Cointet, Espahor Ledet Ko Uluner!, 1973.Book, ink, paper, 12.7 x 20.3 cm, 80 p, language: Unknown. Self-published .
>Jack Butler Yeats, Ah Well - A Romance in Perpetuity & And to You Also, 1974.Book, ink, paper, 18.3 x 12.2 cm, 234 p., language : English, publisher : Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, London, ISBN : 0-7100-7666-5, Ah Well, first published in 1942 - And To You Also, first published in 1944.
>Alain Arias-Misson, Confessions of a Murderer, Rapist, Fascist, Bomber, Thief (or a year in the journal of an ordinary American), 1974.Book, ink, paper, 28.5 x 22 cm, 116 p, language: English, Publisher: Chicago Review press, Chicago, ILL (USA). ISBN 0-914090-05-4.
>Roland Topor, Mémoires d'un vieux con, 1975.Book, ink, paper, 18.7 x 12.5 cm, 152 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Wombat, Paris (2011), ISBN : 9782919186044.
>Joe Brainard, I Remember, 1975.Book, ink, paper, 21.2 x 13.6 cm, 138 p., language : English, publisher : Full Court Press, Inc., New York, ISBN : 0-916190-02-1/0-916190-03-X.
>Pati Hill, Impossible Dreams, 1976.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.6 x 15.2 cm, 125 p., language : English, publisher : Alice James Books, Cambridge, Massachusetts, ISBN : 0-914086-13-8.
>Gilbert & George , Dark Shadow. Gilbert and George, the sculptors 1974, 1976.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.5 x 13.2 cm, 128 p., language : English, publisher : Nigel Greenwood Inc., London.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Vincent en Astrid van Gogh verdwijnen in een korenveld, 1977.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.4 cm, 361 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Manteau, Brussel/Den Haag, ISBN : 90-223-0577-5.
>Constance DeJong, Modern Love, 1977.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.3 x 12.1 cm, 219 p., language : English, publisher : Primary Information & Ugly Duckling Presse, New York, ISBN : 978-0-9915585-2-0, 4th edition, 2019.
>Wyndham Lewis, Mrs. Duke's Million, 1977.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 13.9 cm, 365 p, language : English, publisher : The Coach House Press, Toronto.
>Leonora Carrington, The Stone Door, 1977.Book, 21.1 x 13.7 cm, 118 p, language: English, publisher: St. Martin's Press, ISBN: 978-0312762100.
>Leonora Carrington, The Hearing Trumpet, 1977.Book, ink, paper, 158 p, language: English, publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, ISBN: 978-0710086372.
>Leonor Fini, L'Onéiropompe, 1978.Book, ink, paper, 24 x 13.8 cm, 164 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions de La Différence, Paris, ISBN : 2-7291-0038-5.
>Roland Topor, Portrait en pied de Suzanne, 1978.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 13 cm, 109 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Balland, ISBN : 2-7158-0148-3.
>Tom Phillips, A Humument, 1980-2012.Book, ink, paper, 17.5 x 12.5 cm, 367 p, language: English, publisher: Thames and Hudson, ISBN: 9780500290439.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Liefdesverdriet, 1981.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.3 cm, 232 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij E. Van Hyfte, Ertvelde, ISBN : 90-6487-515-4.
>Daniel Spoerri, Mythology & Meatballs. A Greek Island Diary/Cookbook, 1982.Artist Novel, 23 x 15 cm, 238 p. language: English, publisher: Aris Books, Berkeley, ISBN: 0-943186-01-3.
>Etel Adnan, Sitt Marie Rose, 1982.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 14.61 x 18.42 cm, 106 p., language : English, publisher : The Post-Apollo Press, Sausalito, CA, ISBN : 978-0942996333.
>Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Dictée, 1982.Book, ink, paper, 20.2 x 13.9 cm, 179 p, language: English, publisher: Tanam Press, New York ISBN: 0-934378-09-6.
>Alasdair Gray, Lanark, 1983.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.8 cm, 573 p., language : English, publisher : Canongate Books Ltd, Edinburgh (First published 1981), ISBN : 978-1-84195-907-8.
>Richard Prince, Why I Go to the Movies Alone, 1983.Book, ink, paper, 20.2 x 13.3 cm, 96 p, language: English, publisher: New York: Tanam, ISBN: 0-934378-38-X.
>Alasdair Gray, 1982, Janine, 1984.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12.6 cm, 340 p., language : English, publisher : Canongate Books Ltd, Edinburgh (First published in 1984 by Jonathan Cape, London), ISBN : 978-1-84195-346-5.
>Wyndham Lewis, Snooty Baronet, 1984.Book, ink, paper, 22.7 x 14.7 cm, 313 p, language : English, publisher : Black Sparrow Press, Santa Barbara, CA, ISBN : 0876855990.
>Kathe Burkhart, From under the 8-Ball, 1985.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.7 cm, 76 p., language : English, self-published by the artist.
>Wyndham Lewis, The Vulgar Streak, 1985.Book, ink, paper, 22.8 x 14.8 cm, 269 p., language : English, publisher : Black Sparrow Press, Santa Barbara, CA, ISBN : 0-87685-629-6.
>Jennifer Bartlett, History of the Universe, 1985.Book, ink, paper, 22 x 15 cm, ill., 197 p, language : English, ISBN : 0-918825-12-1, publisher : Moyer Bell Limited/Nimbus Books.
>Yayoi Kusama, The Burning of St Mark’s Church, 1985.Book, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: PARCO Shuppan.
>Brion Gysin, The Last Museum, 1986.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.4 cm, 186 p, language : English, publisher : Faber and Faber Limited, London, ISBN : 0-571-13938-8.
>Alasdair Gray, The Fall of Kelvin Walker, 1987.Book, ink, paper, 20.8 x 13.6 cm, 141 p., language : English, publisher : Grove Press, Inc., New York (First published in 1985 by Canongate Publishing Ltd., Scotland), ISBN : 0-802-13004-6.
>Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd , Titta, Jag är osynlig!, 1988.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 244 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Gedins Förlag, Stockholm, ISBN : 91-7964-033-8.
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>Pjeroo Roobjee, Pralina's Pracht, 1988.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 13.7 cm, 252 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Nioba Uitgevers, Antwerpen, ISBN: 9069450909.
>Leonor Fini, Rogomelec, 1988.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 x 11.7 cm, 123 p., language : German, publisher : Verlag Ullstein GmbH, Frankfurt/Main-Berlin, ISBN : 3-548-30210-6 (First edition 1979 by Editions Stock, Paris).
>Leonora Carrington, The House of Fear: notes from Down Below, 1988.Book, ink, paper, 21.1 x 14 cm, 216 p, language: English, publisher: E.P. Dutton, ISBN: 978-0525246480.
>Yayoi Kusama, Woodstock Phallus Cutter, 1988.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Peyotoru Kobo.
>Yayoi Kusama, Between Heaven and Earth, 1988.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Jiritsu Shobo.
>Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, N.V. De Wunderbaum, 1989.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.9 x 15 cm, language : Dutch, series 'Passages' n° 3/6, publisher : Stichting Kunst en Projecten, Zedelgem.
>Eric Simon, L’amoureux cosmique, 1989.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 128 p, language: French, publisher: Éditions du Boréal, ISBN: 9782890522954.
>Yayoi Kusama, Double Suicide at Sakuragazuka, 1989.Book, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Jiritsu Shobo.
>Yayoi Kusama, Aching Chandelier, 1989.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Peyotoru Kobo.
>Joaquín Torres-García , Historia de mi Vida, 1990.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23.1 x 15.7 cm, 234 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Ediciones Paidós, Barcelona-Buenos Aires-México, ISBN : 84-7509-623-9.
>Alasdair Gray, Something Leather, 1990.Book, ink, paper, 22.2 x 14.2 cm, 251 p., language : English, publisher : Jonathan Cape Ltd., London, ISBN : 0-224-02627-5.
>Alasdair Gray, McGrotty and Ludmilla, 1990.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 13 cm, 132 p., language : English, publisher : Dog & Bone Press, Glasgow, ISBN : 1-872536-00-X.
>Yayoi Kusama, Angels in Cape Cod, 1990.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Jiritsu Shobo.
>Françoise Gilot, Matisse et Picasso: Une amitié racontée par Françoise Gilot , 1991.Artist Novel, 28 x 19 cm, 340 p., language: French, publisher: Robert Laffont, Paris, ISBN: 9782221069615.
>David Wojnarowicz, Close to the Knives, 1991.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.9 cm, 288 p., language : English, publisher : Canongate Books Ltd, Edinburgh, ISBN : 978-1-78689-027-6, edition 2017.
>Kurt Schwitters , Franz Müllers Drahtfrühling, 1991.Book, ink, paper, 16.8 x 10.5 cm, language: German, publisher: Hamburg: Edition Nautilus Verlag Lutz Schulenburg, ISBN: 3-89401-193-9.
>Alasdair Gray, Poor Things, 1992.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.8 cm, 317 p., language : English, publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd, London (First published 1992), ISBN : 978-0-7475-6228-3.
>Giorgio de Chirico, Hebdomeros (with Monsieur Dudron's Adventure and other Metaphysical Writings), 1992.Book, ink, paper, 20.2 x 15.1 cm, 258 p, language: English, publisher: Exact Change, Cambridge, MA, ISBN: 978-1-878972-06-4.
>Brian O'Doherty, The Strange Case of Mademoiselle P., 1992.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.9 cm, 228 p, language: English, publisher: London: Arcadia Books Ltd., ISBN 1-900850-67-2.
>Jef Geys, Jef Geys - Pro Justitia, 1992.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 29,7 x 21,1 cm, 82 p., language: Nederlands, publisher: Stichting Kunst & Projecten, Zedelgem.
>Yayoi Kusama, Lost in Swampland, 1992.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Jiritsu Shobo.
>Paul Bogaers, Tropenwee, 1992.Book, ink, paper, 13.8 x 21 cm, 41 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Uitgeverij IJzer, ISBN: 90 74328 04 0.
>Etel Adnan, Paris, When It's Naked, 1993.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 13.97 x 20.32 cm, 115 p., language : English, publisher : Post Apollo Press, ISBN : 978-0942996203.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Dodemanskamer, 1993.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 335 p., language : Nederlands, publisher : Uitgeverij Kritak, Leuven, ISBN : 90-6303-509-8.
>Alain Arias-Misson, The Mind Crime of August Saint, 1993.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 420 p, language: English, publisher : Fiction Collective Two, Boulder, Colorado (USA). ISBN 0-932511-79-1.
>Yayoi Kusama, The New York Story, 1993.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Jiritsu Shobo.
>Madeline Gins, Helen Keller or Arakawa, 1994.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22.4 x 18.4 cm, 309 p., language : English, publisher : Burning Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico & East-West Cultural Studies, New York, ISBN : 0-936050-11-X.
>Unica Zürn, The Man of Jasmine, 1994.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 23.5 cm, 199 p., language : English, publisher : Atlas Press, BCM Atlas Press, London, ISBN : 0-947757-80-5.
>Alasdair Gray, A History Maker, 1994.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 223 p., language : English, publisher : Canongate Books Ltd, Edinburgh (First published by Canongate Press in 1994), ISBN : 978-1-84195-576-6.
>Renée Green, Camino Road, 1994.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 10.8 cm, 110 p, language: English, Spanish, publisher: New York: Free Agent Media, ISBN: N/A.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, De kleinzoon van de letterzetter, 1995.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 276 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij Van Halewyck, Leuven & Uitgeverij Balans, Amsterdam, ISBN : 90-5617-022-8.
>Liam Gillick, Erasmus Is Late, 1995.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11.5 cm, 88 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, ISBN: 978 1 870699 17 4.
>Philippe Parreno, Snow Dancing, 1995-2010.Book, ink, paper, 12 x 17 cm, 212 p, language: English, publishers: GW Press, Kaleidoscope Press, ISBN: 978-88-97185-03-1.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Þetta er Allt að Koma, 1995.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.3 cm, 434 p, language : Icelandic, publisher : Uglan Íslenski kiljuklúbburinn, Reykjavík.
>Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd , Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd 'Alias Charlie Lavendel 1952-1961', 1996.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 241 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Gedins Förlag, Stockholm, ISBN : 91-7964-226-8.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Van het Nieuwland, 1996.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.4 cm, 197 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Van Halewyck, Leuven & Balans, Amsterdam, ISBN : 90-5617-075-9.
>Douglas Coupland, Generation X, 1996.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.5 cm, 211 p., language : English, publisher : Abacus (Little, Brown Book Group), London, First published in 1991, ISBN : 978-0-349-10839-1.
>Douglas Coupland, Microserfs, 1996.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 13 cm, 375 p., language : English, Flamingo (Harper Collins Publishers), London, first published in 1995, ISBN : 0-00-654859-8.
>Roland Topor, Jachère-party, 1996.Book, ink, paper, 20.5 x 13.1 cm, 178 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Julliard, Paris, ISBN : 2-260-01228-0.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, 101 Reykjavík, 1996.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 382 p, language : Icelandic, publisher : Uglan Íslenski kiljuklúbburinn, Reykjavík.
>Karen Reimer, Eve Rhymer, Legendary, Lexical, Loquacious Love, 1996.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 10.5 cm, 343 p, language: English, publisher: Chicago: Sara Ranchouse Publishing, ISBN: 1 888636 09 2.
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>Pjeroo Roobjee, Oude Verf, 1997.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.5 cm, 350 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Uitgeverij Van Halewyck, Leuven, ISBN: 90-5018-384-0.
>Maria Barnas, Engelen van ijs, 1997.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 151 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 9029501596.
>Alasdair Gray, Mavis Belfrage (With Five Shorter Tales), 1997.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 159 p., language : English, publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, London (First published 1996), ISBN : 0-7475-3089-0.
>Billy Chyldish , Notebooks of a Naked Youth, 1997.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 13.8 cm, 190 p., language : English, publisher : Codex, Hove (England), ISBN :1-899598-08-1.
>Fiona Banner, The Nam, 1997.Book, ink, paper, 27.9 x 20.9 cm, 1000 p, language: English, publisher: London : Frith Street Books, ISBN: 0951495313.
>Douglas Coupland, Girlfriend in a Coma, 1998.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.6 cm, 280 p., language : English, publisher : Flamingo (Harper Collins Publishers), London, ISBN : 0-00-655127-0.
>Graham Rawle, Diary of an Amateur Photographer, 1998.Book, ink, paper, 15,3 x 12,8 cm, 128 p, language: English, publisher: Pan MacMillan (UK), Penguin Studio (USA), ISBN: 978-0330354868.
>Jacob Wren, Unrehearsed Beauty, 1998.Book, ink, paper, 13.5 x 18.3 cm, 92 p, language: English (also translated into French: Le Génie des Autres), ISBN: 1552450376 (ISBN13: 9781552450376).
>Yayoi Kusama, Violet Obsession, 1998.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Sakuhinsha.
>Yayoi Kusama, The Hustler’s Grotto of Christopher Street, 1998.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.8 cm, 164 p, language: English, publisher: Berkeley, California: Wandering Mind Books, ISBN: 0-9653304-2-7.
>Sharon Kivland, A Case of Hysteria, 1999.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23 x 17.4 cm, 321 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works. ISBN: 978 1 870600 25 9.
>Brian O'Doherty, The Deposition of Father McGreevy, 1999.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.9 cm, 314 p, language: English, publisher: London: Arcadia Books Ltd., ISBN 1-900850-68-0.
>Mai-Thu Perret , The Crystal Frontier , 1999-2008.Book, ink, paper, 24 x 24 cm, 256 p, language: English, publisher: JRP Ringier – (fragments published in Land of Crystal monographic publication on Mai-Thu Perret), ISBN: 978-3-905701-55-5.
>Goldin+Senneby, Kelly Duncan, Looking for Headless, 1999-2013.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 10.9 cm, 99 p, language: English, publisher: Goldin+Senneby, ISBN: N/A; This project is still under development.
>Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd , Closed for Holidays : Memoarer, 2000.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 29.7 x 22.2 cm, 191 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, ISBN : 91-27-08057-9.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, De thuisreis van de wijnverlater, 2000.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 364 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij Van Halewyck, Leuven, ISBN : 90-5617-289-1.
>Douglas Coupland, Miss Wyoming, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, 311 p., language : English, publisher : Flamingo (Harper Collins Publishers), London, ISBN : 0-00-225983-4.
>Harland Miller, First I Was Afraid, I Was Petrified, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 15.8 x 13.4 cm, 56 p., language : Engels, publisher : Book Works, London, ISBN : 1870699505.
>Maria Barnas, De baadster, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.4 cm, 207 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 9029503556.
>Miek Zwamborn, Oploper, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12,5 cm, 142 p, language : Dutch, publisher : J.M. Meulenhoff bv, Amsterdam, ISBN : 90-290-6744-6.
>Alfred Kubin, The Other Side, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.4 cm, 249 p, language: English, publisher: Dedalus Ltd., ISB: 1 873982 69 0.
>William Morris, The Well at World's End (Volume 2), 2000.Book, ink, paper, 20.3 x 12.7 cm, 242 p, language: English, publisher: Berkeley Heights, NJ: Wildside Press, ISBN 1-58715-089-1.
>Pam Emmerik , Het bottenpaleis, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 cm x 12.5 cm, 184 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: Em Querido’s Uitgeverij BV, ISBN: 9021461544.
>Linn Cecilie Ulvin, The Sky Behind Is Exhaustingly Blue (Himmelen bak er slitsomt blå), 2000.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13.5 cm, 157 p, language: Norwegian, publisher: Oslo: Tiden Norsk Forlag A/S, ISBN: 8210044869.
>William Morris, The Well at World's End (Volume 1), 2000.Book, ink, paper, 20.5 x 12.5 cm, 320 p, language: English, publisher: Berkeley Heights, NJ: Wildside Press, ISBN: 1-58715-088-3 .
>Joseph Kosuth, Purloined - A Novel, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 22.1 x 14.2 cm, 120 p, language: English, publisher: Cologne: Salon Verlag, ISBN: 3897700158.
>Stefan Banz, Hell (Murder and other Works by Erich Hell), 2001.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 16 x 11,5 cm, p. 184 (German), 180 (English), language : German / English, publisher: Salon Verlag, Cologne / Kunstmuseum Luzern, ISBN:3-89770-117-0 (German version) | 3-89770-118-9 (English version).
>Douglas Coupland, God Hates Japan, 2001.Book, ink, paper, 19.4 x 14.8 cm, 271 p., language : Japanese, publisher : Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co., Japan, ISBN : 4-04-791396-0.
>Douglas Coupland, All Families Are Psychotic, 2001.Book, ink, paper, 21.4 x 13.3 cm, 179 p., language : English, publisher : Flamingo (Harper Collins Publishers), London, ISBN : 0-00-711751-5.
>Harland Miller, Slow Down Arthur, Stick To Thirty, 2001.Book, ink, paper, 19.3 x 12.9 cm, 250 p, language : English, publisher : Fourth Estate, London, ISBN : 9781841152837.
>Tim Etchells, The Dream Dictionary for the Modern Dreamer, 2001.Book, ink, paper, 15 x 20.9 cm, 250 p, language: English, publisher: London: Duckworth Literary Entertainments, Ltd, ISBN: 0-7156-3108-X.
>Hugo Ball, Tenderenda the Fantast, 2002.Book, ink, paper, 26 x 22,2 cm, 144 p., language : English, publisher : Yale University Press, ISBN : 978-0300083736.
>Liam Gillick, Literally No Place - Communes, Bars and Greenrooms, 2002.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 13 cm, 66 p., language : English, publisher : Book Works, London, ISBN : 1-870699-66-1.
>Douglas Coupland, Shampoo Planet, 2002.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.9 cm, 282 p., language : English, publisher : Scribner (Simon & Schuster UK Ltd), London, first published in 1993.
>Rita McBride, Gina Ashcraft, Naked Came The **** (by Gina Ashcraft), 2002.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 x 10.8 cm, 137 p, language : English, publisher : Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, ISBN : 3-906790-02-9.
>Joanne Tatham, Tom O'Sullivan, The Slapstick Mystics With Sticks, 2002.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 12.5 cm, 80 p, language: English, publisher: All Horizons Club, ISBN: N/A.
>Erin Cosgrove , The Baader-Meinhof Affair, 2002.Book, ink, paper, 17.1 x 10.8 cm, 245 p, language: English, publisher: New York : Printed Matter, Inc., ISBN: 0-8943901-0-4.
>Maria Stangret Kantor, Pamiętnik Dziadka (The Diary of Grandfather), 2002.Book, ink, paper, 27.2 x 21.2 cm, 63 p, language: Polish, publisher: Lódz: Galeria 86, ISBN: 8390423715.
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>Roberto Jacoby, Jorge di Paola, Moncada, 2003.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19,5 x 13 cm, 318 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Adriana Hidalgo editora, Buenos Aires, ISBN: 987-9396-98-7.
>Ernst Billgren , Kommittén. En roman om konst och media, 2003.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 15.5 cm, 335 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Bokförlaget Langenskiöld, Stockholm, ISBN : 91-972992-2-7.
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>Pjeroo Roobjee, Meinthe zegt dat hij opdroogt, 2003.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.4 cm, 334 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Uitgeverij Van Halewyck, Leuven, ISBN: 9056175092.
>Michael Tedja, A.U.T.O.B.I.O.G.R.A.F.I.E., 2003.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22 x 14.5 cm, 256 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Vassallucci , ISBN : 9789050005401.
>Andreas Ejiksson, Lisa Jonasson , Texten, 2003.Book, ink, paper, 18 cm x 12 cm, 97 p, language: Swedish, publisher : Albert Bonniers Förlag, ISBN 91-0-010004-8.
>Luther Blissett (Roberto Bui/Giovanni Cattabriga/Federico Guglielmi/Luca Di Meo), Q, 2003.Book, ink, paper, 22.2 x 16 cm, 635 p, language: English, publisher: William Heinemann (The Random House Group Limited), ISBN: 0-434-01000-6.
>Douglas Coupland, Hey Nostradamus!, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.8 cm, 244 p., language : English, publisher : Harper Perennial (HarperCollinsPublishers), London, ISBN : 978-0-00-716251-2.
>Douglas Coupland, Eleanor Rigby, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 22.1 x 14 cm, 249 p., language : English, publisher : Fourth Estate (Harper Collins Publishers), London, ISBN : 0-00-716253-7.
>Miek Zwamborn, Vallend Hout, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 20.6 x 13 cm, 95 p, language : Dutch, publisher : J.M. Meulenhoff bv, Amsterdam, ISBN : 90-290-7259-8.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Höfundur Íslands, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.7 cm, 510 p, language : Icelandic, publisher : Mál og Menning, Reykjavík, ISBN : 9979324856.
>Dorothea Tanning, Chasm: A Weekend, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 176 p, language: English, publisher: New York: Overlook Press, ISBN: 1585675849, 9781585675845.
>David Robbins, The Ice Cream Social, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 16.4 cm x 10.9 cm, 78 p, language: English, publisher: Zürich: JRP/Ringier, ISBN: 2-940271-55-0.
>Liam Gillick, Underground (Fragments of Future Histories), 2004.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.8 cm, 96 p, language: English, publisher: Brussels/Dijon: Les Maîtres de Forme Contemporains/Les presses du réel, ISBN: 2-84066-134-9.
>Bernadette Corporation, Reena Spaulings, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 15.2 x 22.8 cm, 202 p, language: English, publisher: Semiotex(e), New York/LA, ISBN: 1-56435-030-9.
>Hannu Väisänen, Vanikan Palat (Antero-Trilogia), 2004.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 10.9 cm, 412 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN: 978-951-1-24922-1.
>Heather & Ivan Morison, Divine Vessel, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 14.6 cm, 375 p, language: English, publisher: Birmingham: Article Press, ISBN: 1873352093.
>Stephen Kaltenbach, The End, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 15.1 x 22.9 cm, 281 p, language: English, publisher: Maitland, Florida: Xulon Press, ISBN: 1594677689.
>Valérie Mréjen, Eau Sauvage, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 10.2 cm, 92 p, language: French (available in Spanish and Swedish), publisher: Editions Allia, Paris, ISBN: 2844851363.
>Jill Magid, One Cycle of Memory in the City of L, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14.5 cm, 100 p, language: English, publisher: South Korea: Jill Magid/Icheon Women Artists' Biennale, Self-Publishing, ISBN: N/A.
>Erin Cosgrove , Rita McBride, Heartways - The Exploits of Genny O, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 11.7 x 17.3 cm, 155 p, language: English, publisher: Vancouver/New York: Arsenaladvance (Arsenal Pulp Press)/Whitney Museum of American Art/Printed Matter, Inc, ISBN: 1551521601.
>Glen Rubsamen, Rita McBride, Futureways: The Middelburg Triennial 2304 (A Rita McBride Project), 2004.Book, ink, paper, 15.2 x 23.3 cm, 64 p, language: English, publisher: Printed Matter, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, ISBN: N/A.
>Paco Cao, Fèlix Bermeu - Vida Soterrada (Fèlix Bermeu - A Hidden Life), 2004.Book, ink, paper, 22 x 14.2 cm, 327 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Ajuntament de Terrassa-Hangar, ISBN: 8H-86838-03-7.
>Karl Holmqvist, I ON A LION IN ZION, 2005.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.6 x 12 cm, 159 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Revolver, Frankfurt am Main, ISBN: 3865881866.
>Kathe Burkhart, The Double Standard, 2005.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 100 p, language: English, publisher: New York: Participant Press, ISBN: 978-0976544319.
>Dalia Rosetti, Fernanda Laguna, Me encantaría que gustes de mí, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 21.9 x 13.8 cm, 172 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Mansalva Editorial, Buenos Aires, ISBN : 987-22648-3-X.
>Graham Rawle, Woman’s World, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 14,9 x 21 cm, 437 p, language: English, publisher: Atlantic Books (UK), Soft Skull Press (USA), ISBN: 978-1843543688.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Rokland, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.5 cm, 391 p, language : Icelandic, publisher : Mál og Menning, Reykjavík, ISBN : 9789979327455.
>Billy Chyldish , Sex Crimes of the Futcher, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 19.2 x 12.8 cm, 343 p, language : English, publisher : The Aquarium, London, ISBN : 1-871894-82-4.
>Billy Chyldish , My Fault, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 19.3 x 12.9 cm, 310 p., language : English, publisher : Virgin Books Ltd, London, ISBN : 0-7535-1061-8.
>Gavin Wade, The Interruptors, 2005.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's novel, 17.9 cm x 11 cm, 220 p, language : English, publisher : Article Press, ISBN : 1-873352-19-0.
>Sabine Groschup, Alicia und die Geister (Roman & Interviews), 2005.Book, ink, paper, two books; 22 x 14.5 cm, language: German, publisher: Czernin Verlag, ISBN: 3-7076-0052-1.
>Edouard Levé , Autoportrait, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 14.2 cm, 128 p, language: French, publisher: P.O.L Editeur, ISBN: 2-84682-064-3.
>Will Holder , The Middle of Nowhere, 2005-2013.Book, dimensions, page nr and ISBN: N/A, language: English, publisher: dotdotdot magazine (NYC), Onomatopee (Eindhoven), among others; This project is still under development.
>Linn Cecilie Ulvin, Closer to Love (Nærmere Kjærligheten), 2005.Book, ink, paper, 21.1 x 13.7 cm, 233 p, language: Norwegian, publisher: Oslo: Tiden Norsk Forlag A/S, ISBN: 8205337683.
>Charles Henri Ford, Parker Tyler, The Young and the Evil, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 17.4 x 10.9 cm, 160 p, language: English, publisher: Metronome Press, Paris, ISBN: 2-916262-01-6.
>Keren Cytter, The Man Who Climbed Up the Stairs of Life and Found Out They Were Cinema Seats, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 21.5 cm, 163 p, language: English, publisher: New York/Frankfurt am Main/Zürich: Lukas & Sternberg/Frankfurter Kunstverein/Kunsthalle Zürich, ISBN: 1-933128-09-7.
>Matias Faldbakken, The Cocka Hola Company - Skandinavische Misanthropie I, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 18.6 x 11.7 cm, 461 p, language: German, publisher: München: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, ISBN: 978-3453400528.
>Tom Gidley, Stunning Lofts, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17.3 cm, 346 p, language: English, publisher: Metronome Press, ISBN: 291626202-4.
>Yayoi Kusama, Manhattan Suicide Addict, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 23.8 x 17 cm, 255 p, language: French, publisher: Dijon: Les presses du réel, ISBN: 2-84066-115-2.
>Phyllis Kiehl, Fat Mountain/Scenes, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17.4 cm, 148 p, language: English, publisher: Metronome Press, Paris, ISBN: 2-916262-03-2.
>Jannie Regnerus, De volle maan als beste vriend - Twee jaar in Mongolië, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 21 cm, 159 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Wereldbibliotheek, ISBN: 90 284 2115 7.
>Matthew Licht , Rita McBride, Crimeways, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 x 11.4 cm, 173 p, language: English, publisher: Printed Matter, Whitney Museum of American Art, Arsenal Pulp Press, ISBN: 1551521733.
>Eugenio Dittborn, Vanitas, 2006.Artist Novel, 28 x 18 cm, 1 vol. language: Spanish, publisher: Santiago de Chile, ISBN: .
>Karen Finley, George & Martha, 2006.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.3 x 15.1 cm, 105 p., language : English, publisher : Verso, London/New York, ISBN : 1-84467-064-3.
>Wendy Jones, Grayson Perry, Grayson Perry: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl, 2006.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 208 p., language : English, publisher : Vintage , ISBN : 978-0099485162.
>Tracey Emin, Strangeland, 2006.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 224 p., language : English, publisher : Sceptre , ISBN : 978-0340769461.
>Kathe Burkhart, Deux âmes soeurs (Between the Lines), 2006.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 13 cm, 263 p., language : French, publisher : Hachette Littératures , ISBN : 2-01-235712-1.
>Raoul Hausmann, Hyle - Ein Traumsein in Spanien, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 24.5 x 17.3 cm, 347 p., language : German, publisher : Belleville Verlag, München, ISBN : 3-936298-03-3.
>Gareth Long , Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes), 2006.Book, ink, paper, 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm, 594 p, language: English, publisher: Self-Published, ISBN: 0-06-093434-4.
>David Robbins, The Velvet Grind, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 21 cm x 14.9 cm, 319 p, language: English, publisher: Zürich/Dijon: JRP/Ringier/Les presses du réel, ISBN: 3-905701-02-2.
>Q.S. Serafijn , Joe of de Kunst van het Wandelen, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13 cm, 47 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Bleiswijk:Studio 3005/Proba 0005 ISBN: 90 78627 02 6.
>Pavel Pepperstein, The Swastika and the Pentagon, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 192 p, language: Russian, publisher: Ad Marginem, ISBN: 5911030039.
>Rita McBride, David Gray, Myways, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 11.3 x 17.8 cm, 157 p, language: English, publisher: Printed Matter, Whitney Museum of American Art, Arsenal Pulp Press, ISBN: 9781551521985.
>Stuart Ringholt, Hashish Psychosis: What It’s Like To Be Mentally Ill and Recover, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 23.4 x 16.5 cm, 123 p, language: English, publisher: Victoria, Australia: Stuart Ringholt, ISBN: 0-646-45765-9.
>Jannie Regnerus, Het geluid van vallende sneeuw - Herinnering aan Japan, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 21 cm, 159 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Wereldbibliotheek, ISBN: 9789028421639.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Strelingen en Minnetucht, 2007.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.7 x 14.6 cm, 81 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Demian, Antwerpen, ISBN : 9789081227315.
>Susan Finlay , Arriviste, 2007.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 24.2 x 16.5 cm, 183 p., language : English, publisher : Five Lines in the Sand Press Ltd., Great Britain, ISBN : 978-0-9556242-0-9.
>Jill Magid, Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy, 2007.Book, ink, paper, Copy, with permission by the artist, of the book that is out of print, 54 p., language : English, colophon on the back side.
>Douglas Coupland, JPod, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.8 cm, 554 p., language : English, publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, London, first published in 2006, ISBN : 9780747585879.
>Douglas Coupland, The Gum Thief, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.4 cm, 275 p., language : English, publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, Londen, ISBN : 978-0-7475-9188-7.
>Denis Savary, Le Malacologue - Livre d'or, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 20.1 x 14.1 cm, 213 p., language : French, publisher : Musée Jenisch/Éditions Castagniééé, Vevey (CH), ISBN : 978-2-940346-24-0.
>Alasdair Gray, Old Men in Love (John Tunnock's posthumous papers), 2007.Book, ink, paper, 24.1 x 16.2 cm, 311 p., language : English, publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, London, ISBN : 9780747593539.
>Billy Chyldish , The Idiocy of Idears, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.8 cm, 294 p., language : English, publisher : L-13 Press. (Aquarium), London, ISBN : 978-1-8718-9418-9.
>Jacob Wren, Families Are Formed Through Copulation, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 14.2 x 19.8 cm, 124 p, language: English (also translated into French: La famille se crée en copulant), publisher: Pedlar Press, ISBN: 1897141122 (ISBN13: 9781897141120).
>Wojciech Bruszewski, Fotograf, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14,8 cm, 419 p., language : Polish, publisher : Korporacja Ha!art, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, ISBN : 978-83-86905-78-2.
>Q.S. Serafijn , Streekroman (Doorsneden Landschap), 2007.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.4 cm, 112 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Bleiswijk: Studio 3005/Proba 0007, ISBN: 978 90 78627 06 7.
>Q.S. Serafijn , Het Czaar Peter Dossier, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.3 cm, 112 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Bleiswijk: Studio 3005/Proba 0006, ISBN: 978 90 7862 7 03 6.
>Alain Arias-Misson, Theatre of Incest, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 x 12.7 cm, 131 p, language: English, publisher: Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London. ISBN 9781564784810.
>Hannu Väisänen, Toiset Kengät (Antero-Trilogia), 2007.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 10.9 cm cm, 367 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN : 978-951-1-22639-0.
>Krzysztof Niemczyk, Kurtyzana i Pisklęta (The Courtesan and the Chicks), 2007.Book, ink, paper, 15.9 x 22.9 cm, 794 p, language: Polish, publisher: Koorporacja Ha!art, Krakow, ISBN: 978-83-89911-42-1.
>Valérie Mréjen, Mon Grand-Père , 2007.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 10.2 cm, 63 p, language: French (available in Spanish and Swedish), publisher: Editions Allia, Paris, ISBN: 284485009X.
>Jill Magid, Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14.6 cm, 64 p, language: English, publisher: Self-Published, ISBN: N/A.
>David Reinfurt (USA), Mark Aerial Waller (UK), Rosemary Heather (CAN), Heman Chong (SI), Leif Magne Tangen (NO), Steve Rushton (UK/NL), Francis McKee (IRL), Cosmin Costinas (RO), PHILIP, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 10.6 x 17.4 cm, 199 p, language: English, publisher: Project Press, Dublin, ISBN:1 872493211.
>Paul Bogaers, Onderlangs, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 13.8 x 21.5 cm, 411 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Uitgeverij IJzer, ISBN: 978 90 8684 006 9.
>Matias Faldbakken, Macht und Rebel - Skandinavische Misanthropie II, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 18.6 x 11.7 cm, 348 p, language: German, publisher: München: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, ISBN: 978-3453675209.
>Salvador Dalí, Hidden Faces, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 13 cm, 318 p, language: English, publisher: Peter Owen Publishers, ISBN: 9780720613049.
>Paul Benjamin Auster, Sophie Calle, Double Game, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 14.2 cm, 293 p, language: English, publisher: London: Violette Editions, ISBN: 9781900828286.
>William Morris, A Dream of John Ball and A King's Lesson, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 20.8 x 13.4 cm, 143 p, language: English, publisher: Boston, Massachusetts: Adamant Media Corporation, ISBN: 9780543682284.
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>Pratchaya Phinthong, A summer memory, 2008.Artist Novel, 17,5 x 10,5 cm, language: English and Thai, publisher: Parbpim LTD., Partnership, Bangkok..
>Joe Andoe , Jubilee City : A Memoir at Full Speed, 2008.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.3 x 13.3 cm, 207 p., language : English, publisher : Harper Perennial, New York/London/Toronto/Sydney/New Delhi/Auckland, ISBN : 978-0-06-124032-4.
>Elaine Sturtevant, Sturtevant: Author of the Quixote, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 17.5 x 11.5 cm, 48 p, language: English, publisher: Walther Koenig, ISBN: 9783865604729.
>Fernanda Laguna, Dalia Rosetti, Dame Pelota, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 158 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Editorial Mansalva, ISBN: 9789871474196.
>Peter Lemmens, Breakfast at Tiffany’s (The Pierre Menard Edition), 2008.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 2 x 100 p, language: English, publisher: Xeroxed Publishing Inc..
>Sabine Groschup, Teufels Küche, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 13.4 cm, 247 p, language: German, publisher: Czernin Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-7076-0268-5.
>Edouard Levé , Suicide, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 20.5 cm, 128 p, language: French, publisher: P.O.L Editeur, ISBN: 978-2-84682-236-7.
>J.D. Salinger, Dan Starling, Malcom X: An Introduction, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 19 cm, 112 p, language: English, publisher: Richmond Art Gallery and Galerie Werner Whitman, ISBN: N/A.
>Samson Kambalu , The Jive Talker or How to Get a British Passport, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 14.4 x 22.4 cm, 336 p, language: English, publisher: Jonathan Cape London, ISBN: 978-0224081061.
>Dale Edwin Wittig, The Crumpled Bills - Book One : The Uneven Stacks, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14.2 cm, 148 p, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, California: Preprosperous Press.
>Dale Edwin Wittig, Anna in Hollywood - Volume Two : Envy & Gluttony, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 21.7 x 14.1 cm, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, California: Preprosperous Press.
>Dale Edwin Wittig, Anna in Hollywood - Volume One : Pride & Lechery, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 66 p, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, California: Preprosperous Press.
>Sean Monahan, Blonde Girls, 2008-2011.Book, 6 x 1.7 cm,1GB USB drive, 91 / 73.1MB digital files, language: English, publisher: Booklet Press, ISBN: N/A.
>Jake Chapman, The Marriage of Reason & Squalor, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.6 cm, 307 p, language: English, publisher: Fuel Publishing, ISBN: N/A.
>Keren Cytter, The Seven Most Exciting Hours of Mr. Trier's Life in Twenty-four Chapters, 2008.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 14 x 21.5 cm, 193 p, language: English, publisher: Rotterdam/Leuven/Berlin: Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art/STUK Kunstencentrum/Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-1-933128-41-2.
>Tim Etchells, The Broken World, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 14.3 x 22 cm, 420 p, language: English, publisher: William Heinemann (The Random House Group Limited), ISBN: 978-0-434-01833-8.
>Pablo Helguera, The Boy Inside The Letter / El Niño en la Letra, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 15.2 x 22.8 cm, 273 p (EN) / 292 p (ES), language: English / Spanish, publisher: Jorge Pinto Books Inc, ISBN: 9780979557637 (EN) / 978-1934978054, 1934978051 (ES).
>Trong Gia Nguyen, Notes from the Invisible Box of Valery Osser, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 15.6 x 23.4 cm, 752 p, language: English, publisher: Self-Published, ISBN: N/A.
>Tom McCarthy, Men in Space, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.7 cm, 278 p, language: English, publisher: Richmond (Surrey): Alma Books, ISBN: 9781846880568.
>Jan Cremer, Ik Jan Cremer Tweede Boek, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, 501 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: Ulysses/De Bezige Bij, ISBN: 9789023428169.
>Jan Cremer, Ik Jan Cremer Derde Boek, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.6 cm, 543 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij, ISBN: 9789023429821.
>Alexandre Singh, The Marque of the Third Stripe, 2008.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.7 x 14 cm, 1079 p., language: English, publisher: Preromanbritain and Monitor Gallery, ISBN: 9780982139509.
>Julia Weist, Sexy Librarian: Critical Edition of the Original Novel, 2008.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 15.1 x 22.7 cm. 171 p, language: English, publisher: Ellen Lupton/Slush Editions, ISBN: 978-0615176772.
>Ernst Billgren , Prinsen på Lindholmen, 2009.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.6 x 11.5 cm, 228 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Bokförlaget Langenskiöld, Stockholm, ISBN : 978-91-977901-8-5.
>Eduardo Arroyo, Minuta de un testamento, 2009.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 352 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Taurus, ISBN : 9788430607648.
>Michael Tedja, Hosselen, 2009.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22 x 14.5 cm, 550 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Stichting Lm Publishers , ISBN : 9789068327915.
>Félix Vallotton, La vie meurtrière, 2009.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.2 x 11.9 cm, 205 p., language : French, series : Libretto, n°282, publisher : Éditions Phébus, Paris, ISBN : 978-2-7529-0382-2.
>Jérémie Gindre, Les Formes du Relief, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 18.5 cm, 204 p, language: French, publisher: Editions Dasein, Paris, ISBN: 9-782952-605472.
>Gary O'Connor, The Field, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 13.1 cm, 25 p, language: English, publisher: Transition Editions, ISBN: 978-0-9548954-5-7.
>Momus (Nick Currie) , The Book of Jokes, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 20.3 cm x 13.9 cm, 189 p, language: English, publisher: Champaign, IL/London: Dalkey Archive Press, ISBN: 9781564785619.
>Momus (Nick Currie) , The Book of Scotlands, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 cm x 11.2 cm, 160 p, language: English, publisher: Berlin: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 9781933128559.
>Sabine Groschup, Tim und die Blumen, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 13.3 cm, 177 p, language: German, publisher: Czernin Verlag, Wien (Austria), ISBN: 9783707602883 .
>Keren Cytter, The Amazing True Story of Moshe Klinberg - A Media Star. Read it to believe it!, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 13.9 x 22.5 cm, 148 p, language: English, publisher: Onestar press, Paris, ISBN: 978-1-933128-09-2.
>Justine Frank, Roee Rosen, Sweet Sweat, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 14.9 x 20 cm, 236 p, language: English, translation from Hebrew, publisher: Berlin/Antwerpen : Sternberg Press/Extra City - Center for Contemporary Art (originally published by Babel Publishers, Tel Aviv, 2001), ISBN: 978-1-933128-66-5.
>Paul Haworth, Silk Handkerchiefs, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 18 cm, 95 p, language: English, publisher: TRUE TRUE TRUE, ISBN: 978-94-90006-02-0.
>Jana Leo, Rape New York - The Story of a Rape and an Examination of a Culture of Predation, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 19.5 cm, 127 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, London, ISBN: 978 1 906012 14 4.
>Lindsay Seers, M. Anthony Penwill, It Has To Be This Way, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 12.9 x 19.7 cm, 126 p, language: English, publisher: Matt's Gallery, London, ISBN: 978 0 907623 64 9.
>Heather & Ivan Morison, Falling into Place, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 21.4 x 15.6 cm, 142 p, language: English, publisher: London/Bristol: Book Works/Situations, University of the West of England, ISBN: 978 1 906012 09 0.
>Mark Waugh, Bubble Entendre, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 13.1 cm, 119 p, language: English, publisher: Bookworks, London, ISBN: 9781906012120.
>Liam Gillick, All Books, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 14.1 cm, 241 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, London, ISBN: 978 1 906012 17 5.
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>Renee Gladman, Event Factory, 2010.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 14 cm 126 p. language: Engels publisher: Dorothy a publishing project Urbana [Illinois] ISBN: 978-0-9844693-0-7.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Een mismaakt gouvernement, 2010.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 338 p, language : Dutch, publisher : Em. Querido's Uitgeverij bv, Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 978-90-2143848-1.
>Leonor Fini, Mourmour conte pour enfants velus, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12.5 cm, 106 p., language : French, publisher : La tour verte, Grandvilliers (FR), ISBN : 978-2-917819-05-0 (First edition 1976).
>Nicholas Frank, The Sound of the Horn, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 17,8 x 12,7 cm, 60 p., language : English, publisher : Green Gallery Press, ISBN : 9780982362006.
>Fiona Banner, Fiona Banner 'The Venus Trilogy' (The Incubated Girl / The Violet Flame / To Venus in Five Seconds), 2010.Book, ink, paper, 3 volumes, different seizes, edition of 10, language : English, publisher : Fiona Banner/The Vanity Press, London.
>Félix Vallotton, Corbehaut, 2010.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.1 x 12 cm, 238 p., language : French, publisher : Infolio éditions, Gollion (CH), ISBN : 978-2-88474-850-6.
>Douglas Coupland, PlayerOne (What is to Become of Us), 2010.Book, ink, paper, 22.2 x 14.2 cm, 246 p., language : English, publisher : William Heinemann (The Random House Group Limited), London, ISBN : 978-0-434-02104-8.
>Douglas Coupland, Generation A, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.9 cm, 357 p., language : English, publisher : Windmill Books, London, first published : 2009, ISBN : 9780099537380.
>Pedro G. Romero, Las Correspondencias, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 72 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Editorial Periférica, ISBN: 9788492865086..
>Q.S. Serafijn , Trekken, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.4 cm, 71 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Studio 3005, Bleiswijk, ISBN : 9789078627098.
>Jake Chapman, Memoirs of My Writer's Block, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.8 cm, 248 p, language: English, publisher: Murray & Sorrell FUEL, London, ISBN : 9780956356208.
>Lindsay Seers, M. Anthony Penwill, It Has To Be This Way 1-5, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.8 cm, 126 p, language : English, publisher : Matt's Gallery, ISBN : 978-0-907623-75-5.
>Romy Rüegger, Der Effekt des Sonnenscheins vom Mond aus gesehen, 2010-2013.Book, 12 x 19 cm, 101 p, language: German, publisher: Self-published, ISBN: N/A.
>Jacob Wren, Revenge Fantasies of the Politically Dispossessed, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 14.7 x 19.3 cm, 150 p, language: English, publisher: Pedlar Press, ISBN: 189714136X (ISBN13: 9781897141366).
>Kambui Olujimi , Wayward North, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 16.8 x 23.9 cm, 143 p, language: English, publisher: Art in General, ISBN: 978-1-934890-28-8.
>Dale Edwin Wittig, Anna in Hollywood - Volume Three : Wrath & Avarice, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 14.1 cm, 48 p, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, California: Preprosperous Press.
>Pablo Helguera, Urÿonstelaii, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 cm x 14 cm, 58 p, language: English, publisher: New York: Jorge Pinto Books Inc., ISBN: 9781934978320.
>Q.S. Serafijn , Het Wonder van Wateringse Veld, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.3 cm, 160 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Bleiswijk: Studio 3005, ISBN: 978 90 78627 11 1.
>Witkacy (Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz), Pożegnanie Jesieni, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 21.3 x 15.3 cm, 322 p, language: Polish, publisher: Kraków: Wydawnictwo Zielona Sowa, ISBN: 9788376234748 .
>Hannu Väisänen, Kuperat ja Koverat (Antero-Trilogia), 2010.Book, ink, paper, 17.9 x 11 cm, 431 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN: 9789511252.
>Pavel Pepperstein, Sergey Anufriev , The Mythogenic Love of Castles, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 23.7 x 17.5 cm, 798 p, language: Russian, publisher: Moscow: Ad Marginem, ISBN: 9785911030766.
>Valérie Mréjen, L´Agrume, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 10.2 cm, 77 p, language: French (available in Spanish, Swedish and German), publisher: Editions Allia, Paris, ISBN: 2844850715.
>Keren Cytter, White diaries, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 14.8 x 21 cm, 150 p, language: English, Japanese, publisher: Center for Contemporary Art Kitakyushi, ISBN: 978-4-901387-40-8.
>Rita McBride, Matthew Licht , West Ways, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 11.5 x 17.8 cm, 92 p, language: English, publisher: Vancouver/Beverly Hills/Zürich: Emily Carr University Press/Potter Press/Christoph Keller Editions by JRP Ringier Kunstverlag AG, ISBN: 978-3037641354.
>Sarah Vanhee , The Miraculous Life of Claire C / Het Wonderbaarlijke Leven van Claire C, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 16 x 22 cm, 227 p, language: Dutch / English, publisher: Onomatopee, ISBN: 978-90-78454-57-1, 978-90-78454-58-8.
>Katrina Palmer, The Dark Object, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 13.1 x 19.4 cm, 117 p, language: English (UK), publisher: Book Works, ISBN: 978 1 906012 22 9.
>Norman Leto , Sailor, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 11.6 x 16.5 cm, 297 p, language: Polish, publisher: 40.000 Stowarzyszenie 40 000 Malarzy/Galeria Kolonie, Warsaw, ISBN: 978-83-928864-3-3.
> PSJM, La Isla de Hidrógeno, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 12.5 x 18.5 cm, 209 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Empatía Ediciones, ISBN: 978-84-614-6801-0.
>Jan Cremer, De Hunnen, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 21.2 x 13.6 cm, 1419 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij, ISBN: 9789023460138.
>Jannie Regnerus, De ent, 2010.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12.5 x 20 cm, 187 p, Language: Dutch, Publisher: Uitgeverij Contact, ISBN: 9789025435158.
>Tom McCarthy, C, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 23 x 15.2 cm, 310 p, language: English, publisher: London: Jonathan Cape, Random House, ISBN: 9780224091251.
>Jill Magid, Becoming Tarden, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 20.8 x 13.4 cm, 181 p, language: English, publisher: Minneapolis, Minnesota: Print Craft, ISBN: N/A.
>Christopher K. Ho, Hirsch E.P. Rothko , Hirsch E.P. Rothko, 2010.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.1 x 11.6 cm, 89 p, language: English, publisher: Winkleman Gallery, ISBN: 978-0-9801985-2-2.
>Dani Umpi, Sólo te quiero como amigo, 2011.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 13,5 cm, 179 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Interzona, Buenos Aires, ISBN: 978-987-1180-90-5.
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>Renee Gladman, The Ravickians, 2011.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17 5 x 14 cm 167 p. language: English publisher: Dorothy a publishing project Urbana [Illinois] ISBN: 978-0-9844693-2-1.
>Richard Prince, The Catcher In The Rye, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 20.7 x 14.3 cm, 214 p., language : English, publisher : American Place, ISBN : N/A.
>Friedrich von Borries, 1WTC, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13 cm, 204 p., language : German, publisher : Suhrkamp, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-518-46274-4.
>New Society of Dilettanti, Norman James Hogg, Laura Edbrook, The Black Merkin, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 17.5 x 10.8 cm, 266 p, language: English, publisher: New Society of Dilettanti in collaboration with Collective, Edinburgh and AND Publishing, London, ISBN: 9781873653135.
>Billy Chyldish , The Stonemason, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.7 cm, 327 p., language : English, publisher : L-13 Press.(Aquarium), London, ISBN : 978-0-9565945-3-2.
>Cally Spooner, Collapsing in Parts, 2011.Book, 11 x 18 cm, 160 p, language: English, publisher: International Project Space, Birmingham; Mousse Publishing, Milan, ISBN: 978-8867490745.
>Simon Bill , BRAINS, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 cm x 10.9 cm, 286 p, language: English, publisher: Cabinet II, London, ISBN: 9781906496593.
>Christopher Russell, Sniper, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 16 x 23.5 cm, 200 p, language: English, publisher: Bedwetter, ISBN: 978-1-4507-5725-6.
>Momus (Nick Currie) , The Book of Japans, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 cm x 11.2 cm, 192 p, language: English, publisher: Berlin: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 9781934105245.
>Lytle Shaw , Jimbo Blachly, The Clifford Chadwick Clifford Collection, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 23.9 x 17 cm, 62 p, language: English, publisher: Birmingham: An Endless Supply, ISBN: 9 780957 061408.
>Hannu Väisänen, Apupata, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17.8 cm, 220 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki , ISBN: 9789511248033.
>Kiba Lumberg , Memesa Trilogy: Black butterfly (Musta perhonen), Tattered Wings (Repaleiset siivet) and Velvet Night (Samettiyö), 2011.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 10.9 cm, 599 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Sammakko, ISBN: 978-952-483-181-9.
>Lindsay Seers, M. Anthony Penwill, It Has To Be This Way², 2011.Book, ink, paper, 12.9 x 19.8 cm, 174 p, language: English, publisher: Matt's Gallery, London, ISBN: 978 0 907623 76 2.
>David Maroto, Illusion, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 20 cm, 222 p, language: Spanish, publisher: CreateSpace, ISBN:13: 978-1456599225, 10: 1456599224.
>Jan Cremer, Ik Jan Cremer 1, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, 389 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij, ISBN: ISBN 9789023428435.
>Nick Herman, Fatland, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 13.3 x 20.5 cm, 89 p, language: English, publisher: LA>
>Paul Haworth, Alone Desperate and Going Nowhere, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 10.9 x 18 cm, 224 p, language: English, publisher: TRUE TRUE TRUE, ISBN: 978-94-90006-03-7.
>Gilbert & George , Side by Side, 2012.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13.5 cm, 170 p., language : English, publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König/Enitharmon Editions, Köln, ISBN : 978-3-86335-268-4, numbered (1346/2000) and signed edition.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, The Hitman's Guide to Housecleaning, 2012.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.9 x 13.9 cm, 247 p., language : English, publisher : AmazonCrossing, Las Vegas, ISBN : 9781611091397.
>Kristian Skylstad, Victor Boullet, Time is the Assassin, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 14 cm, 87 p., language : English, publisher : Antenne Publishing, London & Frenetic Happiness, Paris, ISBN : 978-1-908806-02-4.
>Francesco Pedraglio, The Object Lessons, 2012.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 18 x 11,5 cm, 192 p., language : English, publisher : MOUSSE Publishing, ISBN : 9788867490288.
>Lisa Stålspets, A Home for Artists, 2012-2016.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14,6 cm, 165 p., language : English, Swedish, publisher : LevArt, ISBN : 978-82-690297-3-4.
>Vibeke Tandberg, Beijing Duck, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 21,1 x 13,2 cm, 158 p., language : Norwegian, publisher : Oktober, Oslo, ISBN : 978 82 495 1058 0.
>Sophia Al-Maria, The Girl Who Fell to Earth, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.4 cm, 288 p., language : English, publisher : HarperCollins, New York, ISBN : 978-0061999758.
>Lukasz Jastrubczak, Sebastian Cichocki, Miraż, 2012.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 19,1 cm x 12,8 cm, 115 p., language : Polish, publisher : Galeria Sztuki Wspólczesnej Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków, ISBN : 978-83-62224-21-0.
>Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Powieść (A Novel) [a fragment] (in : Powidoki Zycia. Wladyslaw Strzeminski i prawa dla sztuki - Afterimages of Life. Wladyslaw Strzeminski and Rights for Art), 2012.Book, ink, paper, 22.9 x 17.2 cm, 773 p, language : Polish, English, publisher : Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, ISBN : 9788363820022.
>Bjarne Melgaard, A New Novel, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 23.5 x 16 cm, 296 p, language: English, publisher: Aschehoug & Co, Oslo, ISBN : 9788203350337.
>Jake Chapman, INTROSPASTIC: From the Blackened Beyond, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.8 cm, 235 p, language : English, publisher : White Cube/Murray & Sorrell FUEL, London, ISBN : 9780956896216.
>Maxime Bondu, Germania, une Histoire des Années Soixante-Dix, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 118 p, language: French, publisher: self-published, ISBN: N/A.
>Ole Hagen, Lindsay Seers, Nowhere Less Now, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 cm x 12.8 cm, 190 p, language: English, Published by Artangel, London, ISBN 1 902201 27 2.
>Samson Kambalu , Uccello’s Vineyard, 2012.Book, 441 KB, 258 p, language: English, publisher: Appleluck London, ISBN: B009Z48N2Y.
>Rodney Graham, The System of Landor's Cottage : A Pendant to Poe's Last Tale (Ed.2), 2012.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 12.6 cm, 327 p, language: English, publisher: Bruxelles: Gevaert Editions, ISBN: 9782930619026.
>Erik Niedling , Ingo Niermann , The Future of Art: A Diary, 2012.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.9 cm x 14 cm, 255 p, language: English, publisher: Berlin: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-943365-02-3 .
>Jimbo Blachly, Lytle Shaw , The Moiré Effect, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 17.9 x 11 cm, 125 p, language: English, publisher: Zurich/Brooklyn, NY: Bookhorse & Cabinet Books, ISBN: 978-3-9523391-3-8.
>Pablo Helguera, Onda corta, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 cm x 14 cm, 103 p, language: Spanish, publisher: New:York: Jorge Pinto Books Inc., ISBN: 9781934978719.
>Eric Doeringer, 60 Years Later, Coming Through the Rye, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 13 cm, 277 p, language: English, publisher: Copycat Publications, ISBN: 03-2012-150.
>Filip Noterdaeme, The Autobiography of Daniel J. Isengart, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 20.2 x 12.5 cm, 351 p, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, CA: Outpost19, ISBN 9781937402488.
>David Colosi, Miss Pumpernickel Bread, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 21 cm x 14.8 cm, 410 p, language: English, publisher: The Center for Three-Dimensional Literature - David Colosi (self-published by the author), ISBN: 9781105541810.
>Klemens Gasser, Less, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 13.7 cm, 86 p, language: English, publisher: Self-published by the artist, ISBN: N/A.
>Jack Segbars, Inertia, 2012.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 211 p, language: English, Dutch (bilingual edition), publisher: Onomatopee, Eindhoven/Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN: 9789078454946.
>Ilja Karilampi, The Hunter in the Armchair, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 11.5 cm, 68 p, language: English, publisher: Morava books, Poznan, Poland, ISBN: 978-83-933762-4-7.
>Oscar Tuazon, Leave Me Be, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 16 x 23 cm, 117 p, language: English, publisher: DoPe Press, Paris, ISBN: 9782953978810.
>David Evrard, The Spirit of Ecstasy, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 16.5 x 23.4 cm, 224 p, language: English, publisher: Bruxelles: Éditions Komplot & Black Jack Éditions, ISBN: 9782960120714.
>Jasper Coppes, Stijn Verhoeff, Scharrelaar / It is a roller, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 10.6 x 15.7 cm, 67 p, language: English, publisher: Jeanine Hofland Contemporary Art, ISBN: N/A.
>Valérie Mréjen, Forêt Noire, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 12 x 18.5 cm, 123 p, language:French, publisher: Paris: P.O.L. éditeur, ISBN: 978-2818014851.
>Jill Magid, Failed States, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 20.6 x 14.5 cm, 129 p, language: English, publisher: Hasselt/Los Angeles/Bucharest/Stockholm: Z33/Honor Fraser Gallery/Bucharest Biennial 5/Romanian Cultural Institute of Stockholm, ISBN: 9781935662044.
>Karin Arink, S. / The Bearer of STATE , 2012.Artist Novel, 430 p, language: English, ISBN: N/A.
>Matias Faldbakken, Unfun - Skandinavische Misanthropie III, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 18.6 x 11.8 cm, 270 p, language: German, publisher: München: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, ISBN: 9783453675698.
>Kit Poulson, The Ice Cream Empire, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 14.6 x 22.5 cm, 101 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, ISBN: 9781906012342.
>Mark Geffriaud, The Curve of Forgotten Things, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 14.5 x 22.5 cm, 64 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, ISBN: 978-1906012335.
>Tom McCarthy, Remainder, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.8 cm, 284 p, language: English, publisher: Richmond (Surrey): Alma Books, ISBN: 9781846880414.
>Alex Cecchetti, A Society that Breathes Once a Year, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 14.6 x 22.5 cm, 85 p, language: English, publisher. Book Works, ISBN: 978 1 906012 32 8.
>Jean Cocteau, Le Potomak , 2013.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 13,5 cm, 230 p., language: French, publisher: Stock, Paris, ISBN: 978-2-234-06956-5.
>Jean Cocteau, Le grand écart , 2013.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 13,5 cm, 150 p., language: French, publisher: Stock, Paris, ISBN: 978-2-234-06955-8.
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>Renee Gladman, Ana Patova Crosses a Bridge, 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 14 cm, 127 p., language: English, publisher: Dorothy, a publishing project, Urbana [Illinois], ISBN:978-0-9844693-9-0.
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>Eleanor Antin, Conversations with Stalin, 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 15 x 11 cm, 187 p., language: English, publisher: Green Integer 207, Los Angeles, ISBN: 978-1-55713-420-2.
>Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, Laura, en Alejandría (escrita en 1979 y 1981), 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 26.7 x 21.2 cm, 307 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Ediciones La Bahía, Heras (Cantabria), ISBN : 978-84-939191-9-1.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, De zomer van de neusbloedingen, 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.4 cm, 310 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Em. Querido's Uitgeverij BV, Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 978-90-214-4740-7.
>Hannu Väisänen, Taivaanvartijat, 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.9 x 11 cm, 284 p., language : Finnish, publisher : Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN : 978-951-1-26273-2.
>Louise Hervé Chloé Maillet, Attraction étrange, 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 25,9 cm, 224 p., language : English/French, publisher : Dijon: Les presses du reel, ISBN : 978-3-03764-308-2.
>Thu-Van Tran, Au plus profond du noir, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 128 p., language : French, publisher : First Edition by Meessen De Clercq, ISBN : 978-2-930528-12-0.
>Friedrich von Borries, RLF, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13 cm, 252 p., language : German, publisher : Suhrkamp, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-518-46443-4.
>Douglas Coupland, Worst. Person. Ever., 2013.Book, ink, paper, 22.3 x 14.1 cm, 317 p., language : English, publisher : William Heinemann (The Random House Group Limited), London, ISBN : 978-0-434-01990-8.
>Bert Danckaert, De extra's, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12,5 cm, 117 p., language : Dutch, publisher : EPO, Berchem, ISBN : 978 94 91297 54 0.
>Ariane Müller, Handbuch für die Reise durch Afrika, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 13 cm, 208 p., language : German, publisher : Starship Verlag, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-7204-0210-1.
>Witkacy (Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz), Nienasycenie, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 20.5 x 14 cm, 519 p., language : Polish, publisher : Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki, Kety, Poland, ISBN : 978-83-61199-74-8.
>Witkacy (Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz), 622 Upadki Bunga, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 15 cm, 538 p., language : Polish, publisher : Pánstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa, ISBN : 978-83-06-03349-6.
>Dan Gilsdorf, REPO MAN, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.8 cm, 139 p, language : English, publisher : Publication Studio, Portland, Oregon, ISBN : 9781624620454.
>Leticia Obeid, Frente, Perfil y Llanura, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 14 cm, 145 p, language : Spanish, publisher : caballo negro editora, Córdoba, ISBN : 9789872917616.
>Miek Zwamborn, De Duimsprong, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13.1 cm, 255 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij Van Oorschot, Amsterdam, ISBN : 9789028260917.
>Matthew Brannon, Leopard, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 20 cm, 72 p, language: English, publisher: self-published, ISBN: N/A.
>Matthew Brannon, Antelope, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 20 cm, 72 p, language: English, publisher: Mousse Publishing, ISBN: 9788867490547.
>Pedro G. Romero, Los Países, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 96 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Editorial Periférica, ISBN: 9788492865789.
>David Price, The Fielders, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21.7 x 13.9 cm, language: English, publisher: AND Public, ISBN : 9781908452290.
>Jannie Regnerus, Het Lam, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12.6 cm, 140 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, Amsterdam/Antwerpen, ISBN : 9789025436407.
>Richard Hawkins , Fragile flowers, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 17.5 x 11.5 cm, 120 p., language : English, publisher : Les presses du réel.
>Wojtowircz Fog, Cheng Ran, Circadian Rhythm, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 18.4 x 13 cm, 250 p, language: English, Chinese, publisher: Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing-Lucerne, ISBN: 978-3-9524064-3-4.
>Hubert Renard, Sans Titre, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 23 x 17 cm, 192 p, language: French, publisher: art&fiction, Lausanne, ISBN: 978-2-940377-60-2.
>Barbara Cardinale, La Collectionneuse, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 9.4 cm, 118 p, language: French, publisher: self-published, ISBN: N/A.
>Jérémie Gindre, On a eu du Mal, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 18.5 cm, 176 p, language: French, publisher: Editions de l’Olivier, Paris, ISBN: 9782823601756 .
>Nadim Abbas, Angela Su, Mary Lee, BERTY, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 12.5 cm, 192 p, language: English, publisher: self-published, ISBN:978-988-12778-0-0 .
>Marla Jacarilla , Mecánica de la Desidia, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14.8 cm, 174 p, language: Spanish, self-published, ISBN: 978-84-616-5317-1.
>Gareth Long , A More Precise Distance Between the Reader and the Ultimate Visions, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 22 x 14.5 cm, 43 p, language : English, publisher : Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art.
>Jérémie Gindre, Un trou célèbre, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 57 p, language: French, publisher: Motto Books, ISBN : 978-2-940524-00-6.
>Lukasz Gorczyca , Oskar Dawicki, Lukasz Ronduda , W Polowie Puste, 2013.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 21 cm x 14 cm, 333 p, language: Polish, publisher: Art Stations Foundation by Grazyna Kulczyk, ISBN: 978-83-927804-7-2.
>Ernesto Pujol, The Boys’ Garden Club, 2013.Book, 12.7 x 20.3 cm, 210 p, language: English, publisher: The Field School & McNally Jackson Books, New York, ISBN: 978-1-938022-49-4.
>Wojciech Bruszewski, Big Dick, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 20 cm x 13.9 cm, 317 p, language: Polish, publisher: Korporacja Ha!art, Kraków, ISBN 978-83-62574-95-7.
>Everyone Agrees , After The Night - The Meeting of Failures: Act II, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19.1 cm x 14 cm, 137 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, London, ISBN: 978 1 906012 47 2.
>Michèle Bernstein , The Night, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19 cm x 14 cm, 155 p, language: English, published by Book Works, London, ISBN 978 1 906012 52 6.
>David Maroto, The South Highway, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 11 cm, 128 p, language: English, publisher: Dutch Art Institute and CasCo–Office for Art, Design and Theory, ISBN: 978-94-90294-53-3.
>Hayley Newman, Common, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 19.5 cm, 96 p, language: English, publisher: Copy Press, ISBN: 978-0-9553792-6-0.
>Heather Guertin , Model Turned Comedian, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19.2 x 12.8 cm, 71 p, language: English, publisher: Portland, Oregon: Publication Studio/Social Malpractice Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-62462-010-2.
>Emily Kocken , Witte vlag, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, 391 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam/Antwerpen: Em. Querido's Uitgeverij BV, ISBN: 9789021446639.
>Paul Haworth, Jonny on a Chorizo, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 376 p, publisher: Amsterdam: True True True, language: English, ISBN 9789490006906.
>Pauline Fondevila, Una casa y un tambor, 2014.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.7 x 13.5 cm, 72 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Ivan Rosado, Rosario, Argentina, ISBN : 978-987-3708-08-4.
>Guillermo Iuso, Todo lo que pasó, 2014.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.4 x 13.8 cm, 77 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Mansalva Editorial, Buenos Aires, ISBN : 978-987-1474-94-3.
>Brendan Michal Heshka, An Alien Odyssey to Creative Freedom, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 14.80 x 21 cm, 235 p, language: English, publisher: Lulu, ISBN: 9781312323469.
>Dan Starling, The Culture Industry and the Propaganda Factory, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 15.7 x 24 cm, 164 p, language : English, publisher : New Documents, Vancouver (Canada)/Los Angeles (USA), ISBN: 978-1-927354-16-2.
>Ithell Colquhoun, I Saw Water, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 22.80 x 14.24 cm, 228 p, language: English, publisher: Penn State University Press, ISBN: 978-0-271-06423-9.
>Francesco Pedraglio, A Man in a Room Spray-painting a Fly... (or at Least Trying to...), 2014.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 13 x 19 cm, 352 p., language : English, publisher : Book Works, ISBN : 978 1 906012 45 8.
>Unni Gjertsen, Dakar–Tromsø, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 19 cm, 128 p., language : English, Norwegian, publisher : KORO Public Art Norway, ISBN : 978-82-93033-10-3.
>Hou Chien Cheng, Brown, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17,5 cm, 140 p., language : English, Flemish, West-Flemish, publisher : APE, Art Paper Editions, ISBN : 9789490800222.
>Little Warsaw , Naming You, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 31 x 23 cm, 112 p., language : English, publisher : Revolver, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3957630124.
>Momus (Nick Currie) , Herr F, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 428 p., language : English, German, publisher : Fiktion, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-944818-66-5.
>Samuel Hasler, O, A Prayer Book, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 148 p., language : English, publisher : Book Works, London, ISBN : 978 1 906012 55 7.
>Cara Benedetto, The Coming of Age, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11.4 cm, 156 p., language : English, publisher : Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, ISBN : 978-3-942144-35-3.
>Pam Emmerik , Wie het paradijs verdragen kan, 2014.Book, ink, paper, x cm, 400 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Prometheus Uitgeverij, Amsterdam, ISBN : 9789044626049.
>Sophia Al-Maria, Virgin with a Memory: The Exhibition Tie-in, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 13 cm, 192 p., language : English, publisher : Cornerhouse / The Third Line, Manchester, ISBN : 9780956957191.
>Matthew Brannon, Laurence Harvey - An irresponsible biography, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 22.5 x 14 cm, 97 p., language : English, publisher : Onestar Press, Paris.
>Lindsay Seers, M. Anthony Penwill, Sargent, Dhonau, Maes, Royale, Nowhere Less Now4 (iamnowhere), 2014.Book, ink, paper, 17.4 x 10,5 cm, language : English, publisher : Self-published, ISBN : 978-1-903781-90-6.
>Lindsay Seers, M. Anthony Penwill, Sargent, Dhonau, Maes, Royale, Nowhere Less Now4 (iamnowhere), 2014.Book, ink, paper, 17.4 x 10.5 cm, language : English, publisher : Self-published, ISBN : 978-1-903781-66-3.
>Raziye Kubat, The Story of Yusuf, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 25 cm, 107 p, language: English, publisher: Dada Basım Yayın A.S, ISBN: 978-605-9924-00-9.
>Société Réaliste , The Best American Book of the 20th Century, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 21 cm, 112 p, language: English, publisher: Onomatopee, ISBN: 978-94-91677-26-7.
>K.D. , Goldin+Senneby, Headless, 2014.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 10.67 x 17.78 cm, 348 p, language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-95679-026-3.
>Gerry Bibby, The Drumhead, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 13,5 x 20 cm, 118 p, language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, Berlin & If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part of Your Revolution, Amsterdam, ISBN: 978-3-95679-065-2.
>Katrina Palmer, The Fabricator's Tale, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 17,6 x 10,8 cm, 200 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, ISBN: 978 1 906012 51 9.
>Peter Lemmens, Brief histories of cleaning, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 20.3 x 12.6 cm, 194 p, publisher : MÅNGATA BOOKS (Diversions Publishing), ISBN : 9781500664718.
>Maxim Komar-Myshkin, Roee Rosen, Vladimir's Night, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 30 cm, 174 p, language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-95679-059-1.
>David Maroto, The Wheel of Fortune, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 20 cm, 220 p, language: English, publisher: Jap Sam Books, ISBN: 978-94-90322-49-6.
>Suzy Spence, Northeast: Look At Dilatory Domiciles Always To Insure Accuracy, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 15,6 x 23,5 cm, 165 p, language: English, publisher: Spence Projects, ISBN: N/A.
>Peter Lemmens, Performing tasks with your non-dominant hand is a great way to develop new neural pathways (the novelization edit), 2014.Book, ink, paper, 20.8 x 14.7 cm, 175 p, language : English, publisher : Furies Publishing Inc. (Diversions Publishing).
>Jacob Wren, Polyamorous Love Song, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 185 p, language : English, publisher : Bookthug, Toronto, ISBN : 9781771660303, Series : Department of narrative studies, n° 12.
>Arno Kramer, Tussenlicht, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 23.5 x 15.9 cm, 329 p, language: Dutch, publisher: ID Publishers, Broekland, Nederland/Bramsche (Duitsland).
>Alan Michael, Lucy McKenzie, Unlawful Assembly, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 125 p, language: English, publisher: Koenig Books, London, ISBN : 9783863354909.
>Brian O'Doherty, The Crossdresser's Secret, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 473 p., language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press Berlin, ISBN 9783943365962.
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>Jérémie Gindre, One Helluva Hole, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 57 p., language: English, publisher: Motto Books, Berlin, ISBN: 978-2-940524-32-7.
>Leticia Obeid, Preparación para el amor, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper.
>Hannu Väisänen, Piisamiturkki ja muita kertomuksia, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11 cm, 286 p., language : Finnish, publisher : Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN : 978-951-1-29661-4.
>Verónica Gerber Bicecci, Conjunto vacío, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 13.5 x 20.9 cm, 213 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Almadía, México, D.F. ISBN: 978-607-411-180-4.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Sjóveikur í München, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper.
>Billy Chyldish , The Ward Porter, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.5 x 13.5 cm, 160 p., language : English, publisher : L-13 Light Industrial Workshop, ISBN : 9781910691052.
>David Lieske, I Tried to Make this Work, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, language : English, publisher : Montez Press.
>Jutta Koether , f., 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19 x 12 cm, 130 p, language: English/German, publisher: Berlin: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-95679-005-8.
>Momus (Nick Currie) , UnAmerica, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 14 cm, 192 p., language : French, publisher : Le Serpent à Plumes, La Madeleine-de-Nonancourt (FR), ISBN : 979-10-94680-06-3 (First edition : Penny-Ante Editions, Los Angeles, 2014).
>Gregory Forstner, L'odeur de la viande, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 14,5 cm, 80 p., language : French, publisher : Esperluète édition, ISBN : 9782359840612.
>Emmy Hennings, Gefängnis. Das graue Haus. Das Haus im Schatten, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12.5 cm, 576 p., language : German, publisher : Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, ISBN : 978-3-8353-1834-2.
>Miranda July, The First Bad Man, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 22 x 14.5 cm, 276 p., language : English, publisher : Scribner, ISBN : 978-1439172575.
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>Sal Randolph, & Drift, 2015.Mixed Media, language: English, publisher: self-published, ISBN: N/A.
>Félix Vallotton, Les Soupirs de Cyprien Morus, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 18.2 x 11.9 cm, 245 p., language : French, publisher : Infolio éditions, Gollion (CH), ISBN : 978-2-88474-876-6.
>Alain Arias-Misson, Comic Book, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.4 cm, 164 p., language : English, publisher : Black Scat Books, San Francisco, ISBN : 978-0-692-44067-4 .
>José Antonio Covo Meisel, Osamentas relampagueantes, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 12 cm, 155 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Cain Press, Bogotá, ISBN : 978-958-46-7244-5.
>Steven Emmanuel, The Good Life, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 18.5 x 11 cm, 168 p., language : English, publisher : Self-published, ISBN : N/A.
>Mitch Nemmers, Suppoosten van het Dagelijks Leven, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 9,6 x 14,6 cm, 132 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Prison Pockets, Rotterdam, ISBN : N/A.
>Lex Brown, My Wet Hot Drone Summer, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11.4 cm, 130 p., language : English, publisher : Badlands Unlimited, New York, ISBN : 978-1-936440-91-7.
>Maija Timonen, The Measure of Reality, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12 cm, 123 p., language : English, publisher : Book Works, London, ISBN : 978 1 906012 69 4.
>Seth Price, Fuck Seth Price, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11.7 cm, 124 p., language : English, publisher : The Leopard Press, New York, ISBN : 978-0981546834.
>Pepo Salazar, La fiesta de los metales, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 17.5 x 10.5 cm, 245 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Cru editions, Barcelona.
>Tom McCarthy, Satin Island, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 14.98 x 21.59 cm, 208 p., language : English, publisher : Knopf, New York, ISBN : 978-0307593955.
>David Musgrave, Unit, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 19.4 x 14.2 cm, 184 p., language : English, publisher : LemonMelon, London, ISBN : 978-1-908260-15-4.
>Brian Catling, The Vorrh, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 24.6 x 17.3 cm, 512 p., language : English, publisher : Penguing Random House, New York, ISBN : 9781101873786.
>Benjamin Seror, Mime Radio, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 22 x 14 cm, 136 p., language : English, publisher : Bat; Adéra; CRAC Alsace; Kunstverein, Amsterdam; Sternberg Press, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-95679-151-2.
>Simon Bill , Artist in Residence, 2016.Artist Novel, 19,5 x 13 cm, 335 p. language: English, publisher: Sort Of Books, United .
>Marina Abramović, Walk Through Walls : A Memoir, 2016.Artist Novel, 19,5 x 13 cm, 370 p. language: English, publisher: Penguin Books, United Kingdom, ISBN: 978-0-241-97452-0.
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>Ruy Krygier, Un erudito en problemas, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21,5 x 14 cm, language: Spaans, publisher: Mansalva Editorial, Buenos Aires, ISBN: 978-987-3728-45-7.
>Erwan Mahéo, Le Centre du Monde : Description d'une sculpture invisible, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 13 cm, 128 p, language: Frans, publisher: Editions Le Bord de l'Eau-Collection La Muette & FRAC Bretagne, Bruxelles-Lormont-Rennes, ISBN 978-2-35687-497-9.
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>Jaakko Pallasvuo, Scorched Earth, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.2 x 12.6 cm, 150 p., language: English, publisher: Arcadia Missa Publications, London, ISBN: 978-0-9926747-6-2.
>Alain Arias-Misson, Autobiography of a Character from Fiction, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.8 cm, 206 p., language : English, publisher : Black Scat Books, San Francisco, CA, ISBN : 978-0-997-77712-3.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Niets te vieren, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, 271 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Em. Querido's Uitgeverij B.V., Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 978-90-214-0202-4.
>Deniz Gül, Loyelow, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 13.5 x 19.5 cm, 128 p, language: Turkish, publisher: Norgunk, ISBN: 9789758686858.
>Hannu Väisänen, Elohopea, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11 cm, 363 p., language : Finnish, publisher : Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN : 978-951-1-29963-9.
>Linda Stupart, Virus, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 20.3 x 12.7 cm, 139 p., language : English, publisher : Arcadia Missa Publications, London, ISBN : 978-0-9926747-8-6.
>Eduardo Arroyo, Bambalinas, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 13.45 cm, 192 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Galaxia Gutenberg, ISBN : 9788416495337.
>Tonje Bøe Birkeland, The Characters, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 31.5 x 22.5 cm, 268 p., language : English, publisher : Bergen Kjøtt Publishing.
>Imma Ávalos, Germà de gel, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 21.3 x 14 cm, 244 p., language : Catalan, publisher : L’Altra Editorial, ISBN : 978-84-945085-1-6.
>Jean-Christophe Norman, Grand Mekong hotel, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 15 cm, 262 p., language : French, publisher : De L'Incidence Éditeur, ISBN : 978-2-918193-37-1.
>Keren Cytter, A – Z Life Coaching, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 13 cm, 132 p., language : English, publisher : Sternberg Press, ISBN : 978-3-956792-68-7.
>Ciarán Walsh, Vortices, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 11 cm, 96 p., language : English, publisher : Self-published, ISBN : N/A.
>Hassan Khan, Twelve Clues, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 19,5 x 12,5 cm, 122 p., language : English, publisher : Mousse Publishing, ISBN : 978886749-236-7.
>Pathetic Sympathy Seekers , Was bisher geschah, 2016.Mixed Media, 65 p., language : German, publisher : Pathetic Sympathy Seekers, ISBN : N/A.
>Jacob Wren, Rich and Poor, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 20 cm, 184 p., language : English, publisher : BookThug, ISBN : 9781771662383.
>Eric Simon, Les mille et une phrases, 2016.Book, e-book, 140 p., language : French, publisher : Contre-mur éditions, Marseille, ISBN : 978-2-9547306-5-3.
>Hou Chien Cheng, Green, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17,5 cm, 180 p., language : English, publisher : Publication Studio Rotterdam, ISBN : 978-94-92308-06-1.
>Alejandro López, Las malas lenguas, 2017.Artist Novel, 18 x 13 cm, 165 p., language: Spaans, publisher: Blatt & Ríos, Buenos Aires, ISBN 978-987-3616-81-5.
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>Renee Gladman, Houses of Ravicka, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17,5 x 14 cm, 150 p., language: English, publisher: Dorothy, a publishing project, New York, ISBN: 978-0-9973666-6-2.
>Brian Catling, The Erstwhile, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19,5 x 13 cm, 462 p., language: English, publisher: Coronet, London, 978-1-473-63640-8.
>Vincenzo Agnetti , Obsoleto, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 14 cm, 183 p., language : Italian, publisher : Edizioni Cinquemarzo, Viareggio, Italy, ISBN : 978-88-6970-126-9.
>Stefan Panhans, We Just Left Shore, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 120 p., language : German, publisher : Textem, Hamburg, ISBN : 978-3-86485-166-7.
>Alain Arias-Misson, The Detective Who Didn't Have a Clue, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.8 cm, 165 p., language : English, publisher : Black Scat Books, San Francisco, CA, ISBN : 9780997777192.
>eteam , The Case of Distance Disengaged, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12.7 x 20.3 cm, English, 123 pages, ISBN: 9780692854822.
>Guillermo Iuso, Otro panorama de libertad, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.9 cm, 72 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Mansalva Editorial, Buenos Aires, ISBN : 978-987-3728-67-9.
>Nicoline Timmer, en toen aten we zeehond, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 12.5 x 20 cm, 203 p., Language : Dutch, Publisher : Ambo/Anthos, Amsterdam, ISBN: 978 90 263 3247 0.
>Jannie Regnerus, Nachtschrijver, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper.
>Jérémie Gindre, Pas d'éclairs sans tonnerre, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 21 cm, 240 p, language : French, publisher : Éditions Zoé, Carouge-Genève, ISBN: 978-2-88927-379-9.
>Sharon Kivland, Reading Nana, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.5 x 14 cm, 104 p, language: English, French, publisher: MA BIBLIOTHÈQUE, ISBN:978-1-910055-28-1.
>Maria Barnas, Altijd Augustus, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13 cm, 188 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: Uitgeverij G.A. van Oorschot B.V., ISBN: 9789028261563.
>Hannah Black, Life: A Novel, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 16 x 10.5 cm, 108 p, language: English, publisher: Cologne, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, ISBN: 9783960981.
>Emily Kocken , De kuur, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 13.6 cm, 276 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Em. Querido Publishers, ISBN : 9789021406114.
>Noor Abuarafeh, "The Earth Doesn't Tell Its Secrets" His Father Once Said, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 16,8 x 13 cm, 255 p., language : English, publisher : Sharjah Art Foundation, ISBN : 978-9948-23-204-9.
>Ciarán Walsh, The Sickness, Book One, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 10 cm, 120 p., language : English, publisher : TFGC Publishing, ISBN : 978-3-00-055117-8.
>Annabel Frearson, Affectation Correspondence, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 312 pp., language : English, publisher : Tombstone Press, London, ISBN : 978-0-9576756-1-2.
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>Brian Catling, The Cloven, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 13 cm, 429 p., language: Engels, publisher: Coronet, London, ISBN 978-1-473-63641-5.
>Juan Carlos RodrÍguez Torres, Petra Narcisa, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21,5 x 14 cm, 180 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Isla de libros, ISBN: 978-958-59680-8-0.
>Andrew James Paterson, Not Joy Division, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17,5 x 12,5 cm, 100 p., language: English, publisher: IMPULSE [b:].
>Etel Adnan, Surge, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 13.97 x 20.96 cm, 56 p., language : English, publisher : Nightboat Books, ISBN : 9781937658854.
>Erica van Horn, Em & I, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12,5 x 17 cm, 187 p., language : English, publisher : Cornerhouse Publications, ISBN : 978-0-906630-55-6.
>Pauline Fondevila, Cinco días en Colón, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.9 x 13.4 cm, 47 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Ivan Rosado, Rosario, Argentina, ISBN : 978-987-3708-61-9.
>Gathie Falk, Apples, etc. - An Artist's Memoir, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.7 x 14.6 cm, 219 p., language : English, publisher : Figure 1 Publishing Inc., Vancouver, ISBN : 978-1-77327-012-8.
>Jacob Wren, Authenticity Is a Feeling: My Life in PME-ART, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 13.33 x 20.32 cm, English, 304 pages, ISBN: 9781771663892.
>Matias Faldbakken, The Waiter, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.5 x 13.5 cm, 225 p., language : English, publisher : Doubleday (Transworld Publishers), London, ISBN : 9780857525857.
>Barry McMahon, Blue: The Novel, 2018.Book, ink, paper, 15 x 22 cm, 455 p, language : English, publisher : BFA Press, ISBN: 978-0996021531.
>Jannie Regnerus, Lente, 2018.Book, ink, paper, 24.9 x 18.5 cm, language : Dutch, publisher : Korenmaat (www.hofvanjan.nl), Haarlem.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Sextíu kíló af sólskini, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper.
>Joshua Schwebel, A Dream in Which I Am You, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17 x 10,8 cm, 253 p., language : English, publisher : self-published, ISBN : N/A.
>Zachary Cahill, The Black Flame of Paradise, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 15 cm, 160 p., language : English, publisher : Mousse Publishing , ISBN : 9788867493395.
>Evelin Brosi, 3968, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.6 x 10.8 cm, 476 p, language: English, publisher: het balanseer, ISBN: 9789079202560.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Woman at 1,000 degrees, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23.6 x 16 cm, 391 p., language : English, publisher : Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, ISBN : 978-1-61620-623-9.
>Michael Tedja, Briljante man, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.5 x 14 cm, 320 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij IJzer , ISBN : 978-90-8684-166-0.
>Graham Rawle, Overland, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22.4 x 15 cm, 384 p., language : English, publisher : Chatto & Windus, ISBN : 978-1784741488.
>Scott Elliott, The El Dorado Commission, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.5 x 14 cm, 143 p, language: English, publisher: Vancouver: Publication Studio, ISBN: 978-1-927385-52-4.
>Jasper Coppes, Daniel Lee, Flow Country, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.7 x 11.2 cm, 123 p, language: English, publisher: Glasgow: Publication Studio, ISBN: 978-1-9995899-0-5.
>Alex Cecchetti, Tamam Shud, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.7 x 11.7 cm, 268 p, language: English, publisher: Berlin: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 9783956793981.
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>Jean Cocteau, Thomas l’imposteur, 2019.Artist Novel, Artist’s Novel, 18,5 x 12 cm, 183 p., language: French, publisher: Gallimard, Paris, ISBN: 978-2-07-021571-3.
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>Leticia Obeid, Preparação para o amor, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.1 x 12.1 cm, 207 p., language: Portuguese, publisher: par(ent)esis, Florianópolis.
>Erick Meyenberg, Ruth Estévez, Even When Fall Is Here, 2019.Book, Curator's Novel, 26 x 19 cm, 141 p., language : English, Spanish, publisher : haudenschildGarage, San Diego, CA & Doppelhouse Press, Los Angeles, CA, ISBN : 978-1-7339579-1-5.
>Alina Lupu, This Is a Work of Fiction, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 16 x 11.1 cm, 151 p., language : English, self-published, Amsterdam.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Composteer mij, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.6 x 13.6 cm, 208 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Em. Querido's Uitgeverij BV, Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 978-90-214d-1790-5.
>David Maroto, The Artist's Novel. The Novel as a Medium in the Visual Arts - Part II : The Fantasy of the Novel, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.7 x 15.3 cm, 289 p., language : English, publisher : Mousse Publishing, Milano, ISBN : 978-88-6749-425-5.
>David Maroto, The Artist's Novel. The Novel as a Medium in the Visual Arts - Part I : A New Medium, 2019.Book, ink, paper, 20.7 x 15.3 cm, 281 p., language : English, publisher : Mousse Publishing, Milano, ISBN : 978-88-6749-422-4.
>Susan Finlay , Our Lady of Everything, 2019.Book, ink, paper, 22.2 x 14 cm, 242 p, language : English, publisher : Serpent's Tail, London, ISBN : 978-1-78816-119-0.
>Richard Roth, NoLab, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 15,24 x 22,86 cm, English, 234 pages, publisher: Owl Canyon Press, ISBN: 978-0998507385.
>Txomin Badiola, Malformalismo, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 14 cm x 21 cm, language: Spanish, English, Basque, French, publisher: Caniche Editorial, ISBN: 978-84-120368-0-0.
>Arnold Schalks, Steeg: Kroniek van een zere plek, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12,5 cm, Dutch, 208 pages, publisher: Primavera pers, ISBN: 978-90-5997-291-9.
>Tyler Coburn, Richard Roe, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 10.8 x 17.6 cm, 72 p, language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-95679-464-3.
>Tom O'Sullivan, Joanne Tatham, The Bitter Cup, 2019.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 10.6 cm, 112 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works & Hospitalfield, ISBN: 978 1 906012 88 5.
>Ingo Niermann , Erik Niedling , Burial of the White Man, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12.5 x 19 cm, 288 p, language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-95679-426-1.
>Huw Lemmey, Hildegard von Bingen, Unknown Language, 2020.Artist Novel, 19,5 x 13 cm, 232 p., language: English, publisher: Ignota, ISBN: 9781999675998.
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>Kris Martin, Idiot, 2020.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 15 cm, 1494 p., language: Engels, publisher: DISTANZ Verlag, Berlijn, ISBN: 978-3-95476-332-0.
>Reto Pulfer, Gina, ein zuständiger Roman, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 10,5 x 18 cm, 304 p., language : German, publisher : Bom Dia Boa Tarde Bom Noite, ISBN : 978-3-96436-033-5.
>Emily Segal , Mercury Retrograde, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22.9 x 15.1 cm, 211 p., language : English, publisher : Deluge Books, Los Angeles, ISBN : 978-1-7362104-0-6.
>Amalie Smith, Thread Ripper, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 15 cm, 108 p., language : Danish, publisher : Gyldendal, Copenhagen, ISBN : 978-87-02-29642-6.
>Ernst Billgren , Salamandern från farsta, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.5 x 14.5 cm, 368 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Bokförlaget Langenskiöld, Stockholm, ISBN : 978-91-88439-73-4.
>Amalie Smith, Marble, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.4 x 12.2 cm, 140 p., language : English, publisher : Lolli Editions, London, ISBN : 978-1-9999928-7-3.
>Alex Llovet, Las fotos que nunca hice, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.4 x 14.2 cm, 234 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Ediciones Posibles, Barcelona, ISBN : 9788409185993.
>Evelin Brosi, Thuis, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.9 x 11 cm, 448 p., language : Dutch, publisher : het balanseer, Gent, ISBN : 9789079202799.
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>Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, Paris la Consciencieuse : Paris la Guideuse du monde, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 31 x 21.4 cm, 325 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Faro, Paris, ISBN : 979-10-95991-23-6.
>Ivan Cheng, Ferrara deux (Faits divers), 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 15 x 22 cm, 136 p., language : English, publisher : self-published, ISBN : N/A.
>Irene Solà, Canto jo i la muntanya balla, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22 x 13.9 cm, 189 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Editorial Anagrama, s.a., Barcelona, 7th edition, ISBN : 978-84-339-1568-9.
>Helen Marten, The Boiled in Between, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11.3 cm, 321 p., language : English, publisher : Prototype, London, ISBN : 978-1-9160520-6-2.
>Irene Solà, Els dics, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.4 x 14.1 cm, 253 p., language : Spanish, publisher : L'Altra Editorial, Barcelona, ISBN : 978-84-947829-3-0, 5th edition.
>Jannie Regnerus, Het wolkenpaviljoen, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.7 x 13.5 cm, 101 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij Van Oorschot, Amsterdam.
>Susan Finlay , Objektophilia, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12 x 19 cm, language : English, 236 p., publisher : MA BIBLIOTHÈQUE, London, ISBN: 978-1-910055-65-6.
>Leticia Obeid, Bajo sus pies, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 13 cm, 241 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Blatt & Ríos, Buenos Aires, ISBN : 978-987-4941-61-9.
>eteam , Grabeland, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12.7 x 20.4 cm, English, 342 pages, publisher : Nighboat Books, New York, ISBN: 97816436200.
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>Lex ter Braak, Levensvormen, 2021.Artist Novel, 21 x 13 cm, 324 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Van Oorschot, Amsterdam, ISBN: 9789028212398.
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>Dalia Rosetti, Fernanda Laguna, El fuego entre nosotras, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23 x 14 cm, 176 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Random House, ISBN: 978-987-769-114-6.
>Syd Krochmalny, El tamaño de mi mundo, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 14 cm, 192 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Mansalva Editorial, Buenos Aires, ISBN: 9789878337234.
>Andrei Monastyrski , Kashira Highway, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 14,5 cm, 232 p., language: English, publisher: Artguide s.r.o., Moscow, 978-80-906714-8-5.
>David Maroto, Not All Of Me Will Die (An oral novella), 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 15 cm, 80 p., language : English, publisher : David Maroto, Rotterdam, Artist's copy 3/3, ISBN: 978-90-9034503-1.
>Ai Weiwei , 1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23.5 x 15.4 cm, 380 p., language : English, publisher : Crown, New York, ISBN : 978-0-593-24069-4.
>Robert Devriendt, Maximes Obsessie, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.8 cm, 187 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Borgerhoff & Lamberigts, Gent, ISBN : 9789463933704.
>Rouzbeh Akhbari, Perturbation, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17,5 x 10,5 cm, 154 p., language : English, publisher : self-pubished, ISBN : 9781008983847.
>Michael Tedja, Meta is haar naam, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.5 x 14 cm, 286 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij Ijzer, Utrecht, ISBN : 978-90-8684-221-6.
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>Emily Kocken , Lalalanding, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.4 cm, 229 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Em. Querido's Uitgeverij B.V., Amsterdam, ISBN: 9789021414485.
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>Susan Finlay , My Other Spruce and Maple Self, 2021.Artist Novel, 19 x 12 cm, 256 p., language: English, publisher: Moist, Nottingham, ISBN: 978-1-913430-02-3.
>Ivan Cheng, Confidences / Baseline, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 11.7 x 16.4 cm, 176 p., language : English, publisher : TLTRPreß, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-9819640-5-9.
>Barbara Chase-Riboud, The Great Mrs. Elias, 2022.Artist Novel, 23,5 x 15,5 cm, 399 p. language: English, publisher: HarperCollins, New York, ISBN: 978-0-06-301990-4.
>Dani Umpi, Miss Tacuarembó, 2022.Artist Novel, 18 x 13 cm, 221 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Blatt & Ríos, Buenos Aires and Madrid, ISBN: 978-84-124302-3-3.
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>Liam Gillick, A Max De Vos, 2022.Artist Novel, 18 x 11,5 cm, 157 p., language: English, publisher: Mer. B&L, Gent, ISBN: 9789463937368.
>Ivan Cheng, Confidences/Majority, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 11 x 18 cm, 208 p., language : English, publisher : After 8 Books, ISBN : 978-2-492650-05-5.
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>Susan Finlay , The Jacques Lacan Foundation, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19 x 12 cm, 198 p., language: English, publisher: Moist, Nottingham.
>Francesc Torres, La campana hermética, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23 x 15 cm, 365 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Catedral, Barcelona, 365 p. .
>Erica van Horn, We Still Have the Telephone, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 12 cm, 180 p., language: English, publisher: Les Fugitives, London, B 2031/718.
>Steffani Jemison, A Rock, A River, A Street, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18,4 x 12,6 cm, 154 p., language: English, publisher: Primary Information & Printed Matter, Inc., Brooklyn, 978-1-7365346-6-3.
>Lily van der Stokker, How I Went to New York, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21,5 x 16,5 cm, 184 p., language: English, publisher: Les presses du réel, Dijon, 978-2-37896-293-7.
>Raisa Maudit, Días de Ira, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12,85 x 19,84 cm, 200 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Storm and Drunk, Madrid .
>Mary Heilmann, The All Night Movie, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 30,5 x 23 cm, 147 p., language: English, publisher: Primary Information, New York City, 978-1-7377979-0-6.
>Sharon Kivland, Abécédaire, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19 x 12 cm, 296p., language: English; Publisher: Moist, 978-1-913430-10-8.
>Hannah Black, Tuesday or September or the End, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.1 x 13.4 cm, 132 p., language : English, publisher : Capricious, New York, ISBN : 978-1-7346562-3-7.
>Dana Sederowsky, Solo, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12.5 x 19.7 cm, 256 p., language : English, publisher : Art and Theory, ISBN : 9789198672053.
>Alberto Greco, Guillotine murió guillotinado, 2023.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 13,5 cm, 202 p. language: Spanish, publisher: Interzona, Buenos Aires, ISBN: 978-987-790-068-2.
>Françoise Gilot, Carlton Lake, Vivre avec Picasso, 2023.Artist Novel, 17,5 x 11 cm, 378 p., language: French, publisher: 10/18, Paris, ISBN: 978-2-264-04260-6.
>Alice Walter, The Medium, 2023.Artist Novel, 20 x 14 cm, 122 p., language: English, publisher: Book Works, London, ISBN: 978-1-912570-21-8.
>Mochu , Bezoar Delinqxenz, 2023.Artist Novel, 17,5 x 11 cm, 103 p., language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, London, Edith-Russ-Haus, Oldenburg, ISBN: 978-3-95679-653-1.
>Irene Solà, Et vaig donar ulls i vas mirar les tenebres, 2023.Artist Novel, 22 x 14 cm, 168 p., language: Catalan, publisher: Editorial Anagrama, Barcelona, ISBN: 9788433905120.
>Susan Finlay , The Lives Of The Artists, 2023.Artist Novel, 18 x 13 cm, 199 p., language: English, publisher: JOAN, London, ISBN: 978-1-7392596-3-1.
>David Colosi, A Confluence of Snails, 2023.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21,5 x 13,5 cm, 222 p., language: English,publisher: David Colos, Brooklyn [New York City].
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>Sebastian Black, Circle and Square, 2023.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19,8 x 13 cm, 240 p., language: English, publisher: Triangle Books & CLEARING, Brussel, ISBN 978-2-930777-50-4.
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>Mathilde Supe, Keren Cytter Doesn't Like to Share, 2023.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20,5 x 14 cm, 239 p., language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, ISBN 978-3-95679-655-5.
>Anne de Marcken, It Lasts Forever and Then It’s Over, 2024.Artist Novel, 20 x 13 cm, 127 p. language: English, publisher: New Direction Books, New York, ISBN: 978-0-8112-3785-7.
>Ivan Cheng, Confidences / Oracle, 2024.Artist Novel, 19 x 15 cm, 183 p. language: English, publisher: OCT0, Marseille, ISBN: 978-2-9593478-0-1.
>Szymon Wildstein, Klasztor głupiego myślenia, 2024.Artist Novel, 18 x 11 cm, 103 p. language: Polish, publisher: Disastra Publishing, Poznan, ISBN: 978-83-940678-6-1.
>Miranda July, All Fours , 2024.Artist Novel, 23,5 x 15 cm, 326 p., language: Engels, publisher: Canongate, Edinburgh, ISBN: 978-1-83885-345-7.
>Simon O'Sullivan, The Ancient Device, 2024.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 14 cm, 169 p., language: Engels, publisher: Triarchy Press, Axminster, ISBN: 978-1-917251-01-3.
>Çifel Hüseyin, Power of Discrimination, 2024.Artist Novel, 21 x 14,5 cm, 223 p., language: Engels.
>Darius Žiūra, Diseris, 2024.Artist Novel, 20 x 13,5 cm, 179 p., language: Lithuanian, publisher: Kitos knygos and Vilniaus dailės akademijos (VDA), Vilnius, ISBN: 9786094276156.
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>Henry Joseph Darger, Crazy House: Further Adventures in Chicago.Book, ink, paper, Dimensions, publisher and ISBN N/A, 8000 p, Language: English.
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>Henry Joseph Darger, The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinnian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion.Book, ink, paper, Dimensions, publisher and ISBN N/A, 15145 p, Language: English.
>William Morris, Wood Beyond the World.Book, ink, paper, 20.5 x 13.3 cm, 157 p, language: English, publisher: Hamburg: tredition GmbH, ISBN: 9783842427235.