Constantine Ferreo, Constantine Ferreo "The dance of Death" (Memento Mori) - Toronto 1981 / The Dance of Life or The Art of Wrestling - Toronto 1983, 1981. Book, ink, paper, 24.5 x 21 cm, language : English, author & publisher : Constantine Ferreo, Antwerp.
Jacques Vieille, Jacques Vieille (Passages), 1989. Book, ink, paper, 21 x 15 cm, language : French, publisher : Stichting Kunst en Projecten, v.z.w., Zedelgem, series : Passages, nr.3/7.
Ilona Ruegg, Ilona Ruegg - Locus Tremulus (Roma 1985), 1985. Book, ink, paper, 21 x 15 cm, language : German, publisher : Istituto Svizzero, Roma.
Ad Swinkels, STERF - werk van Ad Swinkels, 1980. Book, ink, paper, 15.5 x 11.5 cm, language : Dutch, author : Ad Swinkels, publisher : De Moriaan, Den Bosch.