Sergey Maslov, Dream series / Cон (серия), 1982-2000. Painting, oil, canvas, 11 x (100 x 80 cm), 1 x (102 x 122 cm).
Vyacheslav Akhunov, 1m², 2007. Installation, matchboxes, 1 x 1m².
Askhat Akhmedyarov / Асхат Ахмедьяров, Self-listing / Самовыставление, 2012. Photography, 138x128 cm.
Askhat Akhmedyarov / Асхат Ахмедьяров, Alien / Пришелец, 2013. Photography, digital print on matte paper (x5), digital print on matte paper, aluminium mounted (x1), 5x ( 30 x 45) cm; 1 x (90 x 60) cm.
Geen beschrijving.
As a museum with a special focus on Eurasia, M HKA engages with the plurality of culture across the total landmass we know as ‘Europe’ and ‘A