The Book Lovers is a research project on the phenomenon of the artist's novel curated by David Maroto and Joanna Zielińska. The central question is how a literary genre like the novel can be considered a medium in its own right within the visual arts, as video or installation could be. There have been artists throughout the 20th century who wrote novels as an activity more or less detached from their visual art production. However, in recent years, an increasing number of artists have begun to integrate their novels as a fundamental part of their visual art projects. Surprisingly, there is a lack of research on this subject. This circumstance gives rise to a situation in which artists who write novels are not aware of others doing the same. With The Book Lovers we are intending to create public awareness of this silently widespread artistic trend. The project develops in a number of different stages. Its base is the creation of a collection of artist's novels with a parallel online database, both supported by M HKA. This is complemented with a series of exhibitions and public programmes, pop-up bookstores, commissions, and publications.
There are many ways to navigate the artist's novels database. You can start by the artist's index:
Noor Abuarafeh, Etel Adnan, Rouzbeh Akhbari, Sophia Al-Maria, Carl Andre, Alain Arias-Misson, Karin Arink, Eduardo Arroyo, Imma Avalos, Michael Ayrton, Txomin Badiola, Hugo Ball, Fiona Banner, Stephen Banz, Maria Barnas, Jennifer Bartlett, Cara Benedetto, Bernadette Corporation, The BERTY team (Angela Su et al.), Gerry Bibby, Simon Bill, Tonje Bøe Birkeland, Hannah Black, Jimbo Blachly, Luther Blissett, Paul Bogaers, Maxime Bondu, Jean de Bosschère, Lex ter Braak, Joe Brainard, Matthew Brannon, AA Bronson, Evelin Brosi, Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, Wojciech Bruszewski, Kathe Burkhart, Zachary Cahill, Sophie Calle and Paul Auster, Paco Cao, Barbara Cardinale, Leonora Carrington, Brian Catling, Alex Cecchetti, Jake Chapman, Ivan Cheng, Giorgio de Chirico, Billy Chyldish, Sebastian Cichocki, Tyler Coburn, Jean Cocteau, Guy de Cointet, David Colosi, Ithell Colquhoun, Jasper Coppes, Erin Cosgrove, Douglas Coupland, Jan Cremer, E.E. Cummings, Keren Cytter, Salvador Dalí, Bert Danckaert, Henry Joseph Darger, Oskar Dawicki, Constance DeJong, Eric Doeringer, Christian Dotremont, Laura Edbrook, Andreas Ejiksson, Scott Elliott, Tracey Emin, Steven Emmanuel, Pam Emmerik, eteam (Franziska Lamprecht and Hajoe Moderegger), Tim Etchells, Everyone Agrees, David Evrard, Öyvind Fahlström, Matias Faldbakken, Leonor Fini, Susan Finlay, Charles Henri Ford, Gregory Forstner, Nicholas Frank, Annabel Frearson, Klemens Gasser, Mark Geffriaud, Verónica Gerber Bicecci, Jef Geys, Tom Gidley, Liam Gillick, Françoise Gilot, Dan Gilsdorf, Jérémie Gindre, Unni Gjertsen, Goldin+Senneby, Rodney Graham, Alasdair Gray, Renée Green, Sabine Groschup, Sigurdur Gudmundsson, Heather Guertin, Deniz Gül, José Gutiérrez-Solana, Brion Gysin, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Samuel Hasler, Raoul Hausmann, Richard Hawkins, Paul Haworth, Hallgrímur Helgason, Pablo Helguera, Emmy Hennings, Nick Herman, Louise Hervé and Chloé Maillet, Pati Hill, Norman James Hogg, Will Holder, Erica van Horn, Isidore Isou, Guillermo Iuso, Marla Jacarilla, Łukasz Jastrubczak, Travis Jeppesen, Lisa Jonasson, Miranda July, Christopher K. Ho, Stephen Kaltenbach, Samson Kambalu, Ilja Karilampi, Phyllis Kiehl, Sharon Kivland, Pierre Klossowski, Emily Kocken, Jutta Koether, Joseph Kosuth, Arno Kramer, Syd Krochmalny, Raziye Kubat, Alfred Kubin, Yayoi Kusama, Fernanda Laguna, Peter Lemmens, Huw Lemmey, Norman Leto, Jana Leo, Edouard Levé, Wyndham Lewis, David Lieske, Little Warsaw, Alex Llovet, Gareth Long, Kiba Lumberg, Jill Magid, Erwan Mahéo, David Maroto, Kris Martin, Rita McBride, Tom McCarthy, Andrea McGinty, Barry McHamon, Lucy McKenzie, Bjarne Melgaard, Alan Michael, Harland Miller, Mochu, Momus, Sean Monahan, Andrei Monastyrsky, Heather & Ivan Morison, William Morris, Valérie Mréjen, Ariane Müller, David Musgrave, Hayley Newman, Trong Gia Nguyen, Erik Niedling, Krzysztof Niemczyk, Ingo Niermann, Emil Nolde, Filip Noterdaeme, Leticia Obeid, Gary O'Connor, Brian O’Doherty, Tom O'Sullivan, Kambui Olujimi, Katrina Palmer, Stefan Panhas, Philippe Parreno, Pathetic Sympathy Seekers, Francesco Pedraglio, Pavel Pepperstein, Mai-Thu Perret, Grayson Perry, PHILIP team (Heman Chong et al.), Tom Phillips, Pratchaya Phinthong, Francis Picabia, Kit Poulson, David Price, Seth Price, Richard Prince, PSJM, Ernesto Pujol, Reto Pulfer, Cheng Ran, Sal Randolph, Graham Rawle, Jannie Regnerus, Karen Reimer, Hubert Renard, Stuart Ringholt, David Robbins, Juan Carlos RodrÍguez, Pedro G. Romero, Roee Rosen, Richard Roth, Romy Rüegger, Allen Ruppersberg, Christopher Russell, Pepo Salazar, Pjeroo Roobje, Denis Savary, Arnold Schalks, Boris Schatz, Bruno Schulz, Joshua Schwebel, Kurt Schwitters, Dana Sederowsky, Lindsay Seers, Jack Segbars, Q.S. Serafijn, Benjamin Seror, Lytle Shaw, Eric Simon, Alexandre Singh, Societé Realiste, Suzy Spence, Cally Spooner, Lisa Stålspets, Maria Stangret Kantor, Dan Starling, Linda Stupart, Elaine Sturtevant, Władysław Strzemiński, Robert Szczerbowski, Mathilde Supe, Vibeke Tandberg, Dorothea Tanning, Joanne Tatham, Michael Tedja, Maija Timonen, Nicoline Timmer, Roland Topor, Francesc Torres, Thu-Van Tran, Oscar Tuazon, Parker Tyler, Linn Cecilie Ulvin, Dani Umpi, Félix Vallotton, Sarah Vanhee, Hannu Väisänen, Stijn Verhoeff, Gavin Wade, Ciarán Walsh, Andy Warhol, Mark Waugh, Ai Weiwei Julia Weist, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, Dale Edwin Wittig, Jacob Wren, Jack B. Yeats, Darius Žiūra, Unica Zürn, Miek Zwamborn
CREATIVE STRATEGY: Artwork-Novel Parallel Lives Artworks Biographical Origin Artworks Cite Novel Fictional Artist Creates Artworks Multimedia Novel No Link to Artworks Novel Art Object Novel Cites Artworks Novel Score for Performance Novel Writes Itself Open Process Performance Generates Novel Reading Performance Research Novel Rewriting Existing Novel Rewriting Film Theater Piece Generates Novel
AUTHORSHIP: Anonymous Authorship Artist Author Fictional Author Fictional Ghost Writer Ghost Writer Collective Authorship Appropriation/Collage
GENRE: Absurdist Analytic fiction Autobiography Automatic Writing Adventures Bildungsroman Biography Comedy Detectives Diagrams Diary Documentary Fiction Drama Epic Epistolary Erotic/Pornographic Essayist Biographical Fiction Fantasy Fictocriticism Fictitious reference work Gamebook Gothic Handbook Historical fiction Historical non-fiction Historical Romance Horror Interview Invented Language Künstlerroman Melodrama Memoir Metafiction Mystery Pataphisical Novel Plain Fiction Portrait Prose Poetry Roman à clef Romance Satire Science-Fiction Self-help Set theory Speculative Fiction Surrealist Thriller Tragic Farce Travelogue Uchronia
THEME: 1960s Abjection Accidents Activism Affect Africa Afterlife AIDS American Culture Anarchism Animism Art Art World Astronomy Bad Form Biopolitics Birds Bisexuality British Culture Capitalism Chance Childhood Class Claustrophobia Climate Change Chaos Theory Citizenship Colours Communism Community Control Conspiracy Crime Crisis Culture Industry Customs Cynicism Death Decadence Desire Dichotomies Disintegration Dreams Drugs Ecstasy Education System Enchantment Everyday Exile Life Exotism Exploitation Fame Family Secrets Fantasy Feelings Feminism Fetishism Film Formalism Freedom Friendship Frustration Games Geography Ghosts Global Commons History Hollywood Holograms Homosexuality Hormuz Hospitality Humor Identity Illness Intrigue Iranian Politics Isolation Japanese Culture Landscape Law Librarianship/Library Science Love Magic Mass Media Memory Mental Illness Money Motherhood Museography Music Mystery Mysticism Myth Mythology Navigation Nightlife Nihilism Objects Obsession Offshore Business Paranoia Parody Party Performance Performative Language Perverse Sexuality Philosophy Photography Play Poetry Politics Pornography Post-Apocalyptic Post-Humanism Post-Soviet Culture Poverty Prison Prostitution Protocol Psychedelic Mundane Racism Rape Religion Repetition Revenge Rituals Rumour Russian Culture Science Scottish Culture Sculpture Secret Societies Seduction Sex Sexuality Socio-Political Critic Sports States of the Self Subjective Experience Survival Systems Theory Technology Therapy Time Time travel Transgender Transgression Identity Transvestism Travels Truth Utopian Worlds Value Vaudeville Vicarious Experiences Violence War Weather
PUBLISHING: Art Books Publishing House Art Gallery Digital Format Magazine Publisher Non-profit Art Organization Print-On-Demand Public Institution Publishing House Self-Publishing Unpublished
This ensemble is an ongoing process, additional information is added on a regular basis. Click here for more information.
>With the generous support of Mondriaan Fonds
>You Never Read Alone.London Art Book Fair, Whitechapel Gallery, 2014.Participatory installation by The Book Lovers and Gareth Long.
>William Morris, The Roots of the Mountains, 1889.Book, ink, paper, 424 p, language: English, publisher: Reeves and Turner.
>William Morris, A Tale of the House of the Wolfings and All the Kindreds of the Mark, 1889.Book, ink, paper, 199 p, language: English, publisher: London: Reeves and Turner, ISBN: N/A.
>William Morris, News from Nowhere, 1890.Book, ink, paper, 185 p, language: English.
>William Morris, The Story of the Glittering Plain, 1891.Book, ink, paper, language: English, publisher: Kelmscott Press, ISBN: N/A.
>William Morris, Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, 1895.Book, ink, paper, 2 volumes: 256 p, 239 p, language: English, publisher: Kelmscott Press, ISBN: N/A.
>William Morris, The Water of the Wondrous Isles, 1896.Book, ink, paper, 340 p, language: English, publisher: Kelmscott Press.
>William Morris, The Sundering Flood, 1897.Book, ink, paper, 508 p, language: English, publisher: Kelmscott Press.
>Jean de Bosschère, Dolorine et les Ombres, 1911.Book, ink, paper, 25.7 x 20 cm, 213 p., language : French, publisher : Bibliothèque de "L'Occident", Paris.
>Hugo Ball, Flametti, or The Dandyism of the Poor, 1918.Book, ink, paper, 15,24 x 22,86 cm, 200 p., language : English, publisher : Wakefield Press, ISBN : 978-1-939663-03-0.
>Wyndham Lewis, Tarr, 1918-2010.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.7 cm, 335 p, language : English, publisher : Oxford University Press, New York, ISBN : 9780199567201, Collection Oxford World's Classics.
>E. E. Cummings, The Enormous Room, 1922.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 20.6 cm, 224 p, language: English, publisher: Boni & Liveright Inc. (1922), Dover Publications (2002), ISBN: 978-0486421209.
>Boris Schatz, Jerusalem Rebuilt: A Daydream, 1924.Artist Novel, ink, paper.
>Francis Picabia, Caravansérail, 1924-2013.Book, ink, paper, 18.6 x 13.2 cm, 200 p, language: French, publisher: Belfond, ISBN: 978-2714456595.
>José Gutierrez-Solana, Florencio Cornejo, 1926.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13 cm, 80 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Devenir/Juan Pastor Editor, ISBN: 84-86419-98-0.
>Jean de Bosschère, Marthe et l'enragé, 1927.Book, ink, paper, 18.8 x 12 cm, 335 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Émile-Paul Frères, Paris.
>Wyndham Lewis, The Childermass, 1928-2000.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12.9 cm, 401 p, language : English, publisher : Calder Publications /Riverrun Press, London/New York, Series : Modern European Classics From Calder, ISBN : 071454311X.
>Jack Butler Yeats, SLIGO, 1930.Book, ink, paper, 19.3 x 12.7 cm, 158 p., language : English, publisher : Wishart & Company, London.
>Wyndham Lewis, The Apes of God, 1930-1965.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.9 cm, 650 p, language : English, publisher : The Pinguin Group, London, ISBN : 0-14-008702-8.
>Emil Nolde, Das eigene Leben, 1931.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.1 x 16.7 cm, 251 p., language : German, publisher : Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, Köln, edition 1967.
>Jack Butler Yeats, Sailing Sailing Swiftly, 1933.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 12.5 cm, 169 p., language : English, publisher : Putnam, London.
>Jean de Bosschère, Satan l'Obscur, 1933.Book, ink, paper, 18.7 x 12 cm, 275 p., language : French, publisher : Les Éditions Denoël & Steele, Paris.
>Emil Nolde, Jahre der Kämpfe, 1934.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.1 x 16.7 cm, 271 p., language : German, publisher : Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, Köln, ISBN : 3-7701-0416-1, edition 1967.
>Jack Butler Yeats, The Amaranthers, 1936.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 14 cm, 273 p., language : English, publisher : William Heinemann Ltd, London/Toronto.
>Wyndham Lewis, The Revenge for Love, 1937-2004.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.9 cm, 379 p, 5th edition, language : English, publisher : Penguin Books, London, ISBN : 9780141187648, Collection Pinguin Modern Classics.
>Jack Butler Yeats, The Charmed Life, 1938.Book, ink, paper, 18.9 x 13 cm, 295 p., language : English, publisher : Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, London (1974), ISBN : 0-7100-7667-3.
>Jean Cocteau, La Fin du Potomak, 1940.Artist Novel, 19 x 12 cm, 195 p., language: French, publisher: Gallimard, Paris..
>Jean de Bosschère, The House of Forsaken Hope, 1942.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 13.5 cm, 226 p., language : English, publisher : The Fortune Press, London.
>Jean de Bosschère, VANNA dans les jardins de Paris, 1945.Book, ink, paper, 18.5 x 12 cm, 257 p., language : French, publisher : Robert Laffont, Paris.
>Jack Butler Yeats, The Careless Flower, 1947.Book, ink, paper, 18.4 x 12.8 cm, 240 p., language : English, publisher : The Pilot Press Ltd, London.
>Isidore Isou, L’Agrégation d’un Nom et d’un Messie, 1947.Book, 20.5 x 14 cm, 452 p., language: French, publisher: Gallimard, ISBN: 2070233154.
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>Öyvind Fahlström, Ryska Dansöser, 1948-1949.Artist Novel, ink, paper, language: Swedish.
>Isidore Isou, Isou ou la Mécanique des Femmes, 1949.Book, ink, paper, 20 cm, 294 p, language: French, publisher: Aux Escaliers de Lausanne.
>Pierre Klossowski, La vocation suspendue, 1950.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 12.4 cm, 150 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Gallimard, Paris, Édition 1990 (Ouvrage reproduit par procédé photomécanique), ISBN : 2-07-072169-8.
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>Öyvind Fahlström, Bröd, 1952.Artist Novel, ink, paper, Language: Swedish.
>Wyndham Lewis, Self Condemned, 1954.Book, ink, paper, 18.9 x 12.5 cm, 407 p., language : English, publisher : Methuen and Co. Ltd., London.
>Wyndham Lewis, Monstre Gai, 1955.Book, ink, paper, 18.4 x 12.2 cm, 253 p, language : English, publisher : John Calder Ltd., London, Series : Jupiter Books, J-12.
>Wyndham Lewis, Malign Fiesta, 1955.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 12 cm, 239 p, language : English, publisher : Calder and Boyars Ltd., London, Series : Jupiter Books, J-16.
>Christian Dotremont, La Pierre et l’Oreiller, 1955.Book, ink, paper, 18.8 x 12.6 cm, 224 p, language: French, publisher: Gallimard (2004), ISBN: 9782070739295.
>Wyndham Lewis, The Red Priest, 1956.Book, ink, paper, 18.9 x 13.2 cm, 298 p, language : English, publisher : Methuen and Co. Ltd., London.
>Pati Hill, The Nine Mile Circle, 1957.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 14 cm, 172 p., language : English, publisher : The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
>Bruno Schulz, Sklepy cynamonowe (The Cinnamon Shops), 1957.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12.5 cm, 284 p, language: Polish, publisher: Kraków-Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Literackie, ISBN: 83-08-01175-6.
>Bruno Schulz, Sanatorium Pod Klepsydra (Sanatorium Under The Sign of the Hourglass), 1957.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12.5 cm, 284 p, language: Polish, publisher: Kraków-Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Literackie, ISBN: 83-08-01175-6.
>Carl Andre, Billy Builder, or the Painfull Machine: A Novel of Velocity, 1959.Book, ink, paper, 22.8 x 15 cm, 31 p, language: English, publisher: Tracks: A Journal of Artists' Writings. Chapters I-IV. In: Tracks 2:2, 1976. Chapters V-XI. In: Tracks 2:3, 1976. Chapters XII-XVI In: Tracks 3:1 and 2, 1977..
>Pati Hill, Prosper, 1960.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.1 x 14 cm, 169 p., language : English, publisher : Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston & The Riverside Press, Cambridge (MA).
>Ithell Colquhoun, Goose of Hermogenes, 1961.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.9 cm, 115 p., language : English, publisher : Peter Owen Publishers, London, 2003, ISBN : 0-7206-1177-6.
>Pati Hill, One Thing I Know, 1962.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 12 cm, 105 p., language: English; publisher: Daisy Editions, Paris, 978-2-9576611-2-1.
>Roland Topor, Le locataire chimérique, 1964.Book, ink, paper, 19.2 x 14.1 cm, 185 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Buchet/Chastel, Paris.
>Emil Nolde, Welt und Heimat, 1965.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.1 x 16.7 cm, 178 p., language : German, publisher : Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, Köln, ISBN : 3-7701-0587-9, edition 1965.
>Pierre Klossowski, The Baphomet, 1965.Book, ink, paper, 21.8 x 13.8 cm, 173 p., language : English, publisher : Eridanos Press, Inc., Hygiene, Colorado, Edition 1988, ISBN : 0941419-17-7.
>Pierre Klossowski, Les lois de l'hospitalité (La Révocation de l'Édit de Nantes - Roberte, ce soir - Le Souffleur), 1965.Book, ink, paper, 18.9 x 12.4 cm, 350 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Gallimard, Paris, Édition 2001 (Ouvrage reproduit par procédé photomécanique), ISBN : 2-07-074211-3.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, De nachtschrijver, 1966.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.5 x 13 cm, 118 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeversmaatschappij A. Manteau n.v., Brussel/Den Haag.
>Emil Nolde, Reisen, Ächtung, Befreiung, 1967.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.1 x 16.7 cm, 183 p., language : German, publisher : Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, Köln, ISBN : 3-7701-0418-8.
>Roland Topor, La Princesse Angine, 1967.Book, ink, paper, 20.4 x 14 cm, 222 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Buchet/Chastel, Paris (2003), ISBN : 2-283-01948-6.
>Michael Ayrton, The Maze Maker, 1967.Book, ink, paper, 21.7 x 15 cm, 320 p., language : English, publisher : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York/Chicago/San Francisco.
>Öyvind Fahlström, Den helige Torsten Nilsson, 1968.Book, ink, paper, 130 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Albert Bonniers Förlag, ISBN : N/A.
>Unica Zürn, The Trumpets of Jericho, 1968.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11.4 cm, 52 p., language : English, publisher : Wakefield Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2015, ISBN : 978-1-939663-09-2.
>AA Bronson, A. C. McWhortle, A. L. Bronson, Lena / Lana, 1968-2009.Book, 17.5 x 11 cm, 180 p (ed. 2009), language: English, publishers: Taurus books (1968), Venus Library (1971), Media Guru (2009).
>Andy Warhol, a, A novel, 1968.Book, ink, paper, 23,2 x 15,7 cm, 451 p, language: English, publisher: Grove Press Inc, New York, ISBN: N/A.
>Leopold Buczkowski , Black Torrent, 1969.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 14 cm, 200 p., language : English, publisher : The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge (MA)/London, England.
>Roland Topor, Erika, 1969.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 11.8 cm, 160 p., language : French, publisher : Christian Bourgois éditeur, Paris.
>Unica Zürn, Dark Spring, 1969.Book, ink, paper, 20.2 x 15.2 cm, 115 p., language : English, publisher : Exact Change, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2000, ISBN : 978-1-878972-30-9.
>Roland Topor, Joko fête son anniversaire, 1969.Book, ink, paper, 18.5 x 12.2 cm, 156 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Buchet/Chastel, Paris.
>Brion Gysin, The Process, 1970.Book, ink, paper, 20.3 x 13.9 cm, 353 p, language : English, ISBN : 224 61777 X, publisher : Jonathan Cape Ltd..
>Walter van den Broeck , Jef Geys, 362.880 X Jef Geys (Een multiepel), 1970.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 197 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Manteau n.v., Brussel/Den Haag, .
>Dick Higgins, Amigo - a Sexual Odyssey, 1972.Book, ink, paper, 23.4 x 16 cm, language: English, publisher: Unpublished Editions, Barton, Vermont..
>Qei No Mysxdod, Guy de Cointet, Espahor Ledet Ko Uluner!, 1973.Book, ink, paper, 12.7 x 20.3 cm, 80 p, language: Unknown. Self-published .
>Jack Butler Yeats, Ah Well - A Romance in Perpetuity & And to You Also, 1974.Book, ink, paper, 18.3 x 12.2 cm, 234 p., language : English, publisher : Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, London, ISBN : 0-7100-7666-5, Ah Well, first published in 1942 - And To You Also, first published in 1944.
>Alain Arias-Misson, Confessions of a Murderer, Rapist, Fascist, Bomber, Thief (or a year in the journal of an ordinary American), 1974.Book, ink, paper, 28.5 x 22 cm, 116 p, language: English, Publisher: Chicago Review press, Chicago, ILL (USA). ISBN 0-914090-05-4.
>Roland Topor, Mémoires d'un vieux con, 1975.Book, ink, paper, 18.7 x 12.5 cm, 152 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Wombat, Paris (2011), ISBN : 9782919186044.
>Joe Brainard, I Remember, 1975.Book, ink, paper, 21.2 x 13.6 cm, 138 p., language : English, publisher : Full Court Press, Inc., New York, ISBN : 0-916190-02-1/0-916190-03-X.
>Pati Hill, Impossible Dreams, 1976.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.6 x 15.2 cm, 125 p., language : English, publisher : Alice James Books, Cambridge, Massachusetts, ISBN : 0-914086-13-8.
>Gilbert & George , Dark Shadow. Gilbert and George, the sculptors 1974, 1976.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.5 x 13.2 cm, 128 p., language : English, publisher : Nigel Greenwood Inc., London.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Vincent en Astrid van Gogh verdwijnen in een korenveld, 1977.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.4 cm, 361 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Manteau, Brussel/Den Haag, ISBN : 90-223-0577-5.
>Constance DeJong, Modern Love, 1977.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.3 x 12.1 cm, 219 p., language : English, publisher : Primary Information & Ugly Duckling Presse, New York, ISBN : 978-0-9915585-2-0, 4th edition, 2019.
>Wyndham Lewis, Mrs. Duke's Million, 1977.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 13.9 cm, 365 p, language : English, publisher : The Coach House Press, Toronto.
>Leonora Carrington, The Stone Door, 1977.Book, 21.1 x 13.7 cm, 118 p, language: English, publisher: St. Martin's Press, ISBN: 978-0312762100.
>Leonora Carrington, The Hearing Trumpet, 1977.Book, ink, paper, 158 p, language: English, publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, ISBN: 978-0710086372.
>Leonor Fini, L'Onéiropompe, 1978.Book, ink, paper, 24 x 13.8 cm, 164 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions de La Différence, Paris, ISBN : 2-7291-0038-5.
>Roland Topor, Portrait en pied de Suzanne, 1978.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 13 cm, 109 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Balland, ISBN : 2-7158-0148-3.
>Tom Phillips, A Humument, 1980-2012.Book, ink, paper, 17.5 x 12.5 cm, 367 p, language: English, publisher: Thames and Hudson, ISBN: 9780500290439.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Liefdesverdriet, 1981.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.3 cm, 232 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij E. Van Hyfte, Ertvelde, ISBN : 90-6487-515-4.
>Daniel Spoerri, Mythology & Meatballs. A Greek Island Diary/Cookbook, 1982.Artist Novel, 23 x 15 cm, 238 p. language: English, publisher: Aris Books, Berkeley, ISBN: 0-943186-01-3.
>Etel Adnan, Sitt Marie Rose, 1982.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 14.61 x 18.42 cm, 106 p., language : English, publisher : The Post-Apollo Press, Sausalito, CA, ISBN : 978-0942996333.
>Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Dictée, 1982.Book, ink, paper, 20.2 x 13.9 cm, 179 p, language: English, publisher: Tanam Press, New York ISBN: 0-934378-09-6.
>Alasdair Gray, Lanark, 1983.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.8 cm, 573 p., language : English, publisher : Canongate Books Ltd, Edinburgh (First published 1981), ISBN : 978-1-84195-907-8.
>Richard Prince, Why I Go to the Movies Alone, 1983.Book, ink, paper, 20.2 x 13.3 cm, 96 p, language: English, publisher: New York: Tanam, ISBN: 0-934378-38-X.
>Alasdair Gray, 1982, Janine, 1984.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12.6 cm, 340 p., language : English, publisher : Canongate Books Ltd, Edinburgh (First published in 1984 by Jonathan Cape, London), ISBN : 978-1-84195-346-5.
>Wyndham Lewis, Snooty Baronet, 1984.Book, ink, paper, 22.7 x 14.7 cm, 313 p, language : English, publisher : Black Sparrow Press, Santa Barbara, CA, ISBN : 0876855990.
>Kathe Burkhart, From under the 8-Ball, 1985.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.7 cm, 76 p., language : English, self-published by the artist.
>Wyndham Lewis, The Vulgar Streak, 1985.Book, ink, paper, 22.8 x 14.8 cm, 269 p., language : English, publisher : Black Sparrow Press, Santa Barbara, CA, ISBN : 0-87685-629-6.
>Jennifer Bartlett, History of the Universe, 1985.Book, ink, paper, 22 x 15 cm, ill., 197 p, language : English, ISBN : 0-918825-12-1, publisher : Moyer Bell Limited/Nimbus Books.
>Yayoi Kusama, The Burning of St Mark’s Church, 1985.Book, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: PARCO Shuppan.
>Brion Gysin, The Last Museum, 1986.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.4 cm, 186 p, language : English, publisher : Faber and Faber Limited, London, ISBN : 0-571-13938-8.
>Alasdair Gray, The Fall of Kelvin Walker, 1987.Book, ink, paper, 20.8 x 13.6 cm, 141 p., language : English, publisher : Grove Press, Inc., New York (First published in 1985 by Canongate Publishing Ltd., Scotland), ISBN : 0-802-13004-6.
>Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd , Titta, Jag är osynlig!, 1988.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 244 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Gedins Förlag, Stockholm, ISBN : 91-7964-033-8.
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>Pjeroo Roobjee, Pralina's Pracht, 1988.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 13.7 cm, 252 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Nioba Uitgevers, Antwerpen, ISBN: 9069450909.
>Leonor Fini, Rogomelec, 1988.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 x 11.7 cm, 123 p., language : German, publisher : Verlag Ullstein GmbH, Frankfurt/Main-Berlin, ISBN : 3-548-30210-6 (First edition 1979 by Editions Stock, Paris).
>Leonora Carrington, The House of Fear: notes from Down Below, 1988.Book, ink, paper, 21.1 x 14 cm, 216 p, language: English, publisher: E.P. Dutton, ISBN: 978-0525246480.
>Yayoi Kusama, Woodstock Phallus Cutter, 1988.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Peyotoru Kobo.
>Yayoi Kusama, Between Heaven and Earth, 1988.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Jiritsu Shobo.
>Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, N.V. De Wunderbaum, 1989.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.9 x 15 cm, language : Dutch, series 'Passages' n° 3/6, publisher : Stichting Kunst en Projecten, Zedelgem.
>Eric Simon, L’amoureux cosmique, 1989.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 128 p, language: French, publisher: Éditions du Boréal, ISBN: 9782890522954.
>Yayoi Kusama, Double Suicide at Sakuragazuka, 1989.Book, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Jiritsu Shobo.
>Yayoi Kusama, Aching Chandelier, 1989.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Peyotoru Kobo.
>Joaquín Torres-García , Historia de mi Vida, 1990.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23.1 x 15.7 cm, 234 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Ediciones Paidós, Barcelona-Buenos Aires-México, ISBN : 84-7509-623-9.
>Alasdair Gray, Something Leather, 1990.Book, ink, paper, 22.2 x 14.2 cm, 251 p., language : English, publisher : Jonathan Cape Ltd., London, ISBN : 0-224-02627-5.
>Alasdair Gray, McGrotty and Ludmilla, 1990.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 13 cm, 132 p., language : English, publisher : Dog & Bone Press, Glasgow, ISBN : 1-872536-00-X.
>Yayoi Kusama, Angels in Cape Cod, 1990.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Jiritsu Shobo.
>Françoise Gilot, Matisse et Picasso: Une amitié racontée par Françoise Gilot , 1991.Artist Novel, 28 x 19 cm, 340 p., language: French, publisher: Robert Laffont, Paris, ISBN: 9782221069615.
>David Wojnarowicz, Close to the Knives, 1991.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.9 cm, 288 p., language : English, publisher : Canongate Books Ltd, Edinburgh, ISBN : 978-1-78689-027-6, edition 2017.
>Kurt Schwitters , Franz Müllers Drahtfrühling, 1991.Book, ink, paper, 16.8 x 10.5 cm, language: German, publisher: Hamburg: Edition Nautilus Verlag Lutz Schulenburg, ISBN: 3-89401-193-9.
>Alasdair Gray, Poor Things, 1992.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.8 cm, 317 p., language : English, publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd, London (First published 1992), ISBN : 978-0-7475-6228-3.
>Giorgio de Chirico, Hebdomeros (with Monsieur Dudron's Adventure and other Metaphysical Writings), 1992.Book, ink, paper, 20.2 x 15.1 cm, 258 p, language: English, publisher: Exact Change, Cambridge, MA, ISBN: 978-1-878972-06-4.
>Brian O'Doherty, The Strange Case of Mademoiselle P., 1992.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.9 cm, 228 p, language: English, publisher: London: Arcadia Books Ltd., ISBN 1-900850-67-2.
>Jef Geys, Jef Geys - Pro Justitia, 1992.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 29,7 x 21,1 cm, 82 p., language: Nederlands, publisher: Stichting Kunst & Projecten, Zedelgem.
>Yayoi Kusama, Lost in Swampland, 1992.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Jiritsu Shobo.
>Paul Bogaers, Tropenwee, 1992.Book, ink, paper, 13.8 x 21 cm, 41 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Uitgeverij IJzer, ISBN: 90 74328 04 0.
>Etel Adnan, Paris, When It's Naked, 1993.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 13.97 x 20.32 cm, 115 p., language : English, publisher : Post Apollo Press, ISBN : 978-0942996203.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Dodemanskamer, 1993.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 335 p., language : Nederlands, publisher : Uitgeverij Kritak, Leuven, ISBN : 90-6303-509-8.
>Alain Arias-Misson, The Mind Crime of August Saint, 1993.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 420 p, language: English, publisher : Fiction Collective Two, Boulder, Colorado (USA). ISBN 0-932511-79-1.
>Yayoi Kusama, The New York Story, 1993.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Jiritsu Shobo.
>Madeline Gins, Helen Keller or Arakawa, 1994.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22.4 x 18.4 cm, 309 p., language : English, publisher : Burning Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico & East-West Cultural Studies, New York, ISBN : 0-936050-11-X.
>Unica Zürn, The Man of Jasmine, 1994.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 23.5 cm, 199 p., language : English, publisher : Atlas Press, BCM Atlas Press, London, ISBN : 0-947757-80-5.
>Alasdair Gray, A History Maker, 1994.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 223 p., language : English, publisher : Canongate Books Ltd, Edinburgh (First published by Canongate Press in 1994), ISBN : 978-1-84195-576-6.
>Renée Green, Camino Road, 1994.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 10.8 cm, 110 p, language: English, Spanish, publisher: New York: Free Agent Media, ISBN: N/A.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, De kleinzoon van de letterzetter, 1995.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 276 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij Van Halewyck, Leuven & Uitgeverij Balans, Amsterdam, ISBN : 90-5617-022-8.
>Liam Gillick, Erasmus Is Late, 1995.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11.5 cm, 88 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, ISBN: 978 1 870699 17 4.
>Philippe Parreno, Snow Dancing, 1995-2010.Book, ink, paper, 12 x 17 cm, 212 p, language: English, publishers: GW Press, Kaleidoscope Press, ISBN: 978-88-97185-03-1.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Þetta er Allt að Koma, 1995.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.3 cm, 434 p, language : Icelandic, publisher : Uglan Íslenski kiljuklúbburinn, Reykjavík.
>Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd , Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd 'Alias Charlie Lavendel 1952-1961', 1996.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 241 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Gedins Förlag, Stockholm, ISBN : 91-7964-226-8.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Van het Nieuwland, 1996.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.4 cm, 197 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Van Halewyck, Leuven & Balans, Amsterdam, ISBN : 90-5617-075-9.
>Douglas Coupland, Generation X, 1996.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.5 cm, 211 p., language : English, publisher : Abacus (Little, Brown Book Group), London, First published in 1991, ISBN : 978-0-349-10839-1.
>Douglas Coupland, Microserfs, 1996.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 13 cm, 375 p., language : English, Flamingo (Harper Collins Publishers), London, first published in 1995, ISBN : 0-00-654859-8.
>Roland Topor, Jachère-party, 1996.Book, ink, paper, 20.5 x 13.1 cm, 178 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Julliard, Paris, ISBN : 2-260-01228-0.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, 101 Reykjavík, 1996.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 382 p, language : Icelandic, publisher : Uglan Íslenski kiljuklúbburinn, Reykjavík.
>Karen Reimer, Eve Rhymer, Legendary, Lexical, Loquacious Love, 1996.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 10.5 cm, 343 p, language: English, publisher: Chicago: Sara Ranchouse Publishing, ISBN: 1 888636 09 2.
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>Pjeroo Roobjee, Oude Verf, 1997.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.5 cm, 350 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Uitgeverij Van Halewyck, Leuven, ISBN: 90-5018-384-0.
>Maria Barnas, Engelen van ijs, 1997.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 151 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 9029501596.
>Alasdair Gray, Mavis Belfrage (With Five Shorter Tales), 1997.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 159 p., language : English, publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, London (First published 1996), ISBN : 0-7475-3089-0.
>Billy Chyldish , Notebooks of a Naked Youth, 1997.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 13.8 cm, 190 p., language : English, publisher : Codex, Hove (England), ISBN :1-899598-08-1.
>Fiona Banner, The Nam, 1997.Book, ink, paper, 27.9 x 20.9 cm, 1000 p, language: English, publisher: London : Frith Street Books, ISBN: 0951495313.
>Douglas Coupland, Girlfriend in a Coma, 1998.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.6 cm, 280 p., language : English, publisher : Flamingo (Harper Collins Publishers), London, ISBN : 0-00-655127-0.
>Graham Rawle, Diary of an Amateur Photographer, 1998.Book, ink, paper, 15,3 x 12,8 cm, 128 p, language: English, publisher: Pan MacMillan (UK), Penguin Studio (USA), ISBN: 978-0330354868.
>Jacob Wren, Unrehearsed Beauty, 1998.Book, ink, paper, 13.5 x 18.3 cm, 92 p, language: English (also translated into French: Le Génie des Autres), ISBN: 1552450376 (ISBN13: 9781552450376).
>Yayoi Kusama, Violet Obsession, 1998.Book, ink, paper, language: Japanese, publisher: Tokyo: Sakuhinsha.
>Yayoi Kusama, The Hustler’s Grotto of Christopher Street, 1998.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.8 cm, 164 p, language: English, publisher: Berkeley, California: Wandering Mind Books, ISBN: 0-9653304-2-7.
>Sharon Kivland, A Case of Hysteria, 1999.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23 x 17.4 cm, 321 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works. ISBN: 978 1 870600 25 9.
>Brian O'Doherty, The Deposition of Father McGreevy, 1999.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.9 cm, 314 p, language: English, publisher: London: Arcadia Books Ltd., ISBN 1-900850-68-0.
>Mai-Thu Perret , The Crystal Frontier , 1999-2008.Book, ink, paper, 24 x 24 cm, 256 p, language: English, publisher: JRP Ringier – (fragments published in Land of Crystal monographic publication on Mai-Thu Perret), ISBN: 978-3-905701-55-5.
>Goldin+Senneby, Kelly Duncan, Looking for Headless, 1999-2013.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 10.9 cm, 99 p, language: English, publisher: Goldin+Senneby, ISBN: N/A; This project is still under development.
>Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd , Closed for Holidays : Memoarer, 2000.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 29.7 x 22.2 cm, 191 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, ISBN : 91-27-08057-9.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, De thuisreis van de wijnverlater, 2000.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 364 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij Van Halewyck, Leuven, ISBN : 90-5617-289-1.
>Douglas Coupland, Miss Wyoming, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, 311 p., language : English, publisher : Flamingo (Harper Collins Publishers), London, ISBN : 0-00-225983-4.
>Harland Miller, First I Was Afraid, I Was Petrified, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 15.8 x 13.4 cm, 56 p., language : Engels, publisher : Book Works, London, ISBN : 1870699505.
>Maria Barnas, De baadster, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.4 cm, 207 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 9029503556.
>Miek Zwamborn, Oploper, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12,5 cm, 142 p, language : Dutch, publisher : J.M. Meulenhoff bv, Amsterdam, ISBN : 90-290-6744-6.
>Alfred Kubin, The Other Side, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.4 cm, 249 p, language: English, publisher: Dedalus Ltd., ISB: 1 873982 69 0.
>William Morris, The Well at World's End (Volume 2), 2000.Book, ink, paper, 20.3 x 12.7 cm, 242 p, language: English, publisher: Berkeley Heights, NJ: Wildside Press, ISBN 1-58715-089-1.
>Pam Emmerik , Het bottenpaleis, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 cm x 12.5 cm, 184 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: Em Querido’s Uitgeverij BV, ISBN: 9021461544.
>Linn Cecilie Ulvin, The Sky Behind Is Exhaustingly Blue (Himmelen bak er slitsomt blå), 2000.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13.5 cm, 157 p, language: Norwegian, publisher: Oslo: Tiden Norsk Forlag A/S, ISBN: 8210044869.
>William Morris, The Well at World's End (Volume 1), 2000.Book, ink, paper, 20.5 x 12.5 cm, 320 p, language: English, publisher: Berkeley Heights, NJ: Wildside Press, ISBN: 1-58715-088-3 .
>Joseph Kosuth, Purloined - A Novel, 2000.Book, ink, paper, 22.1 x 14.2 cm, 120 p, language: English, publisher: Cologne: Salon Verlag, ISBN: 3897700158.
>Stefan Banz, Hell (Murder and other Works by Erich Hell), 2001.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 16 x 11,5 cm, p. 184 (German), 180 (English), language : German / English, publisher: Salon Verlag, Cologne / Kunstmuseum Luzern, ISBN:3-89770-117-0 (German version) | 3-89770-118-9 (English version).
>Douglas Coupland, God Hates Japan, 2001.Book, ink, paper, 19.4 x 14.8 cm, 271 p., language : Japanese, publisher : Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co., Japan, ISBN : 4-04-791396-0.
>Douglas Coupland, All Families Are Psychotic, 2001.Book, ink, paper, 21.4 x 13.3 cm, 179 p., language : English, publisher : Flamingo (Harper Collins Publishers), London, ISBN : 0-00-711751-5.
>Harland Miller, Slow Down Arthur, Stick To Thirty, 2001.Book, ink, paper, 19.3 x 12.9 cm, 250 p, language : English, publisher : Fourth Estate, London, ISBN : 9781841152837.
>Tim Etchells, The Dream Dictionary for the Modern Dreamer, 2001.Book, ink, paper, 15 x 20.9 cm, 250 p, language: English, publisher: London: Duckworth Literary Entertainments, Ltd, ISBN: 0-7156-3108-X.
>Hugo Ball, Tenderenda the Fantast, 2002.Book, ink, paper, 26 x 22,2 cm, 144 p., language : English, publisher : Yale University Press, ISBN : 978-0300083736.
>Liam Gillick, Literally No Place - Communes, Bars and Greenrooms, 2002.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 13 cm, 66 p., language : English, publisher : Book Works, London, ISBN : 1-870699-66-1.
>Douglas Coupland, Shampoo Planet, 2002.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.9 cm, 282 p., language : English, publisher : Scribner (Simon & Schuster UK Ltd), London, first published in 1993.
>Rita McBride, Gina Ashcraft, Naked Came The **** (by Gina Ashcraft), 2002.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 x 10.8 cm, 137 p, language : English, publisher : Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, ISBN : 3-906790-02-9.
>Joanne Tatham, Tom O'Sullivan, The Slapstick Mystics With Sticks, 2002.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 12.5 cm, 80 p, language: English, publisher: All Horizons Club, ISBN: N/A.
>Erin Cosgrove , The Baader-Meinhof Affair, 2002.Book, ink, paper, 17.1 x 10.8 cm, 245 p, language: English, publisher: New York : Printed Matter, Inc., ISBN: 0-8943901-0-4.
>Maria Stangret Kantor, Pamiętnik Dziadka (The Diary of Grandfather), 2002.Book, ink, paper, 27.2 x 21.2 cm, 63 p, language: Polish, publisher: Lódz: Galeria 86, ISBN: 8390423715.
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>Roberto Jacoby, Jorge di Paola, Moncada, 2003.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19,5 x 13 cm, 318 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Adriana Hidalgo editora, Buenos Aires, ISBN: 987-9396-98-7.
>Ernst Billgren , Kommittén. En roman om konst och media, 2003.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 15.5 cm, 335 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Bokförlaget Langenskiöld, Stockholm, ISBN : 91-972992-2-7.
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>Pjeroo Roobjee, Meinthe zegt dat hij opdroogt, 2003.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.4 cm, 334 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Uitgeverij Van Halewyck, Leuven, ISBN: 9056175092.
>Michael Tedja, A.U.T.O.B.I.O.G.R.A.F.I.E., 2003.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22 x 14.5 cm, 256 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Vassallucci , ISBN : 9789050005401.
>Andreas Ejiksson, Lisa Jonasson , Texten, 2003.Book, ink, paper, 18 cm x 12 cm, 97 p, language: Swedish, publisher : Albert Bonniers Förlag, ISBN 91-0-010004-8.
>Luther Blissett (Roberto Bui/Giovanni Cattabriga/Federico Guglielmi/Luca Di Meo), Q, 2003.Book, ink, paper, 22.2 x 16 cm, 635 p, language: English, publisher: William Heinemann (The Random House Group Limited), ISBN: 0-434-01000-6.
>Douglas Coupland, Hey Nostradamus!, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.8 cm, 244 p., language : English, publisher : Harper Perennial (HarperCollinsPublishers), London, ISBN : 978-0-00-716251-2.
>Douglas Coupland, Eleanor Rigby, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 22.1 x 14 cm, 249 p., language : English, publisher : Fourth Estate (Harper Collins Publishers), London, ISBN : 0-00-716253-7.
>Miek Zwamborn, Vallend Hout, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 20.6 x 13 cm, 95 p, language : Dutch, publisher : J.M. Meulenhoff bv, Amsterdam, ISBN : 90-290-7259-8.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Höfundur Íslands, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.7 cm, 510 p, language : Icelandic, publisher : Mál og Menning, Reykjavík, ISBN : 9979324856.
>Dorothea Tanning, Chasm: A Weekend, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 176 p, language: English, publisher: New York: Overlook Press, ISBN: 1585675849, 9781585675845.
>David Robbins, The Ice Cream Social, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 16.4 cm x 10.9 cm, 78 p, language: English, publisher: Zürich: JRP/Ringier, ISBN: 2-940271-55-0.
>Liam Gillick, Underground (Fragments of Future Histories), 2004.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.8 cm, 96 p, language: English, publisher: Brussels/Dijon: Les Maîtres de Forme Contemporains/Les presses du réel, ISBN: 2-84066-134-9.
>Bernadette Corporation, Reena Spaulings, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 15.2 x 22.8 cm, 202 p, language: English, publisher: Semiotex(e), New York/LA, ISBN: 1-56435-030-9.
>Hannu Väisänen, Vanikan Palat (Antero-Trilogia), 2004.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 10.9 cm, 412 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN: 978-951-1-24922-1.
>Heather & Ivan Morison, Divine Vessel, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 14.6 cm, 375 p, language: English, publisher: Birmingham: Article Press, ISBN: 1873352093.
>Stephen Kaltenbach, The End, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 15.1 x 22.9 cm, 281 p, language: English, publisher: Maitland, Florida: Xulon Press, ISBN: 1594677689.
>Valérie Mréjen, Eau Sauvage, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 10.2 cm, 92 p, language: French (available in Spanish and Swedish), publisher: Editions Allia, Paris, ISBN: 2844851363.
>Jill Magid, One Cycle of Memory in the City of L, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14.5 cm, 100 p, language: English, publisher: South Korea: Jill Magid/Icheon Women Artists' Biennale, Self-Publishing, ISBN: N/A.
>Erin Cosgrove , Rita McBride, Heartways - The Exploits of Genny O, 2004.Book, ink, paper, 11.7 x 17.3 cm, 155 p, language: English, publisher: Vancouver/New York: Arsenaladvance (Arsenal Pulp Press)/Whitney Museum of American Art/Printed Matter, Inc, ISBN: 1551521601.
>Glen Rubsamen, Rita McBride, Futureways: The Middelburg Triennial 2304 (A Rita McBride Project), 2004.Book, ink, paper, 15.2 x 23.3 cm, 64 p, language: English, publisher: Printed Matter, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, ISBN: N/A.
>Paco Cao, Fèlix Bermeu - Vida Soterrada (Fèlix Bermeu - A Hidden Life), 2004.Book, ink, paper, 22 x 14.2 cm, 327 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Ajuntament de Terrassa-Hangar, ISBN: 8H-86838-03-7.
>Karl Holmqvist, I ON A LION IN ZION, 2005.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.6 x 12 cm, 159 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Revolver, Frankfurt am Main, ISBN: 3865881866.
>Kathe Burkhart, The Double Standard, 2005.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 100 p, language: English, publisher: New York: Participant Press, ISBN: 978-0976544319.
>Dalia Rosetti, Fernanda Laguna, Me encantaría que gustes de mí, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 21.9 x 13.8 cm, 172 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Mansalva Editorial, Buenos Aires, ISBN : 987-22648-3-X.
>Graham Rawle, Woman’s World, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 14,9 x 21 cm, 437 p, language: English, publisher: Atlantic Books (UK), Soft Skull Press (USA), ISBN: 978-1843543688.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Rokland, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 12.5 cm, 391 p, language : Icelandic, publisher : Mál og Menning, Reykjavík, ISBN : 9789979327455.
>Billy Chyldish , Sex Crimes of the Futcher, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 19.2 x 12.8 cm, 343 p, language : English, publisher : The Aquarium, London, ISBN : 1-871894-82-4.
>Billy Chyldish , My Fault, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 19.3 x 12.9 cm, 310 p., language : English, publisher : Virgin Books Ltd, London, ISBN : 0-7535-1061-8.
>Gavin Wade, The Interruptors, 2005.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's novel, 17.9 cm x 11 cm, 220 p, language : English, publisher : Article Press, ISBN : 1-873352-19-0.
>Sabine Groschup, Alicia und die Geister (Roman & Interviews), 2005.Book, ink, paper, two books; 22 x 14.5 cm, language: German, publisher: Czernin Verlag, ISBN: 3-7076-0052-1.
>Edouard Levé , Autoportrait, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 14.2 cm, 128 p, language: French, publisher: P.O.L Editeur, ISBN: 2-84682-064-3.
>Will Holder , The Middle of Nowhere, 2005-2013.Book, dimensions, page nr and ISBN: N/A, language: English, publisher: dotdotdot magazine (NYC), Onomatopee (Eindhoven), among others; This project is still under development.
>Linn Cecilie Ulvin, Closer to Love (Nærmere Kjærligheten), 2005.Book, ink, paper, 21.1 x 13.7 cm, 233 p, language: Norwegian, publisher: Oslo: Tiden Norsk Forlag A/S, ISBN: 8205337683.
>Charles Henri Ford, Parker Tyler, The Young and the Evil, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 17.4 x 10.9 cm, 160 p, language: English, publisher: Metronome Press, Paris, ISBN: 2-916262-01-6.
>Keren Cytter, The Man Who Climbed Up the Stairs of Life and Found Out They Were Cinema Seats, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 21.5 cm, 163 p, language: English, publisher: New York/Frankfurt am Main/Zürich: Lukas & Sternberg/Frankfurter Kunstverein/Kunsthalle Zürich, ISBN: 1-933128-09-7.
>Matias Faldbakken, The Cocka Hola Company - Skandinavische Misanthropie I, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 18.6 x 11.7 cm, 461 p, language: German, publisher: München: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, ISBN: 978-3453400528.
>Tom Gidley, Stunning Lofts, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17.3 cm, 346 p, language: English, publisher: Metronome Press, ISBN: 291626202-4.
>Yayoi Kusama, Manhattan Suicide Addict, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 23.8 x 17 cm, 255 p, language: French, publisher: Dijon: Les presses du réel, ISBN: 2-84066-115-2.
>Phyllis Kiehl, Fat Mountain/Scenes, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17.4 cm, 148 p, language: English, publisher: Metronome Press, Paris, ISBN: 2-916262-03-2.
>Jannie Regnerus, De volle maan als beste vriend - Twee jaar in Mongolië, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 21 cm, 159 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Wereldbibliotheek, ISBN: 90 284 2115 7.
>Matthew Licht , Rita McBride, Crimeways, 2005.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 x 11.4 cm, 173 p, language: English, publisher: Printed Matter, Whitney Museum of American Art, Arsenal Pulp Press, ISBN: 1551521733.
>Eugenio Dittborn, Vanitas, 2006.Artist Novel, 28 x 18 cm, 1 vol. language: Spanish, publisher: Santiago de Chile, ISBN: .
>Karen Finley, George & Martha, 2006.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.3 x 15.1 cm, 105 p., language : English, publisher : Verso, London/New York, ISBN : 1-84467-064-3.
>Wendy Jones, Grayson Perry, Grayson Perry: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl, 2006.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 208 p., language : English, publisher : Vintage , ISBN : 978-0099485162.
>Tracey Emin, Strangeland, 2006.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 224 p., language : English, publisher : Sceptre , ISBN : 978-0340769461.
>Kathe Burkhart, Deux âmes soeurs (Between the Lines), 2006.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 13 cm, 263 p., language : French, publisher : Hachette Littératures , ISBN : 2-01-235712-1.
>Raoul Hausmann, Hyle - Ein Traumsein in Spanien, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 24.5 x 17.3 cm, 347 p., language : German, publisher : Belleville Verlag, München, ISBN : 3-936298-03-3.
>Gareth Long , Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes), 2006.Book, ink, paper, 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm, 594 p, language: English, publisher: Self-Published, ISBN: 0-06-093434-4.
>David Robbins, The Velvet Grind, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 21 cm x 14.9 cm, 319 p, language: English, publisher: Zürich/Dijon: JRP/Ringier/Les presses du réel, ISBN: 3-905701-02-2.
>Q.S. Serafijn , Joe of de Kunst van het Wandelen, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13 cm, 47 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Bleiswijk:Studio 3005/Proba 0005 ISBN: 90 78627 02 6.
>Pavel Pepperstein, The Swastika and the Pentagon, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 192 p, language: Russian, publisher: Ad Marginem, ISBN: 5911030039.
>Rita McBride, David Gray, Myways, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 11.3 x 17.8 cm, 157 p, language: English, publisher: Printed Matter, Whitney Museum of American Art, Arsenal Pulp Press, ISBN: 9781551521985.
>Stuart Ringholt, Hashish Psychosis: What It’s Like To Be Mentally Ill and Recover, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 23.4 x 16.5 cm, 123 p, language: English, publisher: Victoria, Australia: Stuart Ringholt, ISBN: 0-646-45765-9.
>Jannie Regnerus, Het geluid van vallende sneeuw - Herinnering aan Japan, 2006.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 21 cm, 159 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Wereldbibliotheek, ISBN: 9789028421639.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Strelingen en Minnetucht, 2007.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.7 x 14.6 cm, 81 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Demian, Antwerpen, ISBN : 9789081227315.
>Susan Finlay , Arriviste, 2007.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 24.2 x 16.5 cm, 183 p., language : English, publisher : Five Lines in the Sand Press Ltd., Great Britain, ISBN : 978-0-9556242-0-9.
>Jill Magid, Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy, 2007.Book, ink, paper, Copy, with permission by the artist, of the book that is out of print, 54 p., language : English, colophon on the back side.
>Douglas Coupland, JPod, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.8 cm, 554 p., language : English, publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, London, first published in 2006, ISBN : 9780747585879.
>Douglas Coupland, The Gum Thief, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.4 cm, 275 p., language : English, publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, Londen, ISBN : 978-0-7475-9188-7.
>Denis Savary, Le Malacologue - Livre d'or, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 20.1 x 14.1 cm, 213 p., language : French, publisher : Musée Jenisch/Éditions Castagniééé, Vevey (CH), ISBN : 978-2-940346-24-0.
>Alasdair Gray, Old Men in Love (John Tunnock's posthumous papers), 2007.Book, ink, paper, 24.1 x 16.2 cm, 311 p., language : English, publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, London, ISBN : 9780747593539.
>Billy Chyldish , The Idiocy of Idears, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.8 cm, 294 p., language : English, publisher : L-13 Press. (Aquarium), London, ISBN : 978-1-8718-9418-9.
>Jacob Wren, Families Are Formed Through Copulation, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 14.2 x 19.8 cm, 124 p, language: English (also translated into French: La famille se crée en copulant), publisher: Pedlar Press, ISBN: 1897141122 (ISBN13: 9781897141120).
>Wojciech Bruszewski, Fotograf, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14,8 cm, 419 p., language : Polish, publisher : Korporacja Ha!art, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, ISBN : 978-83-86905-78-2.
>Q.S. Serafijn , Streekroman (Doorsneden Landschap), 2007.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.4 cm, 112 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Bleiswijk: Studio 3005/Proba 0007, ISBN: 978 90 78627 06 7.
>Q.S. Serafijn , Het Czaar Peter Dossier, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.3 cm, 112 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Bleiswijk: Studio 3005/Proba 0006, ISBN: 978 90 7862 7 03 6.
>Alain Arias-Misson, Theatre of Incest, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 x 12.7 cm, 131 p, language: English, publisher: Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London. ISBN 9781564784810.
>Hannu Väisänen, Toiset Kengät (Antero-Trilogia), 2007.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 10.9 cm cm, 367 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN : 978-951-1-22639-0.
>Krzysztof Niemczyk, Kurtyzana i Pisklęta (The Courtesan and the Chicks), 2007.Book, ink, paper, 15.9 x 22.9 cm, 794 p, language: Polish, publisher: Koorporacja Ha!art, Krakow, ISBN: 978-83-89911-42-1.
>Valérie Mréjen, Mon Grand-Père , 2007.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 10.2 cm, 63 p, language: French (available in Spanish and Swedish), publisher: Editions Allia, Paris, ISBN: 284485009X.
>Jill Magid, Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14.6 cm, 64 p, language: English, publisher: Self-Published, ISBN: N/A.
>David Reinfurt (USA), Mark Aerial Waller (UK), Rosemary Heather (CAN), Heman Chong (SI), Leif Magne Tangen (NO), Steve Rushton (UK/NL), Francis McKee (IRL), Cosmin Costinas (RO), PHILIP, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 10.6 x 17.4 cm, 199 p, language: English, publisher: Project Press, Dublin, ISBN:1 872493211.
>Paul Bogaers, Onderlangs, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 13.8 x 21.5 cm, 411 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Uitgeverij IJzer, ISBN: 978 90 8684 006 9.
>Matias Faldbakken, Macht und Rebel - Skandinavische Misanthropie II, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 18.6 x 11.7 cm, 348 p, language: German, publisher: München: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, ISBN: 978-3453675209.
>Salvador Dalí, Hidden Faces, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 13 cm, 318 p, language: English, publisher: Peter Owen Publishers, ISBN: 9780720613049.
>Paul Benjamin Auster, Sophie Calle, Double Game, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 19.9 x 14.2 cm, 293 p, language: English, publisher: London: Violette Editions, ISBN: 9781900828286.
>William Morris, A Dream of John Ball and A King's Lesson, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 20.8 x 13.4 cm, 143 p, language: English, publisher: Boston, Massachusetts: Adamant Media Corporation, ISBN: 9780543682284.
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>Pratchaya Phinthong, A summer memory, 2008.Artist Novel, 17,5 x 10,5 cm, language: English and Thai, publisher: Parbpim LTD., Partnership, Bangkok..
>Joe Andoe , Jubilee City : A Memoir at Full Speed, 2008.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.3 x 13.3 cm, 207 p., language : English, publisher : Harper Perennial, New York/London/Toronto/Sydney/New Delhi/Auckland, ISBN : 978-0-06-124032-4.
>Elaine Sturtevant, Sturtevant: Author of the Quixote, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 17.5 x 11.5 cm, 48 p, language: English, publisher: Walther Koenig, ISBN: 9783865604729.
>Fernanda Laguna, Dalia Rosetti, Dame Pelota, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 158 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Editorial Mansalva, ISBN: 9789871474196.
>Peter Lemmens, Breakfast at Tiffany’s (The Pierre Menard Edition), 2008.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 2 x 100 p, language: English, publisher: Xeroxed Publishing Inc..
>Sabine Groschup, Teufels Küche, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 13.4 cm, 247 p, language: German, publisher: Czernin Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-7076-0268-5.
>Edouard Levé , Suicide, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 20.5 cm, 128 p, language: French, publisher: P.O.L Editeur, ISBN: 978-2-84682-236-7.
>J.D. Salinger, Dan Starling, Malcom X: An Introduction, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 19 cm, 112 p, language: English, publisher: Richmond Art Gallery and Galerie Werner Whitman, ISBN: N/A.
>Samson Kambalu , The Jive Talker or How to Get a British Passport, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 14.4 x 22.4 cm, 336 p, language: English, publisher: Jonathan Cape London, ISBN: 978-0224081061.
>Dale Edwin Wittig, The Crumpled Bills - Book One : The Uneven Stacks, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14.2 cm, 148 p, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, California: Preprosperous Press.
>Dale Edwin Wittig, Anna in Hollywood - Volume Two : Envy & Gluttony, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 21.7 x 14.1 cm, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, California: Preprosperous Press.
>Dale Edwin Wittig, Anna in Hollywood - Volume One : Pride & Lechery, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 66 p, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, California: Preprosperous Press.
>Sean Monahan, Blonde Girls, 2008-2011.Book, 6 x 1.7 cm,1GB USB drive, 91 / 73.1MB digital files, language: English, publisher: Booklet Press, ISBN: N/A.
>Jake Chapman, The Marriage of Reason & Squalor, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.6 cm, 307 p, language: English, publisher: Fuel Publishing, ISBN: N/A.
>Keren Cytter, The Seven Most Exciting Hours of Mr. Trier's Life in Twenty-four Chapters, 2008.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 14 x 21.5 cm, 193 p, language: English, publisher: Rotterdam/Leuven/Berlin: Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art/STUK Kunstencentrum/Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-1-933128-41-2.
>Tim Etchells, The Broken World, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 14.3 x 22 cm, 420 p, language: English, publisher: William Heinemann (The Random House Group Limited), ISBN: 978-0-434-01833-8.
>Pablo Helguera, The Boy Inside The Letter / El Niño en la Letra, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 15.2 x 22.8 cm, 273 p (EN) / 292 p (ES), language: English / Spanish, publisher: Jorge Pinto Books Inc, ISBN: 9780979557637 (EN) / 978-1934978054, 1934978051 (ES).
>Trong Gia Nguyen, Notes from the Invisible Box of Valery Osser, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 15.6 x 23.4 cm, 752 p, language: English, publisher: Self-Published, ISBN: N/A.
>Tom McCarthy, Men in Space, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.7 cm, 278 p, language: English, publisher: Richmond (Surrey): Alma Books, ISBN: 9781846880568.
>Jan Cremer, Ik Jan Cremer Tweede Boek, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, 501 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: Ulysses/De Bezige Bij, ISBN: 9789023428169.
>Jan Cremer, Ik Jan Cremer Derde Boek, 2008.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.6 cm, 543 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij, ISBN: 9789023429821.
>Alexandre Singh, The Marque of the Third Stripe, 2008.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.7 x 14 cm, 1079 p., language: English, publisher: Preromanbritain and Monitor Gallery, ISBN: 9780982139509.
>Julia Weist, Sexy Librarian: Critical Edition of the Original Novel, 2008.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 15.1 x 22.7 cm. 171 p, language: English, publisher: Ellen Lupton/Slush Editions, ISBN: 978-0615176772.
>Ernst Billgren , Prinsen på Lindholmen, 2009.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.6 x 11.5 cm, 228 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Bokförlaget Langenskiöld, Stockholm, ISBN : 978-91-977901-8-5.
>Eduardo Arroyo, Minuta de un testamento, 2009.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 352 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Taurus, ISBN : 9788430607648.
>Michael Tedja, Hosselen, 2009.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22 x 14.5 cm, 550 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Stichting Lm Publishers , ISBN : 9789068327915.
>Félix Vallotton, La vie meurtrière, 2009.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.2 x 11.9 cm, 205 p., language : French, series : Libretto, n°282, publisher : Éditions Phébus, Paris, ISBN : 978-2-7529-0382-2.
>Jérémie Gindre, Les Formes du Relief, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 18.5 cm, 204 p, language: French, publisher: Editions Dasein, Paris, ISBN: 9-782952-605472.
>Gary O'Connor, The Field, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 13.1 cm, 25 p, language: English, publisher: Transition Editions, ISBN: 978-0-9548954-5-7.
>Momus (Nick Currie) , The Book of Jokes, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 20.3 cm x 13.9 cm, 189 p, language: English, publisher: Champaign, IL/London: Dalkey Archive Press, ISBN: 9781564785619.
>Momus (Nick Currie) , The Book of Scotlands, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 cm x 11.2 cm, 160 p, language: English, publisher: Berlin: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 9781933128559.
>Sabine Groschup, Tim und die Blumen, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 13.3 cm, 177 p, language: German, publisher: Czernin Verlag, Wien (Austria), ISBN: 9783707602883 .
>Keren Cytter, The Amazing True Story of Moshe Klinberg - A Media Star. Read it to believe it!, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 13.9 x 22.5 cm, 148 p, language: English, publisher: Onestar press, Paris, ISBN: 978-1-933128-09-2.
>Justine Frank, Roee Rosen, Sweet Sweat, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 14.9 x 20 cm, 236 p, language: English, translation from Hebrew, publisher: Berlin/Antwerpen : Sternberg Press/Extra City - Center for Contemporary Art (originally published by Babel Publishers, Tel Aviv, 2001), ISBN: 978-1-933128-66-5.
>Paul Haworth, Silk Handkerchiefs, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 18 cm, 95 p, language: English, publisher: TRUE TRUE TRUE, ISBN: 978-94-90006-02-0.
>Jana Leo, Rape New York - The Story of a Rape and an Examination of a Culture of Predation, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 19.5 cm, 127 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, London, ISBN: 978 1 906012 14 4.
>Lindsay Seers, M. Anthony Penwill, It Has To Be This Way, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 12.9 x 19.7 cm, 126 p, language: English, publisher: Matt's Gallery, London, ISBN: 978 0 907623 64 9.
>Heather & Ivan Morison, Falling into Place, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 21.4 x 15.6 cm, 142 p, language: English, publisher: London/Bristol: Book Works/Situations, University of the West of England, ISBN: 978 1 906012 09 0.
>Mark Waugh, Bubble Entendre, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 13.1 cm, 119 p, language: English, publisher: Bookworks, London, ISBN: 9781906012120.
>Liam Gillick, All Books, 2009.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 14.1 cm, 241 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, London, ISBN: 978 1 906012 17 5.
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>Renee Gladman, Event Factory, 2010.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 14 cm 126 p. language: Engels publisher: Dorothy a publishing project Urbana [Illinois] ISBN: 978-0-9844693-0-7.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Een mismaakt gouvernement, 2010.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 338 p, language : Dutch, publisher : Em. Querido's Uitgeverij bv, Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 978-90-2143848-1.
>Leonor Fini, Mourmour conte pour enfants velus, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12.5 cm, 106 p., language : French, publisher : La tour verte, Grandvilliers (FR), ISBN : 978-2-917819-05-0 (First edition 1976).
>Nicholas Frank, The Sound of the Horn, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 17,8 x 12,7 cm, 60 p., language : English, publisher : Green Gallery Press, ISBN : 9780982362006.
>Fiona Banner, Fiona Banner 'The Venus Trilogy' (The Incubated Girl / The Violet Flame / To Venus in Five Seconds), 2010.Book, ink, paper, 3 volumes, different seizes, edition of 10, language : English, publisher : Fiona Banner/The Vanity Press, London.
>Félix Vallotton, Corbehaut, 2010.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.1 x 12 cm, 238 p., language : French, publisher : Infolio éditions, Gollion (CH), ISBN : 978-2-88474-850-6.
>Douglas Coupland, PlayerOne (What is to Become of Us), 2010.Book, ink, paper, 22.2 x 14.2 cm, 246 p., language : English, publisher : William Heinemann (The Random House Group Limited), London, ISBN : 978-0-434-02104-8.
>Douglas Coupland, Generation A, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.9 cm, 357 p., language : English, publisher : Windmill Books, London, first published : 2009, ISBN : 9780099537380.
>Pedro G. Romero, Las Correspondencias, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 72 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Editorial Periférica, ISBN: 9788492865086..
>Q.S. Serafijn , Trekken, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.4 cm, 71 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Studio 3005, Bleiswijk, ISBN : 9789078627098.
>Jake Chapman, Memoirs of My Writer's Block, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.8 cm, 248 p, language: English, publisher: Murray & Sorrell FUEL, London, ISBN : 9780956356208.
>Lindsay Seers, M. Anthony Penwill, It Has To Be This Way 1-5, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.8 cm, 126 p, language : English, publisher : Matt's Gallery, ISBN : 978-0-907623-75-5.
>Romy Rüegger, Der Effekt des Sonnenscheins vom Mond aus gesehen, 2010-2013.Book, 12 x 19 cm, 101 p, language: German, publisher: Self-published, ISBN: N/A.
>Jacob Wren, Revenge Fantasies of the Politically Dispossessed, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 14.7 x 19.3 cm, 150 p, language: English, publisher: Pedlar Press, ISBN: 189714136X (ISBN13: 9781897141366).
>Kambui Olujimi , Wayward North, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 16.8 x 23.9 cm, 143 p, language: English, publisher: Art in General, ISBN: 978-1-934890-28-8.
>Dale Edwin Wittig, Anna in Hollywood - Volume Three : Wrath & Avarice, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 14.1 cm, 48 p, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, California: Preprosperous Press.
>Pablo Helguera, Urÿonstelaii, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 cm x 14 cm, 58 p, language: English, publisher: New York: Jorge Pinto Books Inc., ISBN: 9781934978320.
>Q.S. Serafijn , Het Wonder van Wateringse Veld, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.3 cm, 160 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Bleiswijk: Studio 3005, ISBN: 978 90 78627 11 1.
>Witkacy (Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz), Pożegnanie Jesieni, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 21.3 x 15.3 cm, 322 p, language: Polish, publisher: Kraków: Wydawnictwo Zielona Sowa, ISBN: 9788376234748 .
>Hannu Väisänen, Kuperat ja Koverat (Antero-Trilogia), 2010.Book, ink, paper, 17.9 x 11 cm, 431 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN: 9789511252.
>Pavel Pepperstein, Sergey Anufriev , The Mythogenic Love of Castles, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 23.7 x 17.5 cm, 798 p, language: Russian, publisher: Moscow: Ad Marginem, ISBN: 9785911030766.
>Valérie Mréjen, L´Agrume, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 10.2 cm, 77 p, language: French (available in Spanish, Swedish and German), publisher: Editions Allia, Paris, ISBN: 2844850715.
>Keren Cytter, White diaries, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 14.8 x 21 cm, 150 p, language: English, Japanese, publisher: Center for Contemporary Art Kitakyushi, ISBN: 978-4-901387-40-8.
>Rita McBride, Matthew Licht , West Ways, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 11.5 x 17.8 cm, 92 p, language: English, publisher: Vancouver/Beverly Hills/Zürich: Emily Carr University Press/Potter Press/Christoph Keller Editions by JRP Ringier Kunstverlag AG, ISBN: 978-3037641354.
>Sarah Vanhee , The Miraculous Life of Claire C / Het Wonderbaarlijke Leven van Claire C, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 16 x 22 cm, 227 p, language: Dutch / English, publisher: Onomatopee, ISBN: 978-90-78454-57-1, 978-90-78454-58-8.
>Katrina Palmer, The Dark Object, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 13.1 x 19.4 cm, 117 p, language: English (UK), publisher: Book Works, ISBN: 978 1 906012 22 9.
>Norman Leto , Sailor, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 11.6 x 16.5 cm, 297 p, language: Polish, publisher: 40.000 Stowarzyszenie 40 000 Malarzy/Galeria Kolonie, Warsaw, ISBN: 978-83-928864-3-3.
> PSJM, La Isla de Hidrógeno, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 12.5 x 18.5 cm, 209 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Empatía Ediciones, ISBN: 978-84-614-6801-0.
>Jan Cremer, De Hunnen, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 21.2 x 13.6 cm, 1419 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij, ISBN: 9789023460138.
>Jannie Regnerus, De ent, 2010.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12.5 x 20 cm, 187 p, Language: Dutch, Publisher: Uitgeverij Contact, ISBN: 9789025435158.
>Tom McCarthy, C, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 23 x 15.2 cm, 310 p, language: English, publisher: London: Jonathan Cape, Random House, ISBN: 9780224091251.
>Jill Magid, Becoming Tarden, 2010.Book, ink, paper, 20.8 x 13.4 cm, 181 p, language: English, publisher: Minneapolis, Minnesota: Print Craft, ISBN: N/A.
>Christopher K. Ho, Hirsch E.P. Rothko , Hirsch E.P. Rothko, 2010.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.1 x 11.6 cm, 89 p, language: English, publisher: Winkleman Gallery, ISBN: 978-0-9801985-2-2.
>Dani Umpi, Sólo te quiero como amigo, 2011.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 13,5 cm, 179 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Interzona, Buenos Aires, ISBN: 978-987-1180-90-5.
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>Renee Gladman, The Ravickians, 2011.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17 5 x 14 cm 167 p. language: English publisher: Dorothy a publishing project Urbana [Illinois] ISBN: 978-0-9844693-2-1.
>Richard Prince, The Catcher In The Rye, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 20.7 x 14.3 cm, 214 p., language : English, publisher : American Place, ISBN : N/A.
>Friedrich von Borries, 1WTC, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13 cm, 204 p., language : German, publisher : Suhrkamp, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-518-46274-4.
>New Society of Dilettanti, Norman James Hogg, Laura Edbrook, The Black Merkin, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 17.5 x 10.8 cm, 266 p, language: English, publisher: New Society of Dilettanti in collaboration with Collective, Edinburgh and AND Publishing, London, ISBN: 9781873653135.
>Billy Chyldish , The Stonemason, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.7 cm, 327 p., language : English, publisher : L-13 Press.(Aquarium), London, ISBN : 978-0-9565945-3-2.
>Cally Spooner, Collapsing in Parts, 2011.Book, 11 x 18 cm, 160 p, language: English, publisher: International Project Space, Birmingham; Mousse Publishing, Milan, ISBN: 978-8867490745.
>Simon Bill , BRAINS, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 cm x 10.9 cm, 286 p, language: English, publisher: Cabinet II, London, ISBN: 9781906496593.
>Christopher Russell, Sniper, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 16 x 23.5 cm, 200 p, language: English, publisher: Bedwetter, ISBN: 978-1-4507-5725-6.
>Momus (Nick Currie) , The Book of Japans, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 17.7 cm x 11.2 cm, 192 p, language: English, publisher: Berlin: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 9781934105245.
>Lytle Shaw , Jimbo Blachly, The Clifford Chadwick Clifford Collection, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 23.9 x 17 cm, 62 p, language: English, publisher: Birmingham: An Endless Supply, ISBN: 9 780957 061408.
>Hannu Väisänen, Apupata, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17.8 cm, 220 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki , ISBN: 9789511248033.
>Kiba Lumberg , Memesa Trilogy: Black butterfly (Musta perhonen), Tattered Wings (Repaleiset siivet) and Velvet Night (Samettiyö), 2011.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 10.9 cm, 599 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Sammakko, ISBN: 978-952-483-181-9.
>Lindsay Seers, M. Anthony Penwill, It Has To Be This Way², 2011.Book, ink, paper, 12.9 x 19.8 cm, 174 p, language: English, publisher: Matt's Gallery, London, ISBN: 978 0 907623 76 2.
>David Maroto, Illusion, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 20 cm, 222 p, language: Spanish, publisher: CreateSpace, ISBN:13: 978-1456599225, 10: 1456599224.
>Jan Cremer, Ik Jan Cremer 1, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, 389 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij, ISBN: ISBN 9789023428435.
>Nick Herman, Fatland, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 13.3 x 20.5 cm, 89 p, language: English, publisher: LA>
>Paul Haworth, Alone Desperate and Going Nowhere, 2011.Book, ink, paper, 10.9 x 18 cm, 224 p, language: English, publisher: TRUE TRUE TRUE, ISBN: 978-94-90006-03-7.
>Gilbert & George , Side by Side, 2012.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13.5 cm, 170 p., language : English, publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König/Enitharmon Editions, Köln, ISBN : 978-3-86335-268-4, numbered (1346/2000) and signed edition.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, The Hitman's Guide to Housecleaning, 2012.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.9 x 13.9 cm, 247 p., language : English, publisher : AmazonCrossing, Las Vegas, ISBN : 9781611091397.
>Kristian Skylstad, Victor Boullet, Time is the Assassin, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 14 cm, 87 p., language : English, publisher : Antenne Publishing, London & Frenetic Happiness, Paris, ISBN : 978-1-908806-02-4.
>Francesco Pedraglio, The Object Lessons, 2012.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 18 x 11,5 cm, 192 p., language : English, publisher : MOUSSE Publishing, ISBN : 9788867490288.
>Lisa Stålspets, A Home for Artists, 2012-2016.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14,6 cm, 165 p., language : English, Swedish, publisher : LevArt, ISBN : 978-82-690297-3-4.
>Vibeke Tandberg, Beijing Duck, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 21,1 x 13,2 cm, 158 p., language : Norwegian, publisher : Oktober, Oslo, ISBN : 978 82 495 1058 0.
>Sophia Al-Maria, The Girl Who Fell to Earth, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.4 cm, 288 p., language : English, publisher : HarperCollins, New York, ISBN : 978-0061999758.
>Lukasz Jastrubczak, Sebastian Cichocki, Miraż, 2012.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 19,1 cm x 12,8 cm, 115 p., language : Polish, publisher : Galeria Sztuki Wspólczesnej Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków, ISBN : 978-83-62224-21-0.
>Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Powieść (A Novel) [a fragment] (in : Powidoki Zycia. Wladyslaw Strzeminski i prawa dla sztuki - Afterimages of Life. Wladyslaw Strzeminski and Rights for Art), 2012.Book, ink, paper, 22.9 x 17.2 cm, 773 p, language : Polish, English, publisher : Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, ISBN : 9788363820022.
>Bjarne Melgaard, A New Novel, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 23.5 x 16 cm, 296 p, language: English, publisher: Aschehoug & Co, Oslo, ISBN : 9788203350337.
>Jake Chapman, INTROSPASTIC: From the Blackened Beyond, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.8 cm, 235 p, language : English, publisher : White Cube/Murray & Sorrell FUEL, London, ISBN : 9780956896216.
>Maxime Bondu, Germania, une Histoire des Années Soixante-Dix, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 118 p, language: French, publisher: self-published, ISBN: N/A.
>Ole Hagen, Lindsay Seers, Nowhere Less Now, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 cm x 12.8 cm, 190 p, language: English, Published by Artangel, London, ISBN 1 902201 27 2.
>Samson Kambalu , Uccello’s Vineyard, 2012.Book, 441 KB, 258 p, language: English, publisher: Appleluck London, ISBN: B009Z48N2Y.
>Rodney Graham, The System of Landor's Cottage : A Pendant to Poe's Last Tale (Ed.2), 2012.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 12.6 cm, 327 p, language: English, publisher: Bruxelles: Gevaert Editions, ISBN: 9782930619026.
>Erik Niedling , Ingo Niermann , The Future of Art: A Diary, 2012.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.9 cm x 14 cm, 255 p, language: English, publisher: Berlin: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-943365-02-3 .
>Jimbo Blachly, Lytle Shaw , The Moiré Effect, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 17.9 x 11 cm, 125 p, language: English, publisher: Zurich/Brooklyn, NY: Bookhorse & Cabinet Books, ISBN: 978-3-9523391-3-8.
>Pablo Helguera, Onda corta, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 cm x 14 cm, 103 p, language: Spanish, publisher: New:York: Jorge Pinto Books Inc., ISBN: 9781934978719.
>Eric Doeringer, 60 Years Later, Coming Through the Rye, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 13 cm, 277 p, language: English, publisher: Copycat Publications, ISBN: 03-2012-150.
>Filip Noterdaeme, The Autobiography of Daniel J. Isengart, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 20.2 x 12.5 cm, 351 p, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, CA: Outpost19, ISBN 9781937402488.
>David Colosi, Miss Pumpernickel Bread, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 21 cm x 14.8 cm, 410 p, language: English, publisher: The Center for Three-Dimensional Literature - David Colosi (self-published by the author), ISBN: 9781105541810.
>Klemens Gasser, Less, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 13.7 cm, 86 p, language: English, publisher: Self-published by the artist, ISBN: N/A.
>Jack Segbars, Inertia, 2012.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 211 p, language: English, Dutch (bilingual edition), publisher: Onomatopee, Eindhoven/Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN: 9789078454946.
>Ilja Karilampi, The Hunter in the Armchair, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 11.5 cm, 68 p, language: English, publisher: Morava books, Poznan, Poland, ISBN: 978-83-933762-4-7.
>Oscar Tuazon, Leave Me Be, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 16 x 23 cm, 117 p, language: English, publisher: DoPe Press, Paris, ISBN: 9782953978810.
>David Evrard, The Spirit of Ecstasy, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 16.5 x 23.4 cm, 224 p, language: English, publisher: Bruxelles: Éditions Komplot & Black Jack Éditions, ISBN: 9782960120714.
>Jasper Coppes, Stijn Verhoeff, Scharrelaar / It is a roller, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 10.6 x 15.7 cm, 67 p, language: English, publisher: Jeanine Hofland Contemporary Art, ISBN: N/A.
>Valérie Mréjen, Forêt Noire, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 12 x 18.5 cm, 123 p, language:French, publisher: Paris: P.O.L. éditeur, ISBN: 978-2818014851.
>Jill Magid, Failed States, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 20.6 x 14.5 cm, 129 p, language: English, publisher: Hasselt/Los Angeles/Bucharest/Stockholm: Z33/Honor Fraser Gallery/Bucharest Biennial 5/Romanian Cultural Institute of Stockholm, ISBN: 9781935662044.
>Karin Arink, S. / The Bearer of STATE , 2012.Artist Novel, 430 p, language: English, ISBN: N/A.
>Matias Faldbakken, Unfun - Skandinavische Misanthropie III, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 18.6 x 11.8 cm, 270 p, language: German, publisher: München: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, ISBN: 9783453675698.
>Kit Poulson, The Ice Cream Empire, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 14.6 x 22.5 cm, 101 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, ISBN: 9781906012342.
>Mark Geffriaud, The Curve of Forgotten Things, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 14.5 x 22.5 cm, 64 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, ISBN: 978-1906012335.
>Tom McCarthy, Remainder, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.8 cm, 284 p, language: English, publisher: Richmond (Surrey): Alma Books, ISBN: 9781846880414.
>Alex Cecchetti, A Society that Breathes Once a Year, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 14.6 x 22.5 cm, 85 p, language: English, publisher. Book Works, ISBN: 978 1 906012 32 8.
>Jean Cocteau, Le Potomak , 2013.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 13,5 cm, 230 p., language: French, publisher: Stock, Paris, ISBN: 978-2-234-06956-5.
>Jean Cocteau, Le grand écart , 2013.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 13,5 cm, 150 p., language: French, publisher: Stock, Paris, ISBN: 978-2-234-06955-8.
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>Renee Gladman, Ana Patova Crosses a Bridge, 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 14 cm, 127 p., language: English, publisher: Dorothy, a publishing project, Urbana [Illinois], ISBN:978-0-9844693-9-0.
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>Eleanor Antin, Conversations with Stalin, 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 15 x 11 cm, 187 p., language: English, publisher: Green Integer 207, Los Angeles, ISBN: 978-1-55713-420-2.
>Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, Laura, en Alejandría (escrita en 1979 y 1981), 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 26.7 x 21.2 cm, 307 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Ediciones La Bahía, Heras (Cantabria), ISBN : 978-84-939191-9-1.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, De zomer van de neusbloedingen, 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.4 cm, 310 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Em. Querido's Uitgeverij BV, Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 978-90-214-4740-7.
>Hannu Väisänen, Taivaanvartijat, 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.9 x 11 cm, 284 p., language : Finnish, publisher : Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN : 978-951-1-26273-2.
>Louise Hervé Chloé Maillet, Attraction étrange, 2013.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 25,9 cm, 224 p., language : English/French, publisher : Dijon: Les presses du reel, ISBN : 978-3-03764-308-2.
>Thu-Van Tran, Au plus profond du noir, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 128 p., language : French, publisher : First Edition by Meessen De Clercq, ISBN : 978-2-930528-12-0.
>Friedrich von Borries, RLF, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13 cm, 252 p., language : German, publisher : Suhrkamp, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-518-46443-4.
>Douglas Coupland, Worst. Person. Ever., 2013.Book, ink, paper, 22.3 x 14.1 cm, 317 p., language : English, publisher : William Heinemann (The Random House Group Limited), London, ISBN : 978-0-434-01990-8.
>Bert Danckaert, De extra's, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12,5 cm, 117 p., language : Dutch, publisher : EPO, Berchem, ISBN : 978 94 91297 54 0.
>Ariane Müller, Handbuch für die Reise durch Afrika, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 13 cm, 208 p., language : German, publisher : Starship Verlag, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-7204-0210-1.
>Witkacy (Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz), Nienasycenie, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 20.5 x 14 cm, 519 p., language : Polish, publisher : Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki, Kety, Poland, ISBN : 978-83-61199-74-8.
>Witkacy (Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz), 622 Upadki Bunga, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 15 cm, 538 p., language : Polish, publisher : Pánstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa, ISBN : 978-83-06-03349-6.
>Dan Gilsdorf, REPO MAN, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.8 cm, 139 p, language : English, publisher : Publication Studio, Portland, Oregon, ISBN : 9781624620454.
>Leticia Obeid, Frente, Perfil y Llanura, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 14 cm, 145 p, language : Spanish, publisher : caballo negro editora, Córdoba, ISBN : 9789872917616.
>Miek Zwamborn, De Duimsprong, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13.1 cm, 255 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij Van Oorschot, Amsterdam, ISBN : 9789028260917.
>Matthew Brannon, Leopard, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 20 cm, 72 p, language: English, publisher: self-published, ISBN: N/A.
>Matthew Brannon, Antelope, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 20 cm, 72 p, language: English, publisher: Mousse Publishing, ISBN: 9788867490547.
>Pedro G. Romero, Los Países, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 96 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Editorial Periférica, ISBN: 9788492865789.
>David Price, The Fielders, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21.7 x 13.9 cm, language: English, publisher: AND Public, ISBN : 9781908452290.
>Jannie Regnerus, Het Lam, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 12.6 cm, 140 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, Amsterdam/Antwerpen, ISBN : 9789025436407.
>Richard Hawkins , Fragile flowers, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 17.5 x 11.5 cm, 120 p., language : English, publisher : Les presses du réel.
>Wojtowircz Fog, Cheng Ran, Circadian Rhythm, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 18.4 x 13 cm, 250 p, language: English, Chinese, publisher: Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing-Lucerne, ISBN: 978-3-9524064-3-4.
>Hubert Renard, Sans Titre, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 23 x 17 cm, 192 p, language: French, publisher: art&fiction, Lausanne, ISBN: 978-2-940377-60-2.
>Barbara Cardinale, La Collectionneuse, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 9.4 cm, 118 p, language: French, publisher: self-published, ISBN: N/A.
>Jérémie Gindre, On a eu du Mal, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 18.5 cm, 176 p, language: French, publisher: Editions de l’Olivier, Paris, ISBN: 9782823601756 .
>Nadim Abbas, Angela Su, Mary Lee, BERTY, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 12.5 cm, 192 p, language: English, publisher: self-published, ISBN:978-988-12778-0-0 .
>Marla Jacarilla , Mecánica de la Desidia, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14.8 cm, 174 p, language: Spanish, self-published, ISBN: 978-84-616-5317-1.
>Gareth Long , A More Precise Distance Between the Reader and the Ultimate Visions, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 22 x 14.5 cm, 43 p, language : English, publisher : Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art.
>Jérémie Gindre, Un trou célèbre, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 57 p, language: French, publisher: Motto Books, ISBN : 978-2-940524-00-6.
>Lukasz Gorczyca , Oskar Dawicki, Lukasz Ronduda , W Polowie Puste, 2013.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 21 cm x 14 cm, 333 p, language: Polish, publisher: Art Stations Foundation by Grazyna Kulczyk, ISBN: 978-83-927804-7-2.
>Ernesto Pujol, The Boys’ Garden Club, 2013.Book, 12.7 x 20.3 cm, 210 p, language: English, publisher: The Field School & McNally Jackson Books, New York, ISBN: 978-1-938022-49-4.
>Wojciech Bruszewski, Big Dick, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 20 cm x 13.9 cm, 317 p, language: Polish, publisher: Korporacja Ha!art, Kraków, ISBN 978-83-62574-95-7.
>Everyone Agrees , After The Night - The Meeting of Failures: Act II, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19.1 cm x 14 cm, 137 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, London, ISBN: 978 1 906012 47 2.
>Michèle Bernstein , The Night, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19 cm x 14 cm, 155 p, language: English, published by Book Works, London, ISBN 978 1 906012 52 6.
>David Maroto, The South Highway, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 11 cm, 128 p, language: English, publisher: Dutch Art Institute and CasCo–Office for Art, Design and Theory, ISBN: 978-94-90294-53-3.
>Hayley Newman, Common, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 19.5 cm, 96 p, language: English, publisher: Copy Press, ISBN: 978-0-9553792-6-0.
>Heather Guertin , Model Turned Comedian, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 19.2 x 12.8 cm, 71 p, language: English, publisher: Portland, Oregon: Publication Studio/Social Malpractice Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-62462-010-2.
>Emily Kocken , Witte vlag, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, 391 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam/Antwerpen: Em. Querido's Uitgeverij BV, ISBN: 9789021446639.
>Paul Haworth, Jonny on a Chorizo, 2013.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 376 p, publisher: Amsterdam: True True True, language: English, ISBN 9789490006906.
>Pauline Fondevila, Una casa y un tambor, 2014.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.7 x 13.5 cm, 72 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Ivan Rosado, Rosario, Argentina, ISBN : 978-987-3708-08-4.
>Guillermo Iuso, Todo lo que pasó, 2014.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.4 x 13.8 cm, 77 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Mansalva Editorial, Buenos Aires, ISBN : 978-987-1474-94-3.
>Brendan Michal Heshka, An Alien Odyssey to Creative Freedom, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 14.80 x 21 cm, 235 p, language: English, publisher: Lulu, ISBN: 9781312323469.
>Dan Starling, The Culture Industry and the Propaganda Factory, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 15.7 x 24 cm, 164 p, language : English, publisher : New Documents, Vancouver (Canada)/Los Angeles (USA), ISBN: 978-1-927354-16-2.
>Ithell Colquhoun, I Saw Water, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 22.80 x 14.24 cm, 228 p, language: English, publisher: Penn State University Press, ISBN: 978-0-271-06423-9.
>Francesco Pedraglio, A Man in a Room Spray-painting a Fly... (or at Least Trying to...), 2014.Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 13 x 19 cm, 352 p., language : English, publisher : Book Works, ISBN : 978 1 906012 45 8.
>Unni Gjertsen, Dakar–Tromsø, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 19 cm, 128 p., language : English, Norwegian, publisher : KORO Public Art Norway, ISBN : 978-82-93033-10-3.
>Hou Chien Cheng, Brown, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17,5 cm, 140 p., language : English, Flemish, West-Flemish, publisher : APE, Art Paper Editions, ISBN : 9789490800222.
>Little Warsaw , Naming You, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 31 x 23 cm, 112 p., language : English, publisher : Revolver, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3957630124.
>Momus (Nick Currie) , Herr F, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 428 p., language : English, German, publisher : Fiktion, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-944818-66-5.
>Samuel Hasler, O, A Prayer Book, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 148 p., language : English, publisher : Book Works, London, ISBN : 978 1 906012 55 7.
>Cara Benedetto, The Coming of Age, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11.4 cm, 156 p., language : English, publisher : Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, ISBN : 978-3-942144-35-3.
>Pam Emmerik , Wie het paradijs verdragen kan, 2014.Book, ink, paper, x cm, 400 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Prometheus Uitgeverij, Amsterdam, ISBN : 9789044626049.
>Sophia Al-Maria, Virgin with a Memory: The Exhibition Tie-in, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 13 cm, 192 p., language : English, publisher : Cornerhouse / The Third Line, Manchester, ISBN : 9780956957191.
>Matthew Brannon, Laurence Harvey - An irresponsible biography, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 22.5 x 14 cm, 97 p., language : English, publisher : Onestar Press, Paris.
>Lindsay Seers, M. Anthony Penwill, Sargent, Dhonau, Maes, Royale, Nowhere Less Now4 (iamnowhere), 2014.Book, ink, paper, 17.4 x 10,5 cm, language : English, publisher : Self-published, ISBN : 978-1-903781-90-6.
>Lindsay Seers, M. Anthony Penwill, Sargent, Dhonau, Maes, Royale, Nowhere Less Now4 (iamnowhere), 2014.Book, ink, paper, 17.4 x 10.5 cm, language : English, publisher : Self-published, ISBN : 978-1-903781-66-3.
>Raziye Kubat, The Story of Yusuf, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 25 cm, 107 p, language: English, publisher: Dada Basım Yayın A.S, ISBN: 978-605-9924-00-9.
>Société Réaliste , The Best American Book of the 20th Century, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 21 cm, 112 p, language: English, publisher: Onomatopee, ISBN: 978-94-91677-26-7.
>K.D. , Goldin+Senneby, Headless, 2014.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 10.67 x 17.78 cm, 348 p, language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-95679-026-3.
>Gerry Bibby, The Drumhead, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 13,5 x 20 cm, 118 p, language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, Berlin & If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part of Your Revolution, Amsterdam, ISBN: 978-3-95679-065-2.
>Katrina Palmer, The Fabricator's Tale, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 17,6 x 10,8 cm, 200 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works, ISBN: 978 1 906012 51 9.
>Peter Lemmens, Brief histories of cleaning, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 20.3 x 12.6 cm, 194 p, publisher : MÅNGATA BOOKS (Diversions Publishing), ISBN : 9781500664718.
>Maxim Komar-Myshkin, Roee Rosen, Vladimir's Night, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 20 x 30 cm, 174 p, language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-95679-059-1.
>David Maroto, The Wheel of Fortune, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 20 cm, 220 p, language: English, publisher: Jap Sam Books, ISBN: 978-94-90322-49-6.
>Suzy Spence, Northeast: Look At Dilatory Domiciles Always To Insure Accuracy, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 15,6 x 23,5 cm, 165 p, language: English, publisher: Spence Projects, ISBN: N/A.
>Peter Lemmens, Performing tasks with your non-dominant hand is a great way to develop new neural pathways (the novelization edit), 2014.Book, ink, paper, 20.8 x 14.7 cm, 175 p, language : English, publisher : Furies Publishing Inc. (Diversions Publishing).
>Jacob Wren, Polyamorous Love Song, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14 cm, 185 p, language : English, publisher : Bookthug, Toronto, ISBN : 9781771660303, Series : Department of narrative studies, n° 12.
>Arno Kramer, Tussenlicht, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 23.5 x 15.9 cm, 329 p, language: Dutch, publisher: ID Publishers, Broekland, Nederland/Bramsche (Duitsland).
>Alan Michael, Lucy McKenzie, Unlawful Assembly, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 125 p, language: English, publisher: Koenig Books, London, ISBN : 9783863354909.
>Brian O'Doherty, The Crossdresser's Secret, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13 cm, 473 p., language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press Berlin, ISBN 9783943365962.
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>Jérémie Gindre, One Helluva Hole, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 57 p., language: English, publisher: Motto Books, Berlin, ISBN: 978-2-940524-32-7.
>Leticia Obeid, Preparación para el amor, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper.
>Hannu Väisänen, Piisamiturkki ja muita kertomuksia, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11 cm, 286 p., language : Finnish, publisher : Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN : 978-951-1-29661-4.
>Verónica Gerber Bicecci, Conjunto vacío, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 13.5 x 20.9 cm, 213 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Almadía, México, D.F. ISBN: 978-607-411-180-4.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Sjóveikur í München, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper.
>Billy Chyldish , The Ward Porter, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.5 x 13.5 cm, 160 p., language : English, publisher : L-13 Light Industrial Workshop, ISBN : 9781910691052.
>David Lieske, I Tried to Make this Work, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, language : English, publisher : Montez Press.
>Jutta Koether , f., 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19 x 12 cm, 130 p, language: English/German, publisher: Berlin: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-95679-005-8.
>Momus (Nick Currie) , UnAmerica, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 14 cm, 192 p., language : French, publisher : Le Serpent à Plumes, La Madeleine-de-Nonancourt (FR), ISBN : 979-10-94680-06-3 (First edition : Penny-Ante Editions, Los Angeles, 2014).
>Gregory Forstner, L'odeur de la viande, 2015.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 14,5 cm, 80 p., language : French, publisher : Esperluète édition, ISBN : 9782359840612.
>Emmy Hennings, Gefängnis. Das graue Haus. Das Haus im Schatten, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12.5 cm, 576 p., language : German, publisher : Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, ISBN : 978-3-8353-1834-2.
>Miranda July, The First Bad Man, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 22 x 14.5 cm, 276 p., language : English, publisher : Scribner, ISBN : 978-1439172575.
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>Sal Randolph, & Drift, 2015.Mixed Media, language: English, publisher: self-published, ISBN: N/A.
>Félix Vallotton, Les Soupirs de Cyprien Morus, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 18.2 x 11.9 cm, 245 p., language : French, publisher : Infolio éditions, Gollion (CH), ISBN : 978-2-88474-876-6.
>Alain Arias-Misson, Comic Book, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 19.6 x 12.4 cm, 164 p., language : English, publisher : Black Scat Books, San Francisco, ISBN : 978-0-692-44067-4 .
>José Antonio Covo Meisel, Osamentas relampagueantes, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 12 cm, 155 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Cain Press, Bogotá, ISBN : 978-958-46-7244-5.
>Steven Emmanuel, The Good Life, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 18.5 x 11 cm, 168 p., language : English, publisher : Self-published, ISBN : N/A.
>Mitch Nemmers, Suppoosten van het Dagelijks Leven, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 9,6 x 14,6 cm, 132 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Prison Pockets, Rotterdam, ISBN : N/A.
>Lex Brown, My Wet Hot Drone Summer, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11.4 cm, 130 p., language : English, publisher : Badlands Unlimited, New York, ISBN : 978-1-936440-91-7.
>Maija Timonen, The Measure of Reality, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 19.5 x 12 cm, 123 p., language : English, publisher : Book Works, London, ISBN : 978 1 906012 69 4.
>Seth Price, Fuck Seth Price, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11.7 cm, 124 p., language : English, publisher : The Leopard Press, New York, ISBN : 978-0981546834.
>Pepo Salazar, La fiesta de los metales, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 17.5 x 10.5 cm, 245 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Cru editions, Barcelona.
>Tom McCarthy, Satin Island, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 14.98 x 21.59 cm, 208 p., language : English, publisher : Knopf, New York, ISBN : 978-0307593955.
>David Musgrave, Unit, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 19.4 x 14.2 cm, 184 p., language : English, publisher : LemonMelon, London, ISBN : 978-1-908260-15-4.
>Brian Catling, The Vorrh, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 24.6 x 17.3 cm, 512 p., language : English, publisher : Penguing Random House, New York, ISBN : 9781101873786.
>Benjamin Seror, Mime Radio, 2015.Book, ink, paper, 22 x 14 cm, 136 p., language : English, publisher : Bat; Adéra; CRAC Alsace; Kunstverein, Amsterdam; Sternberg Press, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-95679-151-2.
>Simon Bill , Artist in Residence, 2016.Artist Novel, 19,5 x 13 cm, 335 p. language: English, publisher: Sort Of Books, United .
>Marina Abramović, Walk Through Walls : A Memoir, 2016.Artist Novel, 19,5 x 13 cm, 370 p. language: English, publisher: Penguin Books, United Kingdom, ISBN: 978-0-241-97452-0.
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>Ruy Krygier, Un erudito en problemas, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21,5 x 14 cm, language: Spaans, publisher: Mansalva Editorial, Buenos Aires, ISBN: 978-987-3728-45-7.
>Erwan Mahéo, Le Centre du Monde : Description d'une sculpture invisible, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 13 cm, 128 p, language: Frans, publisher: Editions Le Bord de l'Eau-Collection La Muette & FRAC Bretagne, Bruxelles-Lormont-Rennes, ISBN 978-2-35687-497-9.
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>Jaakko Pallasvuo, Scorched Earth, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.2 x 12.6 cm, 150 p., language: English, publisher: Arcadia Missa Publications, London, ISBN: 978-0-9926747-6-2.
>Alain Arias-Misson, Autobiography of a Character from Fiction, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.8 cm, 206 p., language : English, publisher : Black Scat Books, San Francisco, CA, ISBN : 978-0-997-77712-3.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Niets te vieren, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, 271 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Em. Querido's Uitgeverij B.V., Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 978-90-214-0202-4.
>Deniz Gül, Loyelow, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 13.5 x 19.5 cm, 128 p, language: Turkish, publisher: Norgunk, ISBN: 9789758686858.
>Hannu Väisänen, Elohopea, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11 cm, 363 p., language : Finnish, publisher : Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki, ISBN : 978-951-1-29963-9.
>Linda Stupart, Virus, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 20.3 x 12.7 cm, 139 p., language : English, publisher : Arcadia Missa Publications, London, ISBN : 978-0-9926747-8-6.
>Eduardo Arroyo, Bambalinas, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 13.45 cm, 192 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Galaxia Gutenberg, ISBN : 9788416495337.
>Tonje Bøe Birkeland, The Characters, 2016.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 31.5 x 22.5 cm, 268 p., language : English, publisher : Bergen Kjøtt Publishing.
>Imma Ávalos, Germà de gel, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 21.3 x 14 cm, 244 p., language : Catalan, publisher : L’Altra Editorial, ISBN : 978-84-945085-1-6.
>Jean-Christophe Norman, Grand Mekong hotel, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 15 cm, 262 p., language : French, publisher : De L'Incidence Éditeur, ISBN : 978-2-918193-37-1.
>Keren Cytter, A – Z Life Coaching, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 19 x 13 cm, 132 p., language : English, publisher : Sternberg Press, ISBN : 978-3-956792-68-7.
>Ciarán Walsh, Vortices, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 11 cm, 96 p., language : English, publisher : Self-published, ISBN : N/A.
>Hassan Khan, Twelve Clues, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 19,5 x 12,5 cm, 122 p., language : English, publisher : Mousse Publishing, ISBN : 978886749-236-7.
>Pathetic Sympathy Seekers , Was bisher geschah, 2016.Mixed Media, 65 p., language : German, publisher : Pathetic Sympathy Seekers, ISBN : N/A.
>Jacob Wren, Rich and Poor, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 20 cm, 184 p., language : English, publisher : BookThug, ISBN : 9781771662383.
>Eric Simon, Les mille et une phrases, 2016.Book, e-book, 140 p., language : French, publisher : Contre-mur éditions, Marseille, ISBN : 978-2-9547306-5-3.
>Hou Chien Cheng, Green, 2016.Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17,5 cm, 180 p., language : English, publisher : Publication Studio Rotterdam, ISBN : 978-94-92308-06-1.
>Alejandro López, Las malas lenguas, 2017.Artist Novel, 18 x 13 cm, 165 p., language: Spaans, publisher: Blatt & Ríos, Buenos Aires, ISBN 978-987-3616-81-5.
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>Renee Gladman, Houses of Ravicka, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17,5 x 14 cm, 150 p., language: English, publisher: Dorothy, a publishing project, New York, ISBN: 978-0-9973666-6-2.
>Brian Catling, The Erstwhile, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19,5 x 13 cm, 462 p., language: English, publisher: Coronet, London, 978-1-473-63640-8.
>Vincenzo Agnetti , Obsoleto, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 14 cm, 183 p., language : Italian, publisher : Edizioni Cinquemarzo, Viareggio, Italy, ISBN : 978-88-6970-126-9.
>Stefan Panhans, We Just Left Shore, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 120 p., language : German, publisher : Textem, Hamburg, ISBN : 978-3-86485-166-7.
>Alain Arias-Misson, The Detective Who Didn't Have a Clue, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.8 cm, 165 p., language : English, publisher : Black Scat Books, San Francisco, CA, ISBN : 9780997777192.
>eteam , The Case of Distance Disengaged, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12.7 x 20.3 cm, English, 123 pages, ISBN: 9780692854822.
>Guillermo Iuso, Otro panorama de libertad, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.9 cm, 72 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Mansalva Editorial, Buenos Aires, ISBN : 978-987-3728-67-9.
>Nicoline Timmer, en toen aten we zeehond, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 12.5 x 20 cm, 203 p., Language : Dutch, Publisher : Ambo/Anthos, Amsterdam, ISBN: 978 90 263 3247 0.
>Jannie Regnerus, Nachtschrijver, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper.
>Jérémie Gindre, Pas d'éclairs sans tonnerre, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 14 x 21 cm, 240 p, language : French, publisher : Éditions Zoé, Carouge-Genève, ISBN: 978-2-88927-379-9.
>Sharon Kivland, Reading Nana, 2017.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.5 x 14 cm, 104 p, language: English, French, publisher: MA BIBLIOTHÈQUE, ISBN:978-1-910055-28-1.
>Maria Barnas, Altijd Augustus, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13 cm, 188 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: Uitgeverij G.A. van Oorschot B.V., ISBN: 9789028261563.
>Hannah Black, Life: A Novel, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 16 x 10.5 cm, 108 p, language: English, publisher: Cologne, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, ISBN: 9783960981.
>Emily Kocken , De kuur, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 13.6 cm, 276 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Em. Querido Publishers, ISBN : 9789021406114.
>Noor Abuarafeh, "The Earth Doesn't Tell Its Secrets" His Father Once Said, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 16,8 x 13 cm, 255 p., language : English, publisher : Sharjah Art Foundation, ISBN : 978-9948-23-204-9.
>Ciarán Walsh, The Sickness, Book One, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 17 x 10 cm, 120 p., language : English, publisher : TFGC Publishing, ISBN : 978-3-00-055117-8.
>Annabel Frearson, Affectation Correspondence, 2017.Book, ink, paper, 312 pp., language : English, publisher : Tombstone Press, London, ISBN : 978-0-9576756-1-2.
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>Brian Catling, The Cloven, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 13 cm, 429 p., language: Engels, publisher: Coronet, London, ISBN 978-1-473-63641-5.
>Juan Carlos RodrÍguez Torres, Petra Narcisa, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21,5 x 14 cm, 180 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Isla de libros, ISBN: 978-958-59680-8-0.
>Andrew James Paterson, Not Joy Division, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17,5 x 12,5 cm, 100 p., language: English, publisher: IMPULSE [b:].
>Etel Adnan, Surge, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 13.97 x 20.96 cm, 56 p., language : English, publisher : Nightboat Books, ISBN : 9781937658854.
>Erica van Horn, Em & I, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12,5 x 17 cm, 187 p., language : English, publisher : Cornerhouse Publications, ISBN : 978-0-906630-55-6.
>Pauline Fondevila, Cinco días en Colón, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.9 x 13.4 cm, 47 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Ivan Rosado, Rosario, Argentina, ISBN : 978-987-3708-61-9.
>Gathie Falk, Apples, etc. - An Artist's Memoir, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.7 x 14.6 cm, 219 p., language : English, publisher : Figure 1 Publishing Inc., Vancouver, ISBN : 978-1-77327-012-8.
>Jacob Wren, Authenticity Is a Feeling: My Life in PME-ART, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 13.33 x 20.32 cm, English, 304 pages, ISBN: 9781771663892.
>Matias Faldbakken, The Waiter, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.5 x 13.5 cm, 225 p., language : English, publisher : Doubleday (Transworld Publishers), London, ISBN : 9780857525857.
>Barry McMahon, Blue: The Novel, 2018.Book, ink, paper, 15 x 22 cm, 455 p, language : English, publisher : BFA Press, ISBN: 978-0996021531.
>Jannie Regnerus, Lente, 2018.Book, ink, paper, 24.9 x 18.5 cm, language : Dutch, publisher : Korenmaat (, Haarlem.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Sextíu kíló af sólskini, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper.
>Joshua Schwebel, A Dream in Which I Am You, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17 x 10,8 cm, 253 p., language : English, publisher : self-published, ISBN : N/A.
>Zachary Cahill, The Black Flame of Paradise, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 15 cm, 160 p., language : English, publisher : Mousse Publishing , ISBN : 9788867493395.
>Evelin Brosi, 3968, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.6 x 10.8 cm, 476 p, language: English, publisher: het balanseer, ISBN: 9789079202560.
>Hallgrímur Helgason, Woman at 1,000 degrees, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23.6 x 16 cm, 391 p., language : English, publisher : Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, ISBN : 978-1-61620-623-9.
>Michael Tedja, Briljante man, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.5 x 14 cm, 320 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij IJzer , ISBN : 978-90-8684-166-0.
>Graham Rawle, Overland, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22.4 x 15 cm, 384 p., language : English, publisher : Chatto & Windus, ISBN : 978-1784741488.
>Scott Elliott, The El Dorado Commission, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.5 x 14 cm, 143 p, language: English, publisher: Vancouver: Publication Studio, ISBN: 978-1-927385-52-4.
>Jasper Coppes, Daniel Lee, Flow Country, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.7 x 11.2 cm, 123 p, language: English, publisher: Glasgow: Publication Studio, ISBN: 978-1-9995899-0-5.
>Alex Cecchetti, Tamam Shud, 2018.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18.7 x 11.7 cm, 268 p, language: English, publisher: Berlin: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 9783956793981.
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>Jean Cocteau, Thomas l’imposteur, 2019.Artist Novel, Artist’s Novel, 18,5 x 12 cm, 183 p., language: French, publisher: Gallimard, Paris, ISBN: 978-2-07-021571-3.
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>Leticia Obeid, Preparação para o amor, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.1 x 12.1 cm, 207 p., language: Portuguese, publisher: par(ent)esis, Florianópolis.
>Erick Meyenberg, Ruth Estévez, Even When Fall Is Here, 2019.Book, Curator's Novel, 26 x 19 cm, 141 p., language : English, Spanish, publisher : haudenschildGarage, San Diego, CA & Doppelhouse Press, Los Angeles, CA, ISBN : 978-1-7339579-1-5.
>Alina Lupu, This Is a Work of Fiction, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 16 x 11.1 cm, 151 p., language : English, self-published, Amsterdam.
>Pjeroo Roobjee, Composteer mij, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.6 x 13.6 cm, 208 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Em. Querido's Uitgeverij BV, Amsterdam-Antwerpen, ISBN : 978-90-214d-1790-5.
>David Maroto, The Artist's Novel. The Novel as a Medium in the Visual Arts - Part II : The Fantasy of the Novel, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.7 x 15.3 cm, 289 p., language : English, publisher : Mousse Publishing, Milano, ISBN : 978-88-6749-425-5.
>David Maroto, The Artist's Novel. The Novel as a Medium in the Visual Arts - Part I : A New Medium, 2019.Book, ink, paper, 20.7 x 15.3 cm, 281 p., language : English, publisher : Mousse Publishing, Milano, ISBN : 978-88-6749-422-4.
>Susan Finlay , Our Lady of Everything, 2019.Book, ink, paper, 22.2 x 14 cm, 242 p, language : English, publisher : Serpent's Tail, London, ISBN : 978-1-78816-119-0.
>Richard Roth, NoLab, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 15,24 x 22,86 cm, English, 234 pages, publisher: Owl Canyon Press, ISBN: 978-0998507385.
>Txomin Badiola, Malformalismo, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 14 cm x 21 cm, language: Spanish, English, Basque, French, publisher: Caniche Editorial, ISBN: 978-84-120368-0-0.
>Arnold Schalks, Steeg: Kroniek van een zere plek, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12,5 cm, Dutch, 208 pages, publisher: Primavera pers, ISBN: 978-90-5997-291-9.
>Tyler Coburn, Richard Roe, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 10.8 x 17.6 cm, 72 p, language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-95679-464-3.
>Tom O'Sullivan, Joanne Tatham, The Bitter Cup, 2019.Book, ink, paper, 13 x 10.6 cm, 112 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works & Hospitalfield, ISBN: 978 1 906012 88 5.
>Ingo Niermann , Erik Niedling , Burial of the White Man, 2019.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12.5 x 19 cm, 288 p, language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-95679-426-1.
>Huw Lemmey, Hildegard von Bingen, Unknown Language, 2020.Artist Novel, 19,5 x 13 cm, 232 p., language: English, publisher: Ignota, ISBN: 9781999675998.
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>Kris Martin, Idiot, 2020.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 15 cm, 1494 p., language: Engels, publisher: DISTANZ Verlag, Berlijn, ISBN: 978-3-95476-332-0.
>Reto Pulfer, Gina, ein zuständiger Roman, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 10,5 x 18 cm, 304 p., language : German, publisher : Bom Dia Boa Tarde Bom Noite, ISBN : 978-3-96436-033-5.
>Emily Segal , Mercury Retrograde, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22.9 x 15.1 cm, 211 p., language : English, publisher : Deluge Books, Los Angeles, ISBN : 978-1-7362104-0-6.
>Amalie Smith, Thread Ripper, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 15 cm, 108 p., language : Danish, publisher : Gyldendal, Copenhagen, ISBN : 978-87-02-29642-6.
>Ernst Billgren , Salamandern från farsta, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.5 x 14.5 cm, 368 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Bokförlaget Langenskiöld, Stockholm, ISBN : 978-91-88439-73-4.
>Amalie Smith, Marble, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.4 x 12.2 cm, 140 p., language : English, publisher : Lolli Editions, London, ISBN : 978-1-9999928-7-3.
>Alex Llovet, Las fotos que nunca hice, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.4 x 14.2 cm, 234 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Ediciones Posibles, Barcelona, ISBN : 9788409185993.
>Evelin Brosi, Thuis, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.9 x 11 cm, 448 p., language : Dutch, publisher : het balanseer, Gent, ISBN : 9789079202799.
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>Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, Paris la Consciencieuse : Paris la Guideuse du monde, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 31 x 21.4 cm, 325 p., language : French, publisher : Éditions Faro, Paris, ISBN : 979-10-95991-23-6.
>Ivan Cheng, Ferrara deux (Faits divers), 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 15 x 22 cm, 136 p., language : English, publisher : self-published, ISBN : N/A.
>Irene Solà, Canto jo i la muntanya balla, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 22 x 13.9 cm, 189 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Editorial Anagrama, s.a., Barcelona, 7th edition, ISBN : 978-84-339-1568-9.
>Helen Marten, The Boiled in Between, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11.3 cm, 321 p., language : English, publisher : Prototype, London, ISBN : 978-1-9160520-6-2.
>Irene Solà, Els dics, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.4 x 14.1 cm, 253 p., language : Spanish, publisher : L'Altra Editorial, Barcelona, ISBN : 978-84-947829-3-0, 5th edition.
>Jannie Regnerus, Het wolkenpaviljoen, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.7 x 13.5 cm, 101 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij Van Oorschot, Amsterdam.
>Susan Finlay , Objektophilia, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12 x 19 cm, language : English, 236 p., publisher : MA BIBLIOTHÈQUE, London, ISBN: 978-1-910055-65-6.
>Leticia Obeid, Bajo sus pies, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 13 cm, 241 p., language : Spanish, publisher : Blatt & Ríos, Buenos Aires, ISBN : 978-987-4941-61-9.
>eteam , Grabeland, 2020.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12.7 x 20.4 cm, English, 342 pages, publisher : Nighboat Books, New York, ISBN: 97816436200.
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>Lex ter Braak, Levensvormen, 2021.Artist Novel, 21 x 13 cm, 324 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Van Oorschot, Amsterdam, ISBN: 9789028212398.
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>Dalia Rosetti, Fernanda Laguna, El fuego entre nosotras, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23 x 14 cm, 176 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Random House, ISBN: 978-987-769-114-6.
>Syd Krochmalny, El tamaño de mi mundo, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 14 cm, 192 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Mansalva Editorial, Buenos Aires, ISBN: 9789878337234.
>Andrei Monastyrski , Kashira Highway, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 14,5 cm, 232 p., language: English, publisher: Artguide s.r.o., Moscow, 978-80-906714-8-5.
>David Maroto, Not All Of Me Will Die (An oral novella), 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21 x 15 cm, 80 p., language : English, publisher : David Maroto, Rotterdam, Artist's copy 3/3, ISBN: 978-90-9034503-1.
>Ai Weiwei , 1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23.5 x 15.4 cm, 380 p., language : English, publisher : Crown, New York, ISBN : 978-0-593-24069-4.
>Robert Devriendt, Maximes Obsessie, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.8 cm, 187 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Borgerhoff & Lamberigts, Gent, ISBN : 9789463933704.
>Rouzbeh Akhbari, Perturbation, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 17,5 x 10,5 cm, 154 p., language : English, publisher : self-pubished, ISBN : 9781008983847.
>Michael Tedja, Meta is haar naam, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21.5 x 14 cm, 286 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij Ijzer, Utrecht, ISBN : 978-90-8684-221-6.
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>Emily Kocken , Lalalanding, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.4 cm, 229 p., language: Dutch, publisher: Em. Querido's Uitgeverij B.V., Amsterdam, ISBN: 9789021414485.
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>Susan Finlay , My Other Spruce and Maple Self, 2021.Artist Novel, 19 x 12 cm, 256 p., language: English, publisher: Moist, Nottingham, ISBN: 978-1-913430-02-3.
>Ivan Cheng, Confidences / Baseline, 2021.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 11.7 x 16.4 cm, 176 p., language : English, publisher : TLTRPreß, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-9819640-5-9.
>Barbara Chase-Riboud, The Great Mrs. Elias, 2022.Artist Novel, 23,5 x 15,5 cm, 399 p. language: English, publisher: HarperCollins, New York, ISBN: 978-0-06-301990-4.
>Dani Umpi, Miss Tacuarembó, 2022.Artist Novel, 18 x 13 cm, 221 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Blatt & Ríos, Buenos Aires and Madrid, ISBN: 978-84-124302-3-3.
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>Liam Gillick, A Max De Vos, 2022.Artist Novel, 18 x 11,5 cm, 157 p., language: English, publisher: Mer. B&L, Gent, ISBN: 9789463937368.
>Ivan Cheng, Confidences/Majority, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 11 x 18 cm, 208 p., language : English, publisher : After 8 Books, ISBN : 978-2-492650-05-5.
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>Susan Finlay , The Jacques Lacan Foundation, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19 x 12 cm, 198 p., language: English, publisher: Moist, Nottingham.
>Francesc Torres, La campana hermética, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23 x 15 cm, 365 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Catedral, Barcelona, 365 p. .
>Erica van Horn, We Still Have the Telephone, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18 x 12 cm, 180 p., language: English, publisher: Les Fugitives, London, B 2031/718.
>Steffani Jemison, A Rock, A River, A Street, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 18,4 x 12,6 cm, 154 p., language: English, publisher: Primary Information & Printed Matter, Inc., Brooklyn, 978-1-7365346-6-3.
>Lily van der Stokker, How I Went to New York, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21,5 x 16,5 cm, 184 p., language: English, publisher: Les presses du réel, Dijon, 978-2-37896-293-7.
>Raisa Maudit, Días de Ira, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12,85 x 19,84 cm, 200 p., language: Spanish, publisher: Storm and Drunk, Madrid .
>Mary Heilmann, The All Night Movie, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 30,5 x 23 cm, 147 p., language: English, publisher: Primary Information, New York City, 978-1-7377979-0-6.
>Sharon Kivland, Abécédaire, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19 x 12 cm, 296p., language: English; Publisher: Moist, 978-1-913430-10-8.
>Hannah Black, Tuesday or September or the End, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.1 x 13.4 cm, 132 p., language : English, publisher : Capricious, New York, ISBN : 978-1-7346562-3-7.
>Dana Sederowsky, Solo, 2022.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12.5 x 19.7 cm, 256 p., language : English, publisher : Art and Theory, ISBN : 9789198672053.
>Alberto Greco, Guillotine murió guillotinado, 2023.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 13,5 cm, 202 p. language: Spanish, publisher: Interzona, Buenos Aires, ISBN: 978-987-790-068-2.
>Françoise Gilot, Carlton Lake, Vivre avec Picasso, 2023.Artist Novel, 17,5 x 11 cm, 378 p., language: French, publisher: 10/18, Paris, ISBN: 978-2-264-04260-6.
>Alice Walter, The Medium, 2023.Artist Novel, 20 x 14 cm, 122 p., language: English, publisher: Book Works, London, ISBN: 978-1-912570-21-8.
>Mochu , Bezoar Delinqxenz, 2023.Artist Novel, 17,5 x 11 cm, 103 p., language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, London, Edith-Russ-Haus, Oldenburg, ISBN: 978-3-95679-653-1.
>Irene Solà, Et vaig donar ulls i vas mirar les tenebres, 2023.Artist Novel, 22 x 14 cm, 168 p., language: Catalan, publisher: Editorial Anagrama, Barcelona, ISBN: 9788433905120.
>Susan Finlay , The Lives Of The Artists, 2023.Artist Novel, 18 x 13 cm, 199 p., language: English, publisher: JOAN, London, ISBN: 978-1-7392596-3-1.
>David Colosi, A Confluence of Snails, 2023.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 21,5 x 13,5 cm, 222 p., language: English,publisher: David Colos, Brooklyn [New York City].
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>Sebastian Black, Circle and Square, 2023.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19,8 x 13 cm, 240 p., language: English, publisher: Triangle Books & CLEARING, Brussel, ISBN 978-2-930777-50-4.
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>Mathilde Supe, Keren Cytter Doesn't Like to Share, 2023.Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20,5 x 14 cm, 239 p., language: English, publisher: Sternberg Press, ISBN 978-3-95679-655-5.
>Anne de Marcken, It Lasts Forever and Then It’s Over, 2024.Artist Novel, 20 x 13 cm, 127 p. language: English, publisher: New Direction Books, New York, ISBN: 978-0-8112-3785-7.
>Ivan Cheng, Confidences / Oracle, 2024.Artist Novel, 19 x 15 cm, 183 p. language: English, publisher: OCT0, Marseille, ISBN: 978-2-9593478-0-1.
>Szymon Wildstein, Klasztor głupiego myślenia, 2024.Artist Novel, 18 x 11 cm, 103 p. language: Polish, publisher: Disastra Publishing, Poznan, ISBN: 978-83-940678-6-1.
>Miranda July, All Fours , 2024.Artist Novel, 23,5 x 15 cm, 326 p., language: Engels, publisher: Canongate, Edinburgh, ISBN: 978-1-83885-345-7.
>Simon O'Sullivan, The Ancient Device, 2024.Artist Novel, 21,5 x 14 cm, 169 p., language: Engels, publisher: Triarchy Press, Axminster, ISBN: 978-1-917251-01-3.
>Çifel Hüseyin, Power of Discrimination, 2024.Artist Novel, 21 x 14,5 cm, 223 p., language: Engels.
>Darius Žiūra, Diseris, 2024.Artist Novel, 20 x 13,5 cm, 179 p., language: Lithuanian, publisher: Kitos knygos and Vilniaus dailės akademijos (VDA), Vilnius, ISBN: 9786094276156.
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>Henry Joseph Darger, Crazy House: Further Adventures in Chicago.Book, ink, paper, Dimensions, publisher and ISBN N/A, 8000 p, Language: English.
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>Henry Joseph Darger, The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinnian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion.Book, ink, paper, Dimensions, publisher and ISBN N/A, 15145 p, Language: English.
>William Morris, Wood Beyond the World.Book, ink, paper, 20.5 x 13.3 cm, 157 p, language: English, publisher: Hamburg: tredition GmbH, ISBN: 9783842427235.