Luc Deleu, AMVK, Ria Pacquée, Ilya Kabakov, Almagul Menlibayeva, Goshka Macuga, Allan Sekula, Jimmie Durham, Mark Dion, Yang Zhenzhong
Allan Sekula, Crew, Pilot, and Russian Girlfriend (Novorossiysk) 1-10, 1999-2010. Photography, chromogenic prints mounted on alu-dibond and framed, 10 x (102.8 x 151.3 cm).
Jimmie Durham, Jesus. Es geht um die Wurst [Jesus. It's about the Sausage], 1992. Sculpture, wood, iron, steel, ink, paper, acrylic, mud, glue, 152 x 40 x 113 cm.
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, Nursing Activities, Direct (Verpulveren) [Nursing Activities, Direct (Pulverizing)], 1995-1998. Installation, videoband vhs, hout, metaal, 190,5 x 529 x 75 cm (geheel), 2 x 1 m (platen).
Goshka Macuga, When was modernism?, 2008. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.