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Hannu Väisänen, Apupata, 2011. Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17.8 cm, 220 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Otava - Helsingissä Kustannusosakeyhtiö, Helsinki , ISBN: 9789511248033.
Kiba Lumberg , Memesa Trilogy: Black butterfly (Musta perhonen), Tattered Wings (Repaleiset siivet) and Velvet Night (Samettiyö), 2011. Book, ink, paper, 18 x 10.9 cm, 599 p, language: Finnish, publisher: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Sammakko, ISBN: 978-952-483-181-9.
Lindsay Seers, M. Anthony Penwill, It Has To Be This Way², 2011. Book, ink, paper, 12.9 x 19.8 cm, 174 p, language: English, publisher: Matt's Gallery, London, ISBN: 978 0 907623 76 2.
David Maroto, Illusion, 2011. Book, ink, paper, 13 x 20 cm, 222 p, language: Spanish, publisher: CreateSpace, ISBN:13: 978-1456599225, 10: 1456599224.
Jan Cremer, Ik Jan Cremer 1, 2011. Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, 389 p, language: Dutch, publisher: Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij, ISBN: ISBN 9789023428435.
Nick Herman, Fatland, 2011. Book, ink, paper, 13.3 x 20.5 cm, 89 p, language: English, publisher: LA>
Paul Haworth, Alone Desperate and Going Nowhere, 2011. Book, ink, paper, 10.9 x 18 cm, 224 p, language: English, publisher: TRUE TRUE TRUE, ISBN: 978-94-90006-03-7.
Gilbert & George , Side by Side, 2012. Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.8 x 13.5 cm, 170 p., language : English, publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König/Enitharmon Editions, Köln, ISBN : 978-3-86335-268-4, numbered (1346/2000) and signed edition.
Hallgrímur Helgason, The Hitman's Guide to Housecleaning, 2012. Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.9 x 13.9 cm, 247 p., language : English, publisher : AmazonCrossing, Las Vegas, ISBN : 9781611091397.
Kristian Skylstad, Victor Boullet, Time is the Assassin, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 14 cm, 87 p., language : English, publisher : Antenne Publishing, London & Frenetic Happiness, Paris, ISBN : 978-1-908806-02-4.
Francesco Pedraglio, The Object Lessons, 2012. Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 18 x 11,5 cm, 192 p., language : English, publisher : MOUSSE Publishing, ISBN : 9788867490288.
Lisa Stålspets, A Home for Artists, 2012-2016. Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14,6 cm, 165 p., language : English, Swedish, publisher : LevArt, ISBN : 978-82-690297-3-4.
Vibeke Tandberg, Beijing Duck, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 21,1 x 13,2 cm, 158 p., language : Norwegian, publisher : Oktober, Oslo, ISBN : 978 82 495 1058 0.
Sophia Al-Maria, The Girl Who Fell to Earth, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 20 x 13.4 cm, 288 p., language : English, publisher : HarperCollins, New York, ISBN : 978-0061999758.
Lukasz Jastrubczak, Sebastian Cichocki, Miraż, 2012. Book, Curator's Novel, Artist's Novel, 19,1 cm x 12,8 cm, 115 p., language : Polish, publisher : Galeria Sztuki Wspólczesnej Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków, ISBN : 978-83-62224-21-0.
Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Powieść (A Novel) [a fragment] (in : Powidoki Zycia. Wladyslaw Strzeminski i prawa dla sztuki - Afterimages of Life. Wladyslaw Strzeminski and Rights for Art), 2012. Book, ink, paper, 22.9 x 17.2 cm, 773 p, language : Polish, English, publisher : Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, ISBN : 9788363820022.
Bjarne Melgaard, A New Novel, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 23.5 x 16 cm, 296 p, language: English, publisher: Aschehoug & Co, Oslo, ISBN : 9788203350337.
Jake Chapman, INTROSPASTIC: From the Blackened Beyond, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 19.8 x 12.8 cm, 235 p, language : English, publisher : White Cube/Murray & Sorrell FUEL, London, ISBN : 9780956896216.
Maxime Bondu, Germania, une Histoire des Années Soixante-Dix, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 118 p, language: French, publisher: self-published, ISBN: N/A.
Ole Hagen, Lindsay Seers, Nowhere Less Now, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 19.7 cm x 12.8 cm, 190 p, language: English, Published by Artangel, London, ISBN 1 902201 27 2.
Samson Kambalu , Uccello’s Vineyard, 2012. Book, 441 KB, 258 p, language: English, publisher: Appleluck London, ISBN: B009Z48N2Y.
Rodney Graham, The System of Landor's Cottage : A Pendant to Poe's Last Tale (Ed.2), 2012. Book, ink, paper, 19 x 12.6 cm, 327 p, language: English, publisher: Bruxelles: Gevaert Editions, ISBN: 9782930619026.
Erik Niedling , Ingo Niermann , The Future of Art: A Diary, 2012. Artist Novel, ink, paper, 19.9 cm x 14 cm, 255 p, language: English, publisher: Berlin: Sternberg Press, ISBN: 978-3-943365-02-3 .
Jimbo Blachly, Lytle Shaw , The Moiré Effect, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 17.9 x 11 cm, 125 p, language: English, publisher: Zurich/Brooklyn, NY: Bookhorse & Cabinet Books, ISBN: 978-3-9523391-3-8.
Pablo Helguera, Onda corta, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 21.5 cm x 14 cm, 103 p, language: Spanish, publisher: New:York: Jorge Pinto Books Inc., ISBN: 9781934978719.
Eric Doeringer, 60 Years Later, Coming Through the Rye, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 13 cm, 277 p, language: English, publisher: Copycat Publications, ISBN: 03-2012-150.
Filip Noterdaeme, The Autobiography of Daniel J. Isengart, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 20.2 x 12.5 cm, 351 p, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, CA: Outpost19, ISBN 9781937402488.
David Colosi, Miss Pumpernickel Bread, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 21 cm x 14.8 cm, 410 p, language: English, publisher: The Center for Three-Dimensional Literature - David Colosi (self-published by the author), ISBN: 9781105541810.